Im surprised this thread isn't getting alot of hits.. Increasing your lat spread immediately sound pretty fuckin cool.. As long as its safe.. But i haven't heard any adverse effects.. Maybe its a professional muscle secret and i haven't been around long enough to learn the secret trade.. Some rumors flying around about its technique..
Doorknob stretch..
Deep jerky hanging lat stretch.. Kinda like the dc lat stretch..
Or something like this..
Shrug Variations by Paul Kelso
The Lat Flair: Inexperienced bodybuilders often have trouble developing the extreme flair or outspread needed for a lat pose. Muscle control is involved and the complaint is that the scapula won’t cooperate. Try this: stand in the cable crossover machine with it set on high pulley. Arms should be extended straight out to the side or slightly up and forward. (The height of he lifter may be a factor; some do this movement seated.). Use enough weight so that the relaxed arms are stretched and the lats and scapula are under strong stress. The feel should be one of semi-dislocation. Then, without bending the arms, shrug the scapula toward each other while concentrating on the lower trap area as a focus. Return to full stretch, keeping the weight under control. Reps in the 10 to 12 range result in increased scapular mobility, muscle delineation and striations of the entire area involved.