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Russian Weightlifters Banned Based on Historical Electronic Doping Data

hmmm, I feel like all countries are doing it but for some reason Russia gets singled out. I guess when your government doesn't fall in line with the left ideology you get singled out as the red headed stepchild. If they were from Germany, Brussels, or France doubt they would ever get busted.
Russia is evil, didn’t you know? Don’t ask why everyone just knows they are evil, evil evil evil. Are you stupid, they are evil!!!

A super power like us they wants stability in the world to protect their interests just like we should but for some reason they have to be our enemy and all the idiots want to go to war with them. I mean of course.....they are evil right?!

What a joke
So they banned them from data collected years ago?

I'm sure america has for sure done worse when it comes to covering athletes asses.

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China, which has already figured out genetic doping, gets the last laugh.
that sport is like an anti-doper's wet dream. If the IOC had the stones they'd drop it like they threaten every few years. Instead, they create new weight classes. Ha! Russia probably refuses to pay their way out of the situation. Why Russia seems to be getting the busted the most...no one can be sure but you can be sure they're doping...just like everyone else in that sport.
for some reason the international community hates Russia and salvini in Italy. if they had a big parade tomorrow with rainbow flags and dancing in the street the international new world order would come out and say its all a mistake and they can participate. its really disturbing how the new world order wants to demonize Russia, they want Putin gone, I can only imagine the dirty things the CIA is up to.
for some reason the international community hates Russia and salvini in Italy. if they had a big parade tomorrow with rainbow flags and dancing in the street the international new world order would come out and say its all a mistake and they can participate. its really disturbing how the new world order wants to demonize Russia, they want Putin gone, I can only imagine the dirty things the CIA is up to.

They want Trump gone too. Epstein just got his in prison.
They want Trump gone too. Epstein just got his in prison.

Even before trump, the us and EU want to spill blood from any country that doesn't embrace multiculturalism and LGBTQ. Some sort of social agenda I'm not sure the true meaning behind it I'm a big fan of Russia.
Even before trump, the us and EU want to spill blood from any country that doesn't embrace multiculturalism and LGBTQ. Some sort of social agenda I'm not sure the true meaning behind it I'm a big fan of Russia.

It's not hard to figure out, Russia goes against their plan of disarming us and then creating chaos. Once everything is chaos they will say "oh man look how messed up everything is I guess we have to take over all your rights and freedoms, for your own good of course". It's all about control, you think these people letting in millions of worthless leaching immigrants are doing it out of humanitarianism? Yea up in their high castles with their private security, they care so much. Thank god some of us still have balls in the US, if Hillary had won it would have been the same blueprint but with the media they are still trying to accomplish that.

I know that's political but that's the reason for the vendetta against Russia and their athletes, they want us to think everything Russia does is evil. Ask somebody who actually believes it why they are evil and they have no answer, it's just what they've been told to believe.
pretty much spot on,. I plan to root for Russia during all events, I also like the leader of Italy and Hungary, that guy is awesome. Eastern Europe has balls, esp compared to over here and Western Europe.
pretty much spot on,. I plan to root for Russia during all events, I also like the leader of Italy and Hungary, that guy is awesome. Eastern Europe has balls, esp compared to over here and Western Europe.

I just got back a bit ago from a 2 week vacation in Italy and recommend visiting there. The citizens there seemed to be quite content and I didn't sense any conflict. I just read about how Italy is having some discussions now about immigration policy. There were a lot of immigrants there I saw. Many were on the street peddling stuff and a bit of a nuisance.

I enjoyed driving on their highways. People in the fast lane actually get over to let you pass if you are speeding and nobody gives you the finger for driving fast!
hmmm, I feel like all countries are doing it but for some reason Russia gets singled out. I guess when your government doesn't fall in line with the left ideology you get singled out as the red headed stepchild. If they were from Germany, Brussels, or France doubt they would ever get busted.

I used to mostly pursue oly lifting before bbing and still watch practically every major competition so I've followed this closely. I'm no fan of leftist sjwism, but it has nothing to do with this.

The sort of emerging economy nations, China, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkey etc have really dysfunctional internal doping controls. These countries "anti" doping bodies directly facilitate their lifters taking drugs by manipulating test results and samples and essentially giving lifters free reign to blast the test gh insulin winny dbol etc during their non competition season. They then only need to pass their international precontest doping control, which can be done somewhat easily by coming off and taking a few different masking agents in the months before competition.

Russia itself is getting extra scrutiny just because of some state run corruption where they were bribing and threatening the world anti-doping agency officials to the advantage of their athletes. Bulgaria faced similar treatment for a different reason in the past.

Originally, this worked and tests weren't detecting the trace metabolites of the stuff they were taking in the offseason. But new testing technology being applied to old samples is able to pick up useage of different stuff from much longer back.

So why don't lifters from countries like France, Germany, USA, Canada etc get popped by international testing? Because the lifters are already getting popped by their domestic anti doping agencies which are actually trying to catch people using stuff. In a super patriotic country like China, their national qualifiers to see who makes world/olympic teams are essentially untested. In America, they're testing even little local non qualifying meets. Seriously, little crossfit box USAW sanctioned olympic lifting meets where some 94kg guy clean and jerks 130kg or something not at all world class are occasionally tested. They're doing crazy amounts of out of competition testing for athletes that qualify for olympic qualifiers.

