Hey all. I'm new here, but decided to join the group to try and gain as much knowledge as possible. I've 35 yrs old and have been back training for about 1 yr after a 4 yr layoff. The layoff is a long story but in short I had a small health issue that relegated me to not being able to take in much protein at all over those few years. SO I just did cardio and circuit training. Anyone that wants to know the whole story I"ll be more than happy to explain plus give my entire background.
Now I"m back and am wanting to do a show this upcoming year. I"m presently weighing about 230-235lbs at 5'11" around 11-12%BF. Training is going great, but I've got a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me with. Living where I live gear is very hard to come by and if you can get it it's only very small amounts. Anyway, I have 1 10ml vial of cyp, 1 10ml enan, and 200 pellets of finaplix (tren). This is all I've got and was wandering what would be the best way to try and cycle it. I"ve heard that you need 600-800mg test a week, but if I do that then I'll be out 5 weeks. I"m not sure if all of this came out right, but if this makes sense any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, would I be better off waiting until I start my diet next year in 06 to use it, since I"m not sure if I'll ever be able to come across anything else or could I use it this winter to try and add some bulk. Thanks for any help.
Now I"m back and am wanting to do a show this upcoming year. I"m presently weighing about 230-235lbs at 5'11" around 11-12%BF. Training is going great, but I've got a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me with. Living where I live gear is very hard to come by and if you can get it it's only very small amounts. Anyway, I have 1 10ml vial of cyp, 1 10ml enan, and 200 pellets of finaplix (tren). This is all I've got and was wandering what would be the best way to try and cycle it. I"ve heard that you need 600-800mg test a week, but if I do that then I'll be out 5 weeks. I"m not sure if all of this came out right, but if this makes sense any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, would I be better off waiting until I start my diet next year in 06 to use it, since I"m not sure if I'll ever be able to come across anything else or could I use it this winter to try and add some bulk. Thanks for any help.