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OMG!'s Chemical PE log....

OMG, are you doing your hanging, etc then immediately pinning the pge1? Or are you doing the exercises and then pinning hours later?
OMG, are you doing your hanging, etc then immediately pinning the pge1? Or are you doing the exercises and then pinning hours later?

I have been pinning immediately after hanging. I feel certain that hanging and any exercise routine would be much more beneficial if done after pinning as that is when the tunica is most submissive. I tried that a few weeks ago and the pain killed me. So today I thought I would try a post-pin workout with much lighter weight. My erection today was SOOOOOOOO painful! I tried hanging a measly 2.5 pounds an hour after my erection subsided and the pain was just too much. So I did some light manual stretching instead.
Today's cocktail....

22 mcg PGE1
20 mcg IGF-1LR3
100 mcg TB4

5 grams DHT gel

40 minutes manual stretching
2.5 hours fowfer

Moved up a little to 22 mcg today to see if I could a little longer ererction than I got with the 2.5 hours I got from 20 mcg yesterday. The pain was unbelievable!

I had a weird pinning experience this morning. When I was pushing the needle in (I go very slow) on the right side of my penis, I was getting a burning sensation in a spot just under my glans, on the right side, in my circumcision scar. I kept pushing and the pain never subsided. As I was finishing discharging the syringe I noticed that a vein had ruptured right in the place where that pain was. I wiped away the blood and held pressure on the rupture with an alcohol pad for a minute or so and the bleeding stopped. Then the pain got worse, waaaaaaaay worse, the worst pain I have experienced so far. I was literally just cringing in pain for over an hour. I never got fully erect, only about 70%, max. The good news is the semi-erection only lasted 2.5 hours.

Totally weird. Anyone got any guesses as to what might have happened? I was wearing a cock ring and I definitely discharged into the CC.
OMG, have you thought of adding sodium carbonate for the pain? I am currently on the hunt for some, but can't seem to find a valid source.
Thanks for the info, very informative.
nice info bro thanks for sharing,

Ive been pluging away with the low dose dht creme and hitting peg at least 3 times a week with tb.

adding in the paba next day or two.
OMG, have you thought of adding sodium carbonate for the pain? I am currently on the hunt for some, but can't seem to find a valid source.
Thanks for the info, very informative.

Let me know how well it works when you try it. If it works for you, I will give it a shot. Three of the past four pinning sessions have been INTENSELY painful. I have heard some guys say that having several drinks before and during pinning helps with pain. The only problem is I pin in the morning and I just can't drink at that time of day. But if this intense pain continues, I'm going to become a raging fucking drunk!
So bottom line, you injected all of that stuff into your cock, almost daily, exercised, pumped your cock, stretched and wore devices for hours and from what I understand the shots are painful as hell, just for maybe 1/8" after several weeks? How much did all that shit cost? Would you say it was worth it? I'm not trying to talk shit just curious...
So bottom line, you injected all of that stuff into your cock, almost daily, exercised, pumped your cock, stretched and wore devices for hours and from what I understand the shots are painful as hell, just for maybe 1/8" after several weeks? How much did all that shit cost? Would you say it was worth it? I'm not trying to talk shit just curious...

Yes, I would say it's worth it. I have a few hundred bucks in this experiment and I am not at all disappointed with the results. Volumetrically, my new dimensions, after four weeks of this protocol and routine, represent a 15% increase in size.

I tried conventional PE and got pretty good newbie gains, but that was it. Almost nothing in the next year of pretty intense manual and mechanical PE. I am now combining my education in those methods with chemical PE and I am gaining again.... like a bitch! Like I said, 15% in four weeks, which means that if I gain at the same rate my penis will double in size in about six months. I'll take that. Hell, I'll take half that.

So, what I'm saying is don't look at 1/8" and think, "Oh, that's crap. That ain't worth it." Think about this - if I continue to gain at this rate, I will gain a full inch in less than 8 months, 3 inches in two years. Not saying that that is what is going to happen, but 1/8" in 4 weeks comes out to that.

