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NEW PICS 235lbs :)


Well it's not summer anymore so I'm getting chunky too. You're pretty thick SH. How tall are you btw? 5'9"?

I see a BlownGear cap on your head. I just ordered from them but I didn't think of buying a cap.
Yes it is winter and time to get a bit chunky...

and WHITE.

I am 6'0"

Trying to get thicker and thicker

The hat I picked up at a contest...I love the thing fits perfect and is not mad eof wool so I don't cook.
The winter goals are understood. I'm on the way to doing the same. Just need to save up until after Christmas.

When I was in Los Angeles I picked up a BlownGear tank top at a Max Muscle shop. Great fitting. I had heard that they were clearing out their summer stuff so I called. Tanks, Tees, and the Cargo shorts are half off. If there are any left.

What are you looking for in this thread? Your 235 at around 15%-17% at 6ft.... you have people posting on here at 270 5'9 at 5%. I hope your looking for feedback on what to work on.

Im 240 around 10% 5'10 at 21 and wouldnt dare posting shit on here unless my ass is aorund 5% and i want people to tell me what to work on.

Why was your shirt off at the gym... you should leave it on.:mad:
I hate when people get on the shit think there swole and their ego triples.... everyone at my gym thinks there the next pro and walk around in tank tops like fat asses.... SELF IMAGE CHECK
damn bro chill

i believe his shirt was off so that he could post upper body shots, jeez, this board is starting to get alot of flamers, and i would hate to see that, it seems to me that flame boards just all around suck ass, which is why i stopped going to alot of others because of young ass attitudes.

I've seen SH post some good info, i don't think he's posting to "show off" or act like he's better then anyone, just showing what he's built up so far.

btw, I think you're doing a good job SH, keep it up dude.
Hell, I am not even close to showing off. I am not bragging about shit nor will I ever say I am better than anyone.

The pics are for shits and giggles...

IF you don't like them look past them...

Yeah, there are some huge MF's on here and I give credit where credit is due. Some people where curious about some pics, so I posted a couple.

Does the post say hey look at me I am the biggest guy here...HELL no because I know I am not. I know I have some good info to offer people when they need it and that is what this board and other boards like it are for.

So if you don't like it don't F*&KING look at it.

Good day to all...

Keep educating yourself

THe reason my shirt is off is because no one was there and I own the should not assume that everyone is an ego-maniac looking for people to say hey you are a big MF...

So, MOJO keep your crap to yourself and assuming shit makes you look stupid.
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Re: Comment?

Mojo Rising said:
What are you looking for in this thread? Your 235 at around 15%-17% at 6ft.... you have people posting on here at 270 5'9 at 5%. I hope your looking for feedback on what to work on.

Im 240 around 10% 5'10 at 21 and wouldnt dare posting shit on here unless my ass is aorund 5% and i want people to tell me what to work on.

Why was your shirt off at the gym... you should leave it on.:mad:
I hate when people get on the shit think there swole and their ego triples.... everyone at my gym thinks there the next pro and walk around in tank tops like fat asses.... SELF IMAGE CHECK

Well I have been at 234 and about 8% and I was 21, and no I am not a bodybuilder, I am a wrestler, and I do not care if you need feedback or not, you need an ATTITUDE CHECK. How about get the fuck off of this board?! I actually know steak and he was doing 400 on the bench no help naturally.. I could not even believe it but it was true.. He actually has great potential - shit he just started juicing....oh and the guys that post pics that are 5'9 270 5 % ARE PROS. I guess you have to be a pro to post pics here eh mojo?

Ps --- must be from EF, all they do is flame there it sucks.
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mojo I think you need to back off! It takes alot of sack just to post here after the pics we have seen lately (Bigkiwi, Fathead, etc)
This board is "Professionalmuscle" so lets keep it that way by not flaming each other.
Steak Helmet I think you look good bro lots of potential.

-Big Hock
Yes I agree the flaming must and will stop. Flame all you want but it will be deleted from now on.

It was not necessary to be so rude to SH, he's got balls to post up pics. Im damn sure he knows full well he doesnt match up with some of these big bastards (!) that have been putting up pics lately-so I give him credit just for show us what he has, risking a little CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM. If he had his shirt on youd ask why isnt your shirt off so we can see what you have?

SH is a little swole, not too bad. Im sure he knows that. Nice size.
Need a little more width IMO. Overall pretty good and good base-
thats very important. Keep working!

If you cant offer CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, or comments of praise, and feel some overwhelming need to flame, youre on the wrong board. :mad:

Keep up the good work, all things are possiable with hard work and dedication, dont worry about any haters, this is one of the few board where people say they are 250 or more at a low bodyfat and it is true, so take these advice, comments and roll with it. Your lats look pretty wide, and you upper body looks good, how are those wheels??

Damn i guess having a bad day got alot of reaction..... i came across a bit harsh. I shouldnt have reacted quite like I did.

I aplogize for the remarks.... im in a pissy mood b/c of my gf and 0 carbs for 3 days now is making me a little bitch. Didnt know I offended as many as I did. Flaming doesnt create anythign positive and Im sorry for acting LIKE A BITCH.

I normally dont write shit like that it was out of character. Good luck.

It seems everyone bands together pretty quickly on here

Ivan you flammed me by calling me a dipshit :( :(, i know hes a pro i think it was obvious... but thanks for the reality check:D
JUST my humble opinion ... MikeS says you need to add width. I think you look pretty wide already, esp the back shot; just get that back nice and thick you'll be all set. Keep doing whatever you're doing, its working.
Good Work, bro! Keep it up.


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