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Reminder Pics and log question B4 I post it


Kilo Klub Member
May 3, 2009
Reposting a few pics I took down and a couple other that I took myself.Took them down as they were not giving the whole picture. These are not my log pics, those are full body, taken outdoors by my girl, good digital camera, with all sides and traditional bb poses for B4 and After comparrision. I will post them with the "Evil 10 week Log Thread". These are a reminder before I ask my questions to you all. I really want to become "Better Every Day!" Do you guys think every three weeks is a good picture update time frame for my log? Training program and diet start today and I track everything. Tell me what anyone following it would like posted besides workout, diet, cardio, ect.... I will pull no punches if there are requests for DVD viewing info as well, however....I'm not going to do it without interest.... I have gotten good PM and email feedback about this but would still like to hear from non-clients and member's I do not know.
Questions: I have a board Sponsor's permision to post their DVD use by me in the thread, Do I need to do that in a different section than the log? Just seing if anyone knows B4 I bother a Mod with it. Feel free to chime in with feedback and constructive critisism. I am posting it so I can take it. I will have the log up in a diff. thread as soon as I decide on the format... Give me a day or too as I am expecting the DVD's this week. Starting the non AAS parts today (Thermogenics from another board sponsor non AAS). And a gift from Uncle G (friend) (non-AAS).
Also....I have been looking at peptide DVD's for a while now and wanted to start at week 2 or 3..... But Mrs. Evil says I am tapped out on my "Supplement funds" for this 10 week log. Any new guys out here looking to put there stamp on that market, please contact me through my PM and then I will get you my email and we can discuss a few win-win opportunities.
Thank you everyone for your feedback, Please feel free to use the board though rather than PM'ing when it comes to this thread and log, I am very open and we all can learn from each other.Peace!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...... I love that one!


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As I had said you have a great package to start off with and I personally would like to see that log and don't pull any punches and include the DVD's and dosages, as it should help others.

As far as the pictures time length to be posted I would like to see them at 2 week intervals.

In your initial post you failed to mention that you are in single digit as far BF% is concerned.

Looking forward to seeing the log and I hope your DVDs land soon.


As I had said you have a great package to start off with and I personally would like to see that log and don't pull any punches and include the DVD's and dosages, as it should help others.

As far as the pictures time length to be posted I would like to see them at 2 week intervals.

In your initial post you failed to mention that you are in single digit as far BF% is concerned.

Looking forward to seeing the log and I hope your DVDs land soon.


x2 I am very interested in this log, and i also feel pics every two weeks would be great. although i think you should take weekly pics for your own record. I would also like to see the dvd doages and such. How often will you be testing your bf? What is your goal as far as bf% at the end of your log? I would also like to see your workout routine included with poundages. Good luck brother and thanks for a great thread in advance.
Am also interested in this!
I know he just did a MRI BF scan and a Hydrostatic test (water tank) and it came out 8.1 and 8.3 if I am not mistaken. Which makes his log very interesting as he is down in BF and to see his muscle gains and keeping BF down will certainly help others.

I know he just did a MRI BF scan and a Hydrostatic test (water tank) and it came out 8.1 and 8.3 if I am not mistaken. Which makes his log very interesting as he is down in BF and to see his muscle gains and keeping BF down will certainly help others.

Exactly correct,....8.3 on dexa scan and 8.1 hydro.
ht - 6'-6'1
wt. - 218

10 week Goals:
5.5 %

roughly a 14 lb muscle gain, 7 lb fat loss
7 lb overall wt change.

Wed (tmrw) is day 3

I will post the pics every 2 wks as requested unless something dramatically happens that is unexpected, then weekly. I will need your guy's feedback during the logs so critism is going to be welcome and a good thing for me so I can work that much harder! Bodyfat will be done every 2 weeks as well via dexa scan/MRI imaging.... I don't pay the $250 + for it as it's done at my sports med clinic by coworkers at hospital. I will post workout poundages/sets/reps, micronutrient breakdowns, cardio details, OTC products, DVD's and Peps (if pep's workout 4 me)
I will get the log up tmrw evening after work.
Thank you guys! Feels like a brotherhood here at PM!

If I am forgetting anything?????
Thanks again, the DVD's will be here anyday as I am using GU-L- exclusively and they truely are the best!
No log details on supps

Just wanted to post that there are a few PM members in my gym I didn't know about that like to talk and I don't want my DVD view that close to home..... I thought it would stay on PM.....silly me
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Updated pic

This is and updated pic. Like I mentioned in my leg vasularity post, we have had alot of family issues that have required quite a bit of time so I have just been trying to stay lean through it all. Diet has been in check, just not enough consistancy in regards to training. I can now finally start back to training and going after my goals once again. If you are wondering about the tan, I have been taking a sponsors MT2 for the last month since my time outside in the sun has been very limited (that really suck bc our weather here in FL has been beautiful).


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