Also, when I measured at the 4-week point I was as conservative as I could be. I measured several times and officially recorded the lowest numbers. I don't know exactly why I did that. Maybe it is psychological. Maybe I am sandbagging a little. I don't know.

I do know this - after yanking and hanging and squeezing the living shit out of my dick for over a year with very little to show for it, I am fucking THRILLED with the results so far. I hope those results continue. From everything I have read from the few others who have tried this I have no doubt that I will continue to be thrilled with the results.

I understand it is a leap of faith to spend money, potentially hurt myself, and endure great pain, all in the hope that I can make my dick bigger. This shit isn't for everyone, that's for sure. My buddies on the conventional PE boards mostly told me I am crazy, dissed the shit out me, calling me stupid, and telling me (and everyone else who mentioned the forbidden term "chemical PE) that only conventional PE can make the penis bigger. I now KNOW for a FACT that I was right and they were wrong. Just more of a confidence boost.

The best reward is when my wife stares in grinning amazement as I walk nude across the living room. That's really all the encouragement I need to continue. So to answer your question, "Is it worth it?" The answer is definitely "FUCKING A it is!"
Yes, I would say it's worth it. I have a few hundred bucks in this experiment and I am not at all disappointed with the results. Volumetrically, my new dimensions, after four weeks of this protocol and routine, represent a 15% increase in size.

I tried conventional PE and got pretty good newbie gains, but that was it. Almost nothing in the next year of pretty intense manual and mechanical PE. I am now combining my education in those methods with chemical PE and I am gaining again.... like a bitch! Like I said, 15% in four weeks, which means that if I gain at the same rate my penis will double in size in about six months. I'll take that. Hell, I'll take half that.

So, what I'm saying is don't look at 1/8" and think, "Oh, that's crap. That ain't worth it." Think about this - if I continue to gain at this rate, I will gain a full inch in less than 8 months, 3 inches in two years. Not saying that that is what is going to happen, but 1/8" in 4 weeks comes out to that.

Also, when I measured at the 4-week point I was as conservative as I could be. I measured several times and officially recorded the lowest numbers. I don't know exactly why I did that. Maybe it is psychological. Maybe I am sandbagging a little. I don't know.

I do know this - after yanking and hanging and squeezing the living shit out of my dick for over a year with very little to show for it, I am fucking THRILLED with the results so far. I hope those results continue. From everything I have read from the few others who have tried this I have no doubt that I will continue to be thrilled with the results.

I understand it is a leap of faith to spend money, potentially hurt myself, and endure great pain, all in the hope that I can make my dick bigger. This shit isn't for everyone, that's for sure. My buddies on the conventional PE boards mostly told me I am crazy, dissed the shit out me, calling me stupid, and telling me (and everyone else who mentioned the forbidden term "chemical PE) that only conventional PE can make the penis bigger. I now KNOW for a FACT that I was right and they were wrong. Just more of a confidence boost.

The best reward is when my wife stares in grinning amazement as I walk nude across the living room. That's really all the encouragement I need to continue. So to answer your question, "Is it worth it?" The answer is definitely "FUCKING A it is!"

I am happy for you then... I'm not going to lie, I'd be happy with a little bit more length, but I really doubt that I'd do this... I don't want to risk the chance of getting even thicker, I'm a little over 7" in girth right now! So any more would suck... The only reason I want more length is to make my cock look more balanced in proportion to it's girth (my length is currently 7" flaccid, about 8 3/4" erect)...

I am using some of the same chems in my calves for my synthol protocal (minus the caverject) Although if and when I do a show, I'd shoot them too, but I'm definitely in pain from this stuff... I do think that it's working much better than doing syntherol alone, though...

Again, I look forward to see you get good results, you deserve them if you're going through all of this for that long!

P.S. If you do happen to find something that adds only length, lmk...
I've got an elementary question,

From what I understand, the length of time of an erection at supraphysiological length/girth is what causes the expansion over time.

