Was wondering whether PEG-MGF and IGF-1 LR3 are currently thought to be synergistic or not. Originally TheGame46 was recommending that no IGF-1 be injected for one week after a pMGF injection, followed by a week of IGF use, and ending in another pMGF injection in turn followed by a week off, and so on. I think that was because it was thought the pMGF would interfere with the IGF, but not vice versa. More recently I have seen TheGame46 recommending using pMGF once or twice a week with IGF injected on either four or five of the other (non-pMGF) days. Also, it is generally recomended that IGF be taken immediately PWO, while pMGF should be used 24 hours before. Does this mean that it is now accepted that the approximately 24 hours between the pMGF injection and the next IGF injection is now considered a long enough period of time to avoid the complications of interference? Or is it as I've been reading elsewehere that there is actually no interference between these two compounds as was originally thought to be the case?
One other thing, apparently Gavin has recommended a protocol for IGF usage that enhances fat loss and involves injecting several times throughout the day, although I cannot fing this protocol anywhere. Can anyone direct me to this protocol please? Also, is there any rationale for the 3-4 injections daily since it seems to be generally agreed upon that IGF works best when taken immediately PWO?
I've been doing alot of research and can't seem to find straight answers to some of my questions. I was hoping that at this point I wouldn't be like so many others and asking questions that have been asked and answered a thousand times before. Thanks.
One other thing, apparently Gavin has recommended a protocol for IGF usage that enhances fat loss and involves injecting several times throughout the day, although I cannot fing this protocol anywhere. Can anyone direct me to this protocol please? Also, is there any rationale for the 3-4 injections daily since it seems to be generally agreed upon that IGF works best when taken immediately PWO?
I've been doing alot of research and can't seem to find straight answers to some of my questions. I was hoping that at this point I wouldn't be like so many others and asking questions that have been asked and answered a thousand times before. Thanks.