I don't think the olympics should be "clean" and people should be allowed to take risks with their health for elite sport. I never expected them to be successful and thought things would persist as they did in 2008 where PEDs were rampant, but shockingly with retroactive testing WADA has been very successful in cleaning up the olympics. This is ultimately probably not a good thing; we wanna see huge world records and lifting big weights, nobody wants us to go back to seeing 94kg guys doing WLing as a full time just to clean and jerk 180kg when they would have done 240 with the same habits but with PEDs.

Elite sport by definition isn't about health, why the fuck is society trying to be paternalistic about things and punish people for using PEDs, which arguably might reverse some of the negative health effects in sports like WLing, football, or wrestling? But we're going further and further toward clean olympics, unfortunately.
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I used to mostly pursue oly lifting before bbing and still watch practically every major competition so I've followed this closely. I'm no fan of leftist sjwism, but it has nothing to do with this.

The sort of emerging economy nations, China, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkey etc have really dysfunctional internal doping controls. These countries "anti" doping bodies directly facilitate their lifters taking drugs by manipulating test results and samples and essentially giving lifters free reign to blast the test gh insulin winny dbol etc during their non competition season. They then only need to pass their international precontest doping control, which can be done somewhat easily by coming off and taking a few different masking agents in the months before competition.

Russia itself is getting extra scrutiny just because of some state run corruption where they were bribing and threatening the world anti-doping agency officials to the advantage of their athletes. Bulgaria faced similar treatment for a different reason in the past.

Originally, this worked and tests weren't detecting the trace metabolites of the stuff they were taking in the offseason. But new testing technology being applied to old samples is able to pick up useage of different stuff from much longer back.

So why don't lifters from countries like France, Germany, USA, Canada etc get popped by international testing? Because the lifters are already getting popped by their domestic anti doping agencies which are actually trying to catch people using stuff. In a super patriotic country like China, their national qualifiers to see who makes world/olympic teams are essentially untested. In America, they're testing even little local non qualifying meets. Seriously, little crossfit box USAW sanctioned olympic lifting meets where some 94kg guy clean and jerks 130kg or something not at all world class are occasionally tested. They're doing crazy amounts of out of competition testing for athletes that qualify for olympic qualifiers.

I don't think the olympics should be "clean" and people should be allowed to take risks with their health for elite sport. I never expected them to be successful and thought things would persist as they did in 2008 where PEDs were rampant, but shockingly with retroactive testing WADA has been very successful in cleaning up the olympics. This is ultimately probably not a good thing; we wanna see huge world records and lifting big weights, nobody wants us to go back to seeing 94kg guys doing WLing as a full time just to clean and jerk 180kg when they would have done 240 with the same habits but with PEDs.

Elite sport by definition isn't about health, why the fuck is society trying to be paternalistic about things and punish people for using PEDs, which arguably might reverse some of the negative health effects in sports like WLing, football, or wrestling? But we're going further and further toward clean olympics, unfortunately.

Interesting, good post. From what you know, how do you compare the compounds and dosages used by elite athletes to the stuff "bros" use on forums like this? It seems like winny is popular among real athletes where we see more var,tren, primo discussions on the forums. Any insight? Do they know better than we do? Lol
Everyone hates Russia, but not for the reasons some are exposing, it has nothing to do with a liberal agenda. Simply, Russia has never wanted to agree with the European Union or be part of Europe, and the European Union is the allies, who suck the balls of the US. This is very old, since has been decades ago, since the Soviet Union, many still believe that Russia is the same as before, a red comunist evil empire that wants to take over Europe. For some reason, it is not so well seen to mess with China, I suppose it is because Western trade agreements make it very lucrative to leave China in the background.

Wada is a corrupt organization that seems to be controlled by Western interests. It always seems fun to see how they get involved with doping in weightlifting, which is a sport strictly from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and a few East Asian countries.
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So why don't lifters from countries like France, Germany, USA, Canada etc get popped by international testing? .

Traditionally in these countries, wiehglifting has never been important nor has it ever had a level. In other words, it doesn't matter if they are more "clean" or natty, the lifters of those countries stink.

Maybe, just maybe, in the US lifters prefer to compete in powerlifting, where they can dope without problems and even compete in the IPF?

In a super patriotic country like China

No more patriotic than any country that goes to the Olympic Games.
These countries "anti" doping bodies directly facilitate their lifters taking drugs by manipulating test results and samples and essentially giving lifters free reign to blast the test gh insulin winny dbol etc during their non competition season. They then only need to pass their international precontest doping control, which can be done somewhat easily by coming off and taking a few different masking agents in the months before competition.

I am sure that this happens in all sports in any country in the world.

The curious with these positive ib weightlifting are the substances detected. They are not giving positive for modern and undetectable things like peptides, GH..., they are being hunted with really old steroids, from the 80s.
Interesting, good post. From what you know, how do you compare the compounds and dosages used by elite athletes to the stuff "bros" use on forums like this? It seems like winny is popular among real athletes where we see more var,tren, primo discussions on the forums. Any insight? Do they know better than we do? Lol

Orals are hugely important in oly lifting. I recall there was a leaked cycle for a few Russian athletes as they prepped for 2005 WWC. It was 350-700mg test prop, dbol, winny, anavar, clen at low doses (stim effect maybe?), 10(!) ius of gh, and insulin post workout. At that point, testing for gh was nearly impossible so they went ham on it of course. They'd pretty much run all 3 orals and taper off near competition.

waayyyyyy less than bodybuilders or powerlifters; but this makes sense since it's got such a huge skill component to it relative to other strength sports.

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