What is the difference between just pumping it and then putting a ring on it for a few hours?
I am happy for you then... I'm not going to lie, I'd be happy with a little bit more length, but I really doubt that I'd do this... I don't want to risk the chance of getting even thicker, I'm a little over 7" in girth right now! So any more would suck... The only reason I want more length is to make my cock look more balanced in proportion to it's girth (my length is currently 7" flaccid, about 8 3/4" erect)...

Well, no wonder you don't understand why anyone would do this. You're hung like Mister Fucking Ed! If I had your dick I would wonder why the hell anyone would do this too. I guess from your perspective it is hard to understand.

Both your length and girth are crazy big right now. However, if you insist on more length (there is definitely such a thing as being too big) then I would recommend hanging. Lots of guys have gained big time with dedicated hanging routines.
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I've got an elementary question,

From what I understand, the length of time of an erection at supraphysiological length/girth is what causes the expansion over time.

What is the difference between just pumping it and then putting a ring on it for a few hours?

The big difference is that pumping pulls from the outside. PGE1 pushes from the inside. I have done both pumping and PGE1. Pumping is a small fraction as effective as the painful push from inside the tunica you get from PGE1.

In addition, the other chems we use have functions that you can't get from mechanical PE. TB500, for example, like PGE1, de-links the tough fibers of the tunica, making them submissive and cooperative to remodeling (It is widely believed that the tunica is the limiting factor in penis enlargement). IGF-1 (either LR3 or DES) has a hyperplastic function, creating new soft muscle cells. DHT (I use it as a transdermal gel) is the hormone that makes our penises grow during puberty. It stimulates, activates, and feeds those androgen receptors in our penises that have been dormant since our late teens.

So, from what I know so far after a year and a half of manual and mechanical PE and six weeks of chemical PE, all are beneficial, but in my case there is no way that mechanical PE and manual PE have any further benefit without a solid chemical PE protocol.
Today's cocktail....

23 mcg PGE1
20 mcg IGF-1LR3
100 mcg TB4

5 grams DHT gel

10 minutes manual stretching
3.5 hours fowfer
Two 20-minute hanging sets @ 3 pounds (one pre-pin, one post-pin)

Fourth day of Week 6. May or may not pin tomorrow. Pain not too bad today. 3 hours 23 mcg. Injection painless and perfect.
Today's cocktail....

23 mcg PGE1
20 mcg IGF-1LR3
100 mcg TB4

5 grams DHT gel

20 minutes manual stretching
1 hour fowfer

Week 6 in the bag. I had the same weird bleeding incident that occurred two days ago. Both times I injected on the right side and started bleeding in a spot just under my glans on the right side, well away from the injection site. I have no idea why. Tomorrow is an off day. Monday is a lefty day (pinning on the left side). I don't know what I will do Tuesday, probably pin on the left side again, avoiding the right side until I can figure this out.
You did your hanging set after you pinned?? OUCH!!

Yes. Very low weight (3 pounds). I firmly believe that post-pin is the optimum time to work out as that is when the tunica (the limiting factor in PE) is most submissive for remodeling. The last time I did my hanging four hours after pinning. Not exactly comfortable at that point, but any sooner would have been unbearable. I waited until I felt the soreness had dissipated to the point that hanging was bearable. Any more weight would have been painful.
I'm taking the week off to see if I can heal that bleeding weirdness on the right side of my penis. It is actually hard for me to take time off. I feel like I'm missing something. I may start back up Friday. My Paba is here.
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I haven't pinned since last Friday, trying to figure out/heal my bleeding issue. Will probably pin tomorrow. This week I have been doing lots of manual stretching, bathmate, and fowfers.
Today's cocktail....

22 mcg PGE1
20 mcg IGF-1LR3
100 mcg TB4

5 grams DHT gel

20 minutes manual stretching
4 hours fowfer

Pinned on the left side. Pushed the pin in 3/4 of the way, but when I started pushing the plunger it went in all the way. No problem. Great pin, good response, only moderate pain, but only 2.5 hours. Weekend off. Next pin Tuesday, dreaded right side.

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