I'm 45. Lifting since 15. Using anabolic steroids for just under 30 years. My nutritional advice to you would be to write down everything you eat, count your calories, and look for foods that digest quickly and easily. For example, over the years I've learned that fat slows my digestion. I do better on a high carb diet. My training advice would be to look up an old school program called MaxOT. It always consistently worked for me. If you are young train heavy. If you are old like me train light. At 45 years old the only thing I do differently is train lighter for higher reps. An injury at my age is permanent. Supplement wise focus on hydration, electrolytes. Steroids all you need to start is testosterone, an anabolic, and something for estrogen. Its better to inject small amounts often, rather than large amounts infrequently.