Skin cancer or internal cancers?
UV light and vitamin D reduce the chances of nearly all of your internal cancers (including your big mortality ones- prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers). And if you look up the statistics on malignant melanoma the indoor workers get it more often than outdoor workers and the most common spot it is removed from is the back of the calf, not a heavily sun overexposed site. Now basil cell and you cosmetic (non deadly) skin cancers are contributed to by sun overexposure (overexposure, not exposure) and the bridge of the nose and back of the hands are the most common spots for them.
Given my choice of an easily removed cosmetic and non deadly form of skin cancer, or prostate cancer, I can tell you which one I'd rather have my battle with.
I do find it weird that people worried about skin cancer worry about something your body requires and is naturally able to do (produce melanin and pigment) but have no problems coating their skin in chemicals.
When I have more time perhaps I'll find one of the studies that correlates the rise in skin cancer with the rise in sunscreen use as well. Our great great grandparents almost all worked outside, and skin cancer was very uncommon then. Through the 70's-90's skin cancer rates rose at the same rate as sunscreen use rates. You were able to eliminate your bodies natural warning sign that you had too much (where your grandparents would come in, or put a hat or long sleeve shirt on) and instead were now able to massively overexpose your body to the longer deeper penetrating (but non burning) UVA wavelength of light while your body blocked the burning UVB ray.