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PEG-MGF and IGF-1 synergistic?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Was wondering whether PEG-MGF and IGF-1 LR3 are currently thought to be synergistic or not. Originally TheGame46 was recommending that no IGF-1 be injected for one week after a pMGF injection, followed by a week of IGF use, and ending in another pMGF injection in turn followed by a week off, and so on. I think that was because it was thought the pMGF would interfere with the IGF, but not vice versa. More recently I have seen TheGame46 recommending using pMGF once or twice a week with IGF injected on either four or five of the other (non-pMGF) days. Also, it is generally recomended that IGF be taken immediately PWO, while pMGF should be used 24 hours before. Does this mean that it is now accepted that the approximately 24 hours between the pMGF injection and the next IGF injection is now considered a long enough period of time to avoid the complications of interference? Or is it as I've been reading elsewehere that there is actually no interference between these two compounds as was originally thought to be the case?

One other thing, apparently Gavin has recommended a protocol for IGF usage that enhances fat loss and involves injecting several times throughout the day, although I cannot fing this protocol anywhere. Can anyone direct me to this protocol please? Also, is there any rationale for the 3-4 injections daily since it seems to be generally agreed upon that IGF works best when taken immediately PWO?

I've been doing alot of research and can't seem to find straight answers to some of my questions. I was hoping that at this point I wouldn't be like so many others and asking questions that have been asked and answered a thousand times before. Thanks.
anabolic minds has a good forum on this. also the IBE website has a forum.

i get lean off 1gf by taking in all my carbs after the shot. it hops up slin sensitivity for a while
you can take the both is the protocol outlined in the pegmgf handbook

once a week peg-mgf and igf:
sunday-peg mgf 200-400mcg
mon-fri: igf at 50mcg ed or at least 3 times a week

twice a week peg-mgf and igf:
sun and wed: peg mgf 100-250mcg
mon. tues, thur, fri: igf 50mcg
here is the link to the peg mgf handbook, it's a good read

**broken link removed**
Not sure about those 2, but IGF-1 and GH do work synergistically together.

I found a study on the net a few weeks ago. I will describe the results as best I can from memory.

Test subjects:
weight training men between the ages of 21 and up
Number of test subjects: approx. 50-100

  • The men were told to work out and eat the same as they always have.
  • The study lasted around 3 mos.
  • Each group was given their injections by trained medical technicians on consecutive days at the same time every day
  • The technicians had no clue which drug they were giving to the patients or even as to whether it was just the placebo.

Group one:
GH injections only... 4-6iu per day
Group two: IGF-1 injections only... at least 100-150mcg per day (might even have been up to 1000mcg per day)
Group three: GH + IGF-1 injections together (same doses as above)
Group four: placebo


Group one (GH only) : gained an average of 3% lean mass and lost some fat
Group two (IGF only) : gained an average of 1.5% lean mass and lost some fat
Group three (GH + IGF): gained an average of 10% lean mass and lost some fat
Group four (placebo) : gained 1/2% or less lean mass, no fat change

I know I didnt get everything correct, but the differences in the final results were pretty clear. IGF + GH work best TOGETHER

I will search for the study and post it up if I find it.
Thanks Fa Sheeshus I've looked all over both of those sites and they are what lead me here as part of my investigation. Unfortunately, I haven't found the answers to my questions yet. Deadlift18, I've got the guide and it doesn't answer my questions either. Jerkyboy, very interesting study but I've got IGF, pMGF, and no more cash, so I can't really try GH right now, I'm just trying to make sure that I optimize my usage of what I've got. This board has alot of the most informed members I've seen all over the place all posting here, so I thought maybe one of the people here might be ableto help me instead of splashing the same question across a whole bunch of other board.
Strider said:
Was wondering whether PEG-MGF and IGF-1 LR3 are currently thought to be synergistic or not. Originally TheGame46 was recommending that no IGF-1 be injected for one week after a pMGF injection, followed by a week of IGF use, and ending in another pMGF injection in turn followed by a week off, and so on. I think that was because it was thought the pMGF would interfere with the IGF, but not vice versa. More recently I have seen TheGame46 recommending using pMGF once or twice a week with IGF injected on either four or five of the other (non-pMGF) days. Also, it is generally recomended that IGF be taken immediately PWO, while pMGF should be used 24 hours before. Does this mean that it is now accepted that the approximately 24 hours between the pMGF injection and the next IGF injection is now considered a long enough period of time to avoid the complications of interference? Or is it as I've been reading elsewehere that there is actually no interference between these two compounds as was originally thought to be the case?

You are correct. As long as you wait 24h after pMGF until IGF-1, you will get a truly great degree of synergy. The synergy between GH and IGF-1 is actually a synergy between MGF and IGF-1. I will explain further in my upcoming thread "MY take on MGF".

pMGF: 200-250mcg twice a week at about the normal workout time
IGF-1: 40-100mcg immediately postworkout on workout days, or spread throughout the day if seeking additional fatloss.
Great work guys. Intresting.

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