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Puking after a workout ...


New member
Aug 6, 2009

I dont know why but for the past couple of weaks when I'm done working out I feel like I'm going to get sick and puke...

It'll last about an hour or so and then i feel fine again...?...

Any help?
Anyone also feel like this?

This has happened in the past but only on leg days ...

Puking during workout .... Rock On (esp. on leg day) .... after workout .... and for so long .... sounds like GERD or a Gastro disease, I'd seek medical advice.
what are you eating before you hit the gym??
nothing too specific...Most of the time I'll eat something like a peanut butter and jelly on white bread...
I really just make sure that I'm not going to the gym hungry...
I eat about an hour before i hit the weights...
not sure how true, but an RN that came into my work 6-8 months ago overheard a few of us talking about that very thing. she said that lactic acid can cause you to feel sick to your stomach when you train really hard....this is how i usually judge whether i pushed hard enough in the gym. if i dont feel sick for 30 min after then i should have went harder.
not sure how true, but an RN that came into my work 6-8 months ago overheard a few of us talking about that very thing. she said that lactic acid can cause you to feel sick to your stomach when you train really hard....this is how i usually judge whether i pushed hard enough in the gym. if i dont feel sick for 30 min after then i should have went harder.
Yes this is one of the primary reasons.....LACTIC ACID! It pools in your stomach as it comes into your system from hard training. Think of it as our body's exhaust system. It is the spent fuel or burnt fuel produced from pushing muscles to the lim its. It has no other way to exit once it reaches a certain level so the quickest way for the body to expell it is through the stomach, up your throat and out your mouth. Stress can cause lactic acid also. In felines and reptiles it is a deadly poison and will kill them very quickly. Birds also!!
not sure how true, but an RN that came into my work 6-8 months ago overheard a few of us talking about that very thing. she said that lactic acid can cause you to feel sick to your stomach when you train really hard....this is how i usually judge whether i pushed hard enough in the gym. if i dont feel sick for 30 min after then i should have went harder.

I have found I can not drink sports drinks on leg day, or I will puke, I figured it was the sugar.
Drinking too much too fast while working out will also do it...

However, i always thought nausea was the sign of a good hard workout...
Drinking too much too fast while working out will also do it...

However, i always thought nausea was the sign of a good hard workout...

true ...


true ...
thank you for all the responces guy's ...

Now i feel better that a lot of others have felt this way ...
Feeling that way is definitely common. Just make sure you're hydrated, and don't stuff yourself w/food or protein shakes beforehand.

I"ll never have a PB protein shake before leg day again, I'll tell you that much. ;)
i throw up after legs 1/8 times id say, i almost throw up half the time though... ive even barfed a few times after chest.... realllly heavy chest....
Very good points above and great info especially since it's also been occuring to me. Not trying to hi-jack your thread bro!

Check your blood pressure as well. Mine has been going up lately and I tend to get real dizzy and nauseas. I've been told this is happening because of the ECA stack and because I'm hitting the cardio and weights too hard.
BUMP AKMASS, light stomach on heavy lifts. If taking ECA do it longer before a work out to let your BP regulate to it.
How common is it to ... erm ... have it out the other way? I find that heavy squat or deadlift days (near max) give me wicked shits. Right about the time I'm done pounding my shake I'm sprinting for the bathroom every time. :(
Air, do you mean a wicked shit or are you saying it gives you the shit shits? I know heavy day for me can work up a wicked shit, due to the anticipation / strain on the body it seems to push it all that way. I do better if i do light aerobic work 10 - 15 min. worth before the lift. Also my ass seems to play nicer when i keep psyllium husk in the diet.

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