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New member
Jun 6, 2002
I need some good exercises for developing the serattus muscles. Mine have never been especially pronounced even when dieted down for a show. I think I should do something to develop those muscles more so when I do diet down to compete again they will much thicker. Any suggestions?
I believe that cutting the fat AND the water is what makes them show. I don't know of anything that specifically develops them. Part of my pre-contest routine is to do this (seems to help bring out the serratus): Use a high pulley cable machine (experiment with amount of weight but start light!). I use about a 2-foot long, heavy piece of rope with knots on the ends. Use an attachment (I use a LARGE snap-lock that I get from a saddle shop) to attach rope to cable - so it moves freely. Grab rope and get on your knees. Pull down, schrunching somewhat, going from right to left, then vice-versa (bring your right elbow down to your left knee - or past it, then do other elbow). Do 5-8 reps per side (10-16 total reps).

Can you make any heads or tails out of this description?

machine pullovers.. but like xcel said your bodyfat must be low for them to really show
Heavy DB Pullovers (crosswise over a bench) are also helpful (somewhat). I like the other exercise better.

I'm a strong believer in pullovers. I think that they really help develop and expand your entire chest cavity making your chest look bigger partially due to a well-developed rib cage.

xcelbeyond said:
I believe that cutting the fat AND the water is what makes them show. I don't know of anything that specifically develops them. Part of my pre-contest routine is to do this (seems to help bring out the serratus): Use a high pulley cable machine (experiment with amount of weight but start light!). I use about a 2-foot long, heavy piece of rope with knots on the ends. Use an attachment (I use a LARGE snap-lock that I get from a saddle shop) to attach rope to cable - so it moves freely. Grab rope and get on your knees. Pull down, schrunching somewhat, going from right to left, then vice-versa (bring your right elbow down to your left knee - or past it, then do other elbow). Do 5-8 reps per side (10-16 total reps).

Can you make any heads or tails out of this description?

LOL....yes I follow you, I guess I would call them cable/rope crunches. I do understand the importance of getting bodyfat and water out. I get very lean, in fact have been told that I was the hardest and most ripped middleweight in my last show, my serattus do show when I'm in that condition, however, I see them as so much more pronounced on others. Maybe its more a genetic thing. I was just thinking that if I could work them more directly it would help. Thanks for the suggestions!
serratus anterior training


The serratus protracts the shoulder girdle (moves your shoulders forward) and keeps the scapula flat against the back.

You can hit is by "pushups" or "bench presses" with only the shoulder girdle movement. Keep elbows straight (not locked out) and, either in pushup position or with the bar above you, let your shoulder come back (retraction) and then press them to the front (protraction). There are some other shoulder exercises that target the serratus (face down DB side laterals, thumbs up arms at 45? diagonal), but I like this one best

Also, make sure that you do full ROM on your presses, making sure to get that shoulder girdle action I describe above.

I will usually do serratus work (I do it mainly for my winged scapula - keeps the shoulder healthy, too), on the same day I train chest. Two ways:
1) Do sets of oabve at the end of a chest workout.
2.) At the end of your presses, after you've reach failure for these, leave the bar near lockout and do the above exercise. (You won't get many reps, but this is the most convenient way to do this.)

Good Luck!

Try using a lat pulldown bar, grip at the point where the angle starts.

Low weight and just pull straight down with your arms extended (no tricep involvement)
Then it's just diet to make them show

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
I tried something that I read and it worked. We have a pair of inversion boats at the gym I train at. So i put these on and hang upside down from a pull/chin up bar and do inverted rows with DB's. This actually did help. Seems alittle silly but it worked.
any pullover will help, but like everything genetics is at play here

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