It was like a winny shot sub Q bro. Red itchy welt for 5 to 10 min. after the injection too. He said they've fixed it since I've used it. That's good news.
It was like a winny shot sub Q bro. Red itchy welt for 5 to 10 min. after the injection too. He said they've fixed it since I've used it. That's good news.
Personally if anything gave me red spots,welts and/or itching I would assume an allergic or systemic reaction and would ask for a refund. That is NOT normal. We must listen to our bodies. There are plenty of other sponsors with product that will not do that so why play with fire. Or could you be having a reaction to the alcohol in the bact water? Try just pinning some water a few iu see what happens. I personally know of people allergic to bac water and then you go sterile water and use that vial fast.