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PegMGF tester Journel.


Feb 23, 2004
Ok, I was chosen by IBE to be a tester a while back. I've been on 150mcg 2x per week for about 5days now. This stuff is great. Im only on 150mg test cyp right now for HRT and some oral masterone but started the masterone before the mgf so I could feel the difference. I had low IGF levels when I went off GH a few weeks back and felt like shit, but so far the past two days i've felt great on this stuff. Pumps are great, if not better than when I was on 3iu's of HGH. I have noticed more vascularity so far, and staying much more full all the time. Im doing the shots subQ as well. Its only been 5days, and the first 3 I didnt feel much but these past 2days have def been noticable. I will keep you updated weekly.
Good info bro, make sure to keep us updated. If you think things are good now, just wait till the end of week 2. That is when I noticed some magic.
Nothing yet. Its only been 2days since my last post. I've havent trained since then, but i'll give a more detaled log on the 21st.
For those of you guys interested you can DL the MGF handbook here.
I think FullyBuilt used those to come up with his plan of attack as well
**broken link removed**
Wow this stuff is the shit. I've been doing what TheGame said and taking it on my off days 24hrs before my next lift. Still taking 150mcg 2x per week. AP is right, you definately notice much more on week two. The reason why I think I noticed a lot right away, is b/c my GH levels have been suppressed by staying on GH for 1.5years and only taking 30days off. Obviously they wouldnt boucne back that fast. Anyway, I felt it right away, b/c my gh levels were low. Now in week two I can feel the difference. Pumps are insane. Obviously nothing like on dbol,etc... but its better. They are not as painful of pumps and not in the lower back. Vascularity is much more pronounced. I'd say similar to around 400mg eq, but then again im not a very vascular guy, so for me to have veins its definately working. I wish I could compare this to a GH dose. Its diff though. Diff feeling that GH. Not as tired on this as I am on GH. Fatloss is great. Im not extremely dieting right now, but when I was on 6iu's of GH, I could eat everything and anything and not gain a lb of fat. On the PegMGF, i've had my fair share of cheat days so far, and no noticable fat gain. Strength has increased as well. Around 20% so far. I'll report back later.
how are people getting fat los off of this stuff or dont we know yet I know why gh burns fat but why is this stuff doing it?
block said:
how are people getting fat los off of this stuff or dont we know yet I know why gh burns fat but why is this stuff doing it?
It's an alternate form of IGF-1 and it generates many new myoblasts. Think how much energy it takes to create whole new cells. And zillions of them.
hardcoremuscle said:
How long are you going to run it? If my memory serves me correct its 2 weeks correct or can you run it for longer than that?
Gavin ran it for 4-5 weeks if I remember correctly.

I myself will run a vial in 3 weeks, and I might go 12 weeks depending how results go.
I ran it 4 weeks with continued gains and stopped after week 5 when nothing more was happening. I am getting ready to give it an 8 week run with igf, gh, and gh fragments (well actually already started, lol). I'll let you know.
So should I stop at week 5, take 2weeks off and continue. I've got an 8week supply. I thought this stuff could be run for a long time, unlike IGF.
Fullybuilt said:
So should I stop at week 5, take 2weeks off and continue. I've got an 8week supply. I thought this stuff could be run for a long time, unlike IGF.
I stopped at week 5 but I recommend week 4, take 2 off and then go another 4. Not sure why but it slowed down a lot. Took 2-3 weeks off and now it is back in full force again. Gonna do some pondering on that problem and see what I come up with.....grunt, game, anything?
reconstituting seems to be a pain in the ass. does it come with BW, cuz I can't find this stuff around here.
also it is shipped in 1mg many shots is that, or rather, how long will it last?
actually, lets make this simple
can we just throw in a specific amout of BW with the 1 mg of PegMGF and then leave it in the fridge until we use it?
or do we scoop out a predetermined amount and then mix with the BW.
I am VERY interested in using this product, but it needs to be simple to reconstitute and use. my lifestyle is complicated as it is.
right now I have 3ml syringes and 29gx.5" needles just waiting to be used. as soon as I am off this cycle, i plan on going with a stealth cycle, but this seems to be a great alternative to AAS.
sounds safer too.
Last edited:
Ok, I found BW online, but since it is a vial, I am afraid this could raise some flags.
how big is 30 CC bottle anyway
see below for pic
feel free to delete url if one of our sponsors carries this.
but only if you also mention which one does.
some sites I cannot access from work, stating "abused drugs" as the reason the site cannot come up.
sending liquids overseas anyway is touchy.
this stuff is for slow quality gains and that is the best thing i have ever heard. if this works out is is not too expensive of a pain in the but to use, this will be my best friend for life, no more AAS for me (well, at least not too much)
one more

this stuff is only for localized growth (and the IGF is for overall growth), right?
that would be a lot of shots if i worked more than one bodypart.
I'm using it at an E3D rate. I do 140mcg per shot, meaning I will use up the 1mg vial in exactly 3 weeks. The peg MGF comes with BW.

Add 1ml (1cc) of BW to the MGF vial. That way, 1IU on a slin syringe is 10mcg. I keep it in the fridge and just draw the 0.14cc that I need E3D.

Use small 0.3cc or 0.5cc syringes. 3ml's are waaaaay to large for such a tiny amount to inject, you will be unable to measure it accurately.
Grunt76 said:
I'm using it at an E3D rate. I do 140mcg per shot, meaning I will use up the 1mg vial in exactly 3 weeks. The peg MGF comes with BW.

Add 1ml (1cc) of BW to the MGF vial. That way, 1IU on a slin syringe is 10mcg. I keep it in the fridge and just draw the 0.14cc that I need E3D.

Use small 0.3cc or 0.5cc syringes. 3ml's are waaaaay to large for such a tiny amount to inject, you will be unable to measure it accurately.
how about using a larger amount of BW to mix with?
I already have a bunch of syringes and would like to use them up.
alan1973 said:
how about using a larger amount of BW to mix with?
I already have a bunch of syringes and would like to use them up.
Hm.... Alright well...

The MGF vial is awful tiny. I didn't check how much liquid it can hold, but I'm betting 2ml is probably a max in there.

0.2cc will be 100mcg at that rate. Maybe you can use the 3cc's with that dilution, I didn't check.

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