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New to peptides. WHERE! do I start reading????


Jan 2, 2005
Hello Brothers
I am very interested in peptides and I was looking for any info that would help a newbie. Any threads, protocols, and links would be GREATLY appreciated. Right now size and strenght are the primary goals. I am new to peptides but not new to the game (training, competition, and "supps")Thank you ans Happy Thaksgiving.
This is a good question. Basically you have a few different categories:

GH Secretogues: ghrp-2, ghrp-6, and Ipamorelin are all popular growth hormone releasing peptides. When combined with a GRF (Growth hormone releasing factor) like mod grf 1-29 or cjc-1295 without DAC, then you get a great synergy and GH release from the pituitary. The basic desired dose is 1 mcg per kg of bodyweight. For me that's 100 mcg ea. up to 3 x day.

IGF-1 Drugs: igf1-lr3, igf-1 rh, des (1-3) igf-1, mgf, peg-mgf, igf2-lr3. Two schools of thought/methods of action for these drugs-

1) Insulin-like properties: The longer acting drugs are best for this: igf1-lr3 and peg-mgf. These produce results similar to humalog (used pre or post workout) but possibly with less of a tendency to desensitize the body to insulin.

2) Hyperplasia/site-enhancement: The shorter acting drugs are better for this. I just wrote all about this on my blog (see signature link). But, basically, a lot of the site-enhancement people saw early on was with igf-1 rh which is straight igf-1. DES (1-3) igf-1 is a new superior form of this. Again, check out my blog for more details!

Then there are the sarms- selective androgen receptor modulators. These work to build muscle in the same way as testosterone and other steroids but without the androgenic sides/less shut down of the hpta. Great for bridging imo.

This is just the very very basics. But, there is tons of info on this site and all over the web. This is my 2 cents only. No one knows it all! So, keep reading and keep learning!
This is a good question. Basically you have a few different categories:

GH Secretogues: ghrp-2, ghrp-6, and Ipamorelin are all popular growth hormone releasing peptides. When combined with a GRF (Growth hormone releasing factor) like mod grf 1-29 or cjc-1295 without DAC, then you get a great synergy and GH release from the pituitary. The basic desired dose is 1 mcg per kg of bodyweight. For me that's 100 mcg ea. up to 3 x day.

IGF-1 Drugs: igf1-lr3, igf-1 rh, des (1-3) igf-1, mgf, peg-mgf, igf2-lr3. Two schools of thought/methods of action for these drugs-

1) Insulin-like properties: The longer acting drugs are best for this: igf1-lr3 and peg-mgf. These produce results similar to humalog (used pre or post workout) but possibly with less of a tendency to desensitize the body to insulin.

2) Hyperplasia/site-enhancement: The shorter acting drugs are better for this. I just wrote all about this on my blog (see signature link). But, basically, a lot of the site-enhancement people saw early on was with igf-1 rh which is straight igf-1. DES (1-3) igf-1 is a new superior form of this. Again, check out my blog for more details!

Then there are the sarms- selective androgen receptor modulators. These work to build muscle in the same way as testosterone and other steroids but without the androgenic sides/less shut down of the hpta. Great for bridging imo.

This is just the very very basics. But, there is tons of info on this site and all over the web. This is my 2 cents only. No one knows it all! So, keep reading and keep learning!

Good summary! I wish I was more concise with my wording....
This is a good question. Basically you have a few different categories:

GH Secretogues: ghrp-2, ghrp-6, and Ipamorelin are all popular growth hormone releasing peptides. When combined with a GRF (Growth hormone releasing factor) like mod grf 1-29 or cjc-1295 without DAC, then you get a great synergy and GH release from the pituitary. The basic desired dose is 1 mcg per kg of bodyweight. For me that's 100 mcg ea. up to 3 x day.

IGF-1 Drugs: igf1-lr3, igf-1 rh, des (1-3) igf-1, mgf, peg-mgf, igf2-lr3. Two schools of thought/methods of action for these drugs-

1) Insulin-like properties: The longer acting drugs are best for this: igf1-lr3 and peg-mgf. These produce results similar to humalog (used pre or post workout) but possibly with less of a tendency to desensitize the body to insulin.

