if you're not allergic to bananas thats your best bet all around.
So get your doctor to prescribe you some dummy!Thanks for all the help,I should of posted better. I need potassium in 500 mg capsules. I know I can get it any where at 99 mg's per cap's.For thoes concerened I am being monitered and have a very knowledgable doctor. You are right about the hasards but I have a certain condition and my body will not absorbe certain minerials. I take potassium supplements just at certain times. To head of the next question....Why dont you take 5 caps at a time. The answer to that is it up setts my stomach, I figure they must put some thing in it for that purpose. Does any one know of a source for 500mg potassium,again thanks ahead of time.
So get your doctor to prescribe you some dummy!
OuchThatHurts.I do have a prescription DUMMY. I just don't like paying $35 for a frecking bottle of 60 and driving 25 miles to a pharmacy that will make the caps for me. Is the name calling really necessary. I could understand if my post was stupid, whats your problem.
conanster. How about READING MY f`/'"king POST. I am not blindly supplementing. I'm not some ignorant kid or newbie I've been doing this shit for 30 years I'm 52..... Try to get a little help and end up going threw all this bs. Give me a break.
Just thought I should leave a warning about Potassium.
I have lost count to the number of doctors who told me to never ever take it. They say almost every bodybuilder that enters the hospital with heart problems is due to Potassium suplementation. They tell me it fucks up your heart worst than all the clenbuterol and gear combined.
LOL... okay then! Save that gas! Next time tell the board you have a script because that greatly broadens the options quite a bit.OuchThatHurts.I do have a prescription DUMMY. I just don't like paying $35 for a frecking bottle of 60 and driving 25 miles to a pharmacy that will make the caps for me. Is the name calling really necessary. I could understand if my post was stupid, whats your problem.
conanster. How about READING MY f`/'"king POST. I am not blindly supplementing. I'm not some ignorant kid or newbie I've been doing this shit for 30 years I'm 52..... Try to get a little help and end up going threw all this bs. Give me a break.