anyone have one or some info about them? Specfic banks, fees, advantages how hard is it to set up and how secure are the transfers? I have lots of questions lol anyone with experience please speak up!
anyone have one or some info about them? Specfic banks, fees, advantages how hard is it to set up and how secure are the transfers? I have lots of questions lol anyone with experience please speak up!
Depend for what purpose you need such account, if for active transactions, then it is account which you can call like Best Ltd or any thing like that.
Not sure if such account available this days.
Other numbered accounts, in places like Caymans good for keeping money, but it is very difficult and slow process after 9/11 to withdraw money from there.
In places where you can withdraw funds fast, it is not so safe to keep, because in case of any suspicious transaction traced to your numbered account bank will disclose your info.
I would not advice to trust any internet adds too, because those who will open this account for you, usually will be able to withdraw money from it.
A lot of funds were lost that way by some one whom I know very well.
I had a numbered account once. the bank closed down and kept my money. It was in the camon islands. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it. %#@*&$$#^&$^*((%$##^
I had a numbered account once. the bank closed down and kept my money. It was in the camon islands. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it. %#@*&$$#^&$^*((%$##^
I had similar story few years back, lost good amount from Caymans, I do not trust island off shores banks any more, not to say that it may take one month to get money withdraw from there nowadays.
Account in some Estonian bank not to bad idea to have and easy to open. Transactions are fast too.