2) Hyperplasia/site-enhancement: The shorter acting drugs are better for this. I just wrote all about this on my blog (see signature link). But, basically, a lot of the site-enhancement people saw early on was with igf-1 rh which is straight igf-1. DES (1-3) igf-1 is a new superior form of this. Again, check out my blog for more details!

Then there are the sarms- selective androgen receptor modulators. These work to build muscle in the same way as testosterone and other steroids but without the androgenic sides/less shut down of the hpta. Great for bridging imo.

This is just the very very basics. But, there is tons of info on this site and all over the web. This is my 2 cents only. No one knows it all! So, keep reading and keep learning!

Thank You very much for that! That was a great resopnse. Anything else you guys have to add would be greatly appreciated. Also how long does it take to see results from the ghrp-6 protocol? Thank you
Using ghrp-6 and mod grf you will see fat loss results within a couple weeks if not sooner in my opinion. I don't "gain" much off of peptides like that. But, it does allow you to eat more without getting fat, so that's a type of gaining. Though everyone experiences it a bit differently. Some get a huge boost and gain weight, strength etc. I'm just not one of them.

Check out my blog link in my signature. I get into certain protocols, igf-1 drugs and so forth much more in depth (just posts I've made, but wanted a place to compile them for easy reference).
Using ghrp-6 and mod grf you will see fat loss results within a couple weeks if not sooner in my opinion. I don't "gain" much off of peptides like that. But, it does allow you to eat more without getting fat, so that's a type of gaining. Though everyone experiences it a bit differently. Some get a huge boost and gain weight, strength etc. I'm just not one of them.

Check out my blog link in my signature. I get into certain protocols, igf-1 drugs and so forth much more in depth (just posts I've made, but wanted a place to compile them for easy reference).

Same here.
I don't seem to gain much on peptides but the fat lost is noticeble.

I find IGF the best. Its more like body composition. The scale doesn't move much but your body transform. I like the way i look now.

I've just started MGF.
Thank you both for that. I take it your findings are based on peptide use in conjunction aas? And also what are your thoughts on peptide use during pct or as standalones? Thank you
Interesting stuff !! Keep up the knowlegde.......
Thank you both for that. I take it your findings are based on peptide use in conjunction aas? And also what are your thoughts on peptide use during pct or as standalones? Thank you

i thought they were talking about peps as a standalone, now i have read peoples posts on this forum about stacking their aas with peps and they have gotten GREAT results.
Thank you both for that. I take it your findings are based on peptide use in conjunction aas? And also what are your thoughts on peptide use during pct or as standalones? Thank you

Of course they are more effective when combined with AAS as the same with GH..for PCT they are very effective.The best pep protocl for PCT would have to be IGF-1 LR3/MGF combo and mk-2688(ostarine) is also great for this reason.Used this method recently and was very impressed.
This is a good question. Basically you have a few different categories:

GH Secretogues: ghrp-2, ghrp-6, and Ipamorelin are all popular growth hormone releasing peptides. When combined with a GRF (Growth hormone releasing factor) like mod grf 1-29 or cjc-1295 without DAC, then you get a great synergy and GH release from the pituitary. The basic desired dose is 1 mcg per kg of bodyweight. For me that's 100 mcg ea. up to 3 x day.

IGF-1 Drugs: igf1-lr3, igf-1 rh, des (1-3) igf-1, mgf, peg-mgf, igf2-lr3. Two schools of thought/methods of action for these drugs-

1) Insulin-like properties: The longer acting drugs are best for this: igf1-lr3 and peg-mgf. These produce results similar to humalog (used pre or post workout) but possibly with less of a tendency to desensitize the body to insulin.

2) Hyperplasia/site-enhancement: The shorter acting drugs are better for this. I just wrote all about this on my blog (see signature link). But, basically, a lot of the site-enhancement people saw early on was with igf-1 rh which is straight igf-1. DES (1-3) igf-1 is a new superior form of this. Again, check out my blog for more details!

Then there are the sarms- selective androgen receptor modulators. These work to build muscle in the same way as testosterone and other steroids but without the androgenic sides/less shut down of the hpta. Great for bridging imo.

This is just the very very basics. But, there is tons of info on this site and all over the web. This is my 2 cents only. No one knows it all! So, keep reading and keep learning!

