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numbness and tingleing in body


Active member
Oct 28, 2008
About 3 years ago i was playing basketball and noticed my feet would go completley numb. After a week or so of this my fingers and other parts of my body would feel tinglely or slightly numb. I had no pain in my back or neck at all...well after a week or two away from the gym it went away. It would come back once in awhile but not as bad as the first time. Well Ive gone atleast a year with out any numbness or tingleing problems in my body and i hit the gym pretty hard. Anyway I think i might of messed my neck up alittle and now im tingleing again in my fingers and hands and my arms. I have no pain in my neck or back. Its like a nagging numbness where it isnt really pain but dull pain...its really hard to explain...im pretty confident its something to do with my neck...any suggestions or any expienece with something like this??
Certain drug withdrawals cause this like benzo's ie xanax, Klonopin, valium etc. So can anxiety. Since the issue seems widespread and not localized i doubt it is a cervical ( neck ) issue but to be sure rule out with x- ray then mri and of course go see your doc. Also SSRI withdrawal will cause this. Are you discontinuing any drugs?
Certain drug withdrawals cause this like benzo's ie xanax, Klonopin, valium etc. So can anxiety. Since the issue seems widespread and not localized i doubt it is a cervical ( neck ) issue but to be sure rule out with x- ray then mri and of course go see your doc. Also SSRI withdrawal will cause this. Are you discontinuing any drugs?

No drugs...I think its my neck because i was wrestling with a friend and he kinda yanked on my neck hard...it doesnt hurt though. I usually have neck stiffness if that makes any diff...no pain just dull numb/tingleing..also i was working back yesterday and everything was fine but i was using a row machine and when i loaded up 290 lbs which is about my max and when i was pulling it I could feel sharp numbness in my hands and fingers when i pulled
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Def sounds musculoskeletal then. Go get x rayed and take some otc nsaids for now and ice. Nerve impingement and ya want to make sure no herniated disc. Good luck my friend.
Def sounds musculoskeletal then. Go get x rayed and take some otc nsaids for now and ice. Nerve impingement and ya want to make sure no herniated disc. Good luck my friend.

if was a herniated disc wouldnt it hurt though?
not necessaraly. discs dont hurt they are just a carrtilagenous material. the nerve impingement as a result can hurt but....may manifest in the symptoms you describe. You may have a bulging disk (swollen) or a torn disc but something is hitting that nerve and an x ray is best place to start then mri for differential diagnosis.
not necessaraly. discs dont hurt they are just a carrtilagenous material. the nerve impingement as a result can hurt but....may manifest in the symptoms you describe. You may have a bulging disk (swollen) or a torn disc but something is hitting that nerve and an x ray is best place to start then mri for differential diagnosis.

thanks for your input...i better get some insurance :(
not necessaraly. discs dont hurt they are just a carrtilagenous material. the nerve impingement as a result can hurt but....may manifest in the symptoms you describe. You may have a bulging disk (swollen) or a torn disc but something is hitting that nerve and an x ray is best place to start then mri for differential diagnosis.

Discs are inervated...they will hurt if injured, called discogenic pain.
If you have numbness in hands and feet that is serious. go get a full exam with blood work. xrays and MRI...see a neurologist too!
Discs are inervated...they will hurt if injured, called discogenic pain.
If you have numbness in hands and feet that is serious. go get a full exam with blood work. xrays and MRI...see a neurologist too!
you can tear, herniate and damage a disk with no other symptoms other than neurologic. Maybe some swelling and local tenderness but not necesseraly pain. Discs have no nerve or blood supply they are simply shock absorbers between vertabrae seperating the nerves exiting the spinal cord. Either which way- get it professionally checked out bro. Many athletes actually fracture portions of their spines with no symptomatology because the nerve is not touched.
It could also be not necessarily discs but stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal due to bone or other tissue growth. This can be painless except for neurological symptoms.
could be a million things thats why proper tests are of protocol but stenosis at his age being symtomatic is unlikely. This is like the question "my car is making this noise..." without even looking under hood. No need for ya dont fuck around with these things. Goto Doc or Doc in tha box for that matter. Please do share I am a good diagnostician but bot enough info given here- just symptomotology. Best of luck

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