Why do you think people on this board and other boards keep posting pictures of themselves when there has been no noticeable improvements year after year? I mean, these guys and gals look exactly the same picture after picture after picture after picture after picture.[/QUOTEpHIL
Phil you know you are not a joke..lol!! My thing is this, when I go to the gym and I see the same people day in, month in, year in, not changing. When you talk to them they always say "I just want to stay in shape" or the famous one "I dont wanna be big." So my smart arse says in my mind of course "you have to be in shape first you ahole"... How about the people that come in the gym and lift pansy weights, then wearing tank tops. But who am I? I aint posting nothing unless I am new and improved. I'll sit my fat arse right down thank you...lol