|--[\\\]>-------- Sav, i dont knw if this is your first pup or not, but i trained my Raja in less than a few days b/c of consistancy(sp). I agree with PUMP, crate training is the best, but i was unable to do so b/c of the long hours i work, however, what i did do is spent a TON of time with her for the first few weeks i got her. EVERY TIME after she ate or drank a bunch of water, i took her out, once every 20 mins. or so. at nite, she'd sleep on the floor and i'd keep a leash on her and wrapped the other end around my wrist, when she would get up to move around and find a spot to pee, i was up taking her outside and praising the hell out of her when she went. She NEVER has accidents. good luck bro