=Over the top=
Thanks JT,
Another story about my wife and kid's:
After our first was born premature, we cautiously attempted to have another child. The mother/wife began contracting at the beginning of the second trimester. The docs put her on bed rest. She stay in bed for 3 months including 6 weeks in the hospital. Long story long; our daughter Allie, born 14 weeks early died after about 6 hours. She contracted a bacterial infection after her mother's water broke. The docs tried keeping her aboard for a couple days to introduce stroids to mature the lungs faster before birth and during this time the infection took over.
Introduce my MADD-FEARLESS wife. I was done with the bed-rest, hospital, premature babies etc. Didn't want to loose anymore children or risk my wife's life. She on the other hand was not finished. She convinced me she could handle it.
Again pregnant, she spent5 months in bed and many nights in the hospital.
Longest 5 months of my life. Anway, the wife is my hero. She pulled it off. Healthy 8.7 pounder, nearly full term. The doc litterally pried the little fella out wtih salad tongs. Craziest shit I have ever seen. 10 hours of hard labor and one of the brightest days in my life. (I had a vasectomy 3 weeks later)
His name is Jonah and he is a bully. I'll get him straightened out, but it is going to take some work. Anyways that was 2.5 years ago.
So now those of you who read this post have some understanding of why I am so over the top when it comes to my wife and family.
Oh BTW; After 5 months in bed the wife finish up at 164lbs. She was on stage doing her first BB contest just 7 months later