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Mar 27, 2005
Hey what happened to the Pro Wrestling thread? It was going pretty good; can't find it.

Also are the Brisco's Black? In person they do look like they could be mixed, but they are using heavy "stereotypical vernacular" in their promo' all the time. Curious indeed. They should just let their ring work talk and stop trying to sound so "hood" and "thugged"
The Briscoes are very white and very, very country. Their lingo isn't forced at all, the way they talk in promos is exactly how they talk in real life.
I think it got deleted. No biggie. Nope, like esk said, they're as white as they come and that's how they really talk. Jay and Mark are a crackup. The time I got to sit and talk with them was great because what you see, is what you get. It's just really nice to see such a great tag team nowdays since tag team wrestling has fallen by the wayside in so many promotions.

Also, I heard rumor that IWA-MS is closing it's doors. Anyone else heard this????
I think it got deleted. No biggie. Nope, like esk said, they're as white as they come and that's how they really talk. Jay and Mark are a crackup. The time I got to sit and talk with them was great because what you see, is what you get. It's just really nice to see such a great tag team nowdays since tag team wrestling has fallen by the wayside in so many promotions.

Also, I heard rumor that IWA-MS is closing it's doors. Anyone else heard this????

Yes this is true. Ian has a bad rep of not paying wrestlers, bills, etc. Each year he is "shutting down." This time I think it is for good. If you consider that he has been closing his doors for over 5 years.....has out and out lied and cheated to the wrestlers about payoffs... and has skipped town without paying the rent. TPI was his best event. I think he makes more monies off of his DVD sales. I could go on and on .....
Lets home this is the end for IWA. Ian has been screwing people out of money for far too long.

Pumpt - You think talking to them is a crackup? Try watching them get into a drunken fist-fight in the middle of a Holiday Inn hallway at 3:30AM.
I seen the news about IWA on another wrestling board I go to. Hiram, if you'd like to talk wrestling bro, shoot me a PM and I'll give you the sight to come to. Very well run board with knowledgable fans. Here's something maybe you or esk can answer. Was the Mike Levy thing a shoot or was it scripted??? When I watched that um.... "match" if you will against Mickey Knuckles, it made me cringe. It looked pretty darn real, but to be honest, I wasn't sure. I've heard so many conflicting stories, Id like to know for sure.

Oh man esk, I can imagine. I loved watching the "promo's" ROH did for them during their feud with AOTF. The ones where Jay and Mark are out on their farm. Even in promo's the boys are throwing back a few cold one's. And if I can remember right Mark saying about one of the melons before he opens fire on it..."that looks like Jimmy Jacobs big stupid head. Hold that boys." LMFAO!!!
The Mike Levy Incident was not only a shoot, but a revolting, embarrassing, premeditated shoot.
The Mike Levy Incident was not only a shoot, but a revolting, embarrassing, premeditated shoot.

It was indeed a shoot. Disgusting and ugly.

The Mike Levy Incident.

During the 3rd annual IWA-Mid South Queen of the Deathmatch Tournament that took place on June 21, 2008 in the parking lot of Alley Cats Lanes bowling alley in Sellersburg, Indiana. Mickie Knuckles took on "The White Lion" Mike Levy.

Mike Levy was an untrained wrestler who through the internet made it known that he wanted to be in the deathmatch tourney, the false hype by a few wrestling message boards led Ian Rotten to fly out Levy and add him to the womens tourney as a joke.

Levy was set to take on former champion Mickie Knuckles, as she made her way to the ring, Ian met her on the entrance way and whispered something to her. It is unknown for sure but belived to be something pertaining to the match ahead.

The match started off with Mickie laying on the offence hard with stiff hits and the use of weapons. At one point Levy attempted to block a move and return some offence of his own. However his inexperience caused it to be very awkward leading Mickie to become angry.

Both Knuckles and Levy began to stiff each other with various hits throughout the match.

After Knuckles won the match both Devon Moore and Tank ran into the ring and cut a promo on how Levy needs to learn how to sell. The crowd began chanting for Levy’s finisher The Curb Stomp. So tank held levy’s head over a barbed wire ladder and Devon came off the top rope with a double stomp that drove Levy’s head hard into the ladder.

As if that wasn’t enough, Tank climbed to the second rope and let his much larger size come crashing down from the second rope, wrapping Levy’s head around the ladder in a sickening fashion.

After this Levy tried to escape as Devon, Ian Rotten, and others continued to beat him down. Devon and Rotten took turns insulting him, telling him that he needs to “learn how to sell”

Even Ian Rotten’s young son got into the fight by beating a grounded Levy with a Kendo Stick, and later kicking him. The child can even be seen asking “daddy” if its alright to hit him.

Lastly Ian Rotten got on the mic and explained how Mickie has a national tv deal, but because of his inexperience she now has a giant knot on her head (which may have been caused by her vicious headbutts from earlier in the match).

The extent of Levy’s injuries (if any) are currently unknown.
That's sick. Thank you for the clarification fellas. What else would you expect from an event held in the parking lot of bowling alley. What made me even more sick was the fact that the idiot "fans" (and I use that term loosely) were cheering this on. I mean it's one thing to teach someone a lesson in the ring, it's another to do what they did to Levy. It's incident's like this that give the business such a bad reputation. I've watched this a few times and it just amazes me what 4 people did to this kid. Mickie handled him just fine, there was no reason to continue doing what they did to him. Oh well though, I don't think we'll be seeing this anymore now that IWA is heading down the toilet.

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