Great post! I would have liked to read something like that awhile back.
Thank you both for that. I take it your findings are based on peptide use in conjunction aas? And also what are your thoughts on peptide use during pct or as standalones? Thank you

The GH peptides are "ok" as standalones, but I'd echo what Forklift is saying and have some sarms to take when you are off aas. That's just my preference. Right now I'm 4 weeks + out from my last aas shot and I'm using a small dose of s4 (haven't received my osta yet), ghrp-2, cjc-1295 w/out dac, and 1 iu of GH per day. I'm pretty much on the gh peptides and very low dose gh all the time- whether taking aas or not. It's a constant- good for the joints, muscle recovery, keeping trim. But, when I come off aas I take a low dose of sarms while my hpta recovers.

Also, thanks to the info form various board members I'm now using igf1-lr3 pre-workout for the time being in replacement of insulin (humalog). I, of course, notice a lot more results from using lr3 this way when on aas, but I figure it can't hurt and I had some sitting around.

All in all, my pct is going well, though I would very much like to have some osta-sarm (mk-2688) right about now as the very last of the test esters clear my system. I'll be "making do" with my present cocktail I guess. :)

For what it's worth I peaked at 235 lbs on this past cycle at 12.5% bf and am now 225+ at just over 10% bf. So, considering water drop and fat loss I'm sitting pretty at the moment. I want to slowly par off a bit more fat and hang onto my gains and then hit it again. That's what winter is all about for me.

Great post! I would have liked to read something like that awhile back.

Thanks man. I think we've all done a lot of researching and distilling of info. It's good to get a little bit of a handle on this finally- till the next bit of info throws me for a curve that is... :)
Right. I've read a lot of studies and other things but personal research and the research and sharing of others has taught me the most. Still would have liked to have seen a post that hit everything like that, when i first started. The op's fortunate to get a good base to start from.
Right. I've read a lot of studies and other things but personal research and the research and sharing of others has taught me the most. Still would have liked to have seen a post that hit everything like that, when i first started. The op's fortunate to get a good base to start from.

I am greatful for the condensed info. Now I am wondering if the cost to benefti ratio is worth it for me. I guess I should just jump in and try. I wonder how long before one see's results?
I am greatful for the condensed info. Now I am wondering if the cost to benefti ratio is worth it for me. I guess I should just jump in and try. I wonder how long before one see's results?

I strongly suggest getting the best deal you can mg for $. And, then run your gh peps as a kind of icing on the cake sort of thing. They'll help in the long run just keeping more fat off, sparing a bit of muscle and recovery and healing etc. They don't do anything dramatic, but imo they are worth it. Just find a good price and run a protocol you can live with- that is, if you decide to go that route. Personally, I wouldn't run gh peps without gh itself thrown in. I like the results I get that way and I keep my costs lower, believe it or not, due to synergy.
Hello Brothers
I am very interested in peptides and I was looking for any info that would help a newbie. Any threads, protocols, and links would be GREATLY appreciated. Right now size and strenght are the primary goals. I am new to peptides but not new to the game (training, competition, and "supps")Thank you ans Happy Thaksgiving.

Your on the right board and the right forum. Hit that search button then ask away if you have any questions.
I strongly suggest getting the best deal you can mg for $. And, then run your gh peps as a kind of icing on the cake sort of thing. They'll help in the long run just keeping more fat off, sparing a bit of muscle and recovery and healing etc. They don't do anything dramatic, but imo they are worth it. Just find a good price and run a protocol you can live with- that is, if you decide to go that route. Personally, I wouldn't run gh peps without gh itself thrown in. I like the results I get that way and I keep my costs lower, believe it or not, due to synergy.

Thank you very much for your time and input. I may save the peps for pct or precontest prep
Thank you very much for your time and input. I may save the peps for pct or precontest prep

You are very welcome to the little bit of info I have to offer :)

I hear you on saving them for precontest- may really appreciate the added boost there. But, I will say that they do have a nice effect of keeping you even more lean when gaining etc. Good luck!
You are very welcome to the little bit of info I have to offer :)

I hear you on saving them for precontest- may really appreciate the added boost there. But, I will say that they do have a nice effect of keeping you even more lean when gaining etc. Good luck!

Thank you very much. Your generousity is greatly appreciated

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