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Serious AAS related health issues?


Oct 6, 2006
Has anybody here suffered any serious health problems as a result of your aas use? If so what was it? What caused it? Just curious.:)

Scary high HDL's and very low LDL's from staying on Test too long at too high a dose while gorging on red meat day in day out. I even knew better... Live and learn.

I'm much better now.
I got such bad gyno my nipples got real droppy and could touch the floor, I was getting all the ladies then.. Those were the days....

I think most people have like the guys said, liver problems, kidney problems, or HDL issues, Most of then can be montiored, and protected aginst. Overall I feel if you get good clean drugs that the seriousness of side-effects is lessend or dulled out. What are you thinking of doing?? Or is this for school/news etc??
I think anyone can have some form of health issues related to juicing. However you'll find the more serious of the problems were people that had health issues to begin with. ALso for the rest of them most of the time it was folks running something oral that messed with their liver or kidney by bumping up the MG's count.

But juice is no more harmful then many of the prescriptions your doctor will put you on. Think about every TV ad you see. They tell you the name, whats it's for. They build up the hype on the product wich takes all about 10 seconds to say. Then they take the rest of 50 seconds on that ad to tell you about the 15 side affects that go hand in hand with this "NEW" wonder drug! And so you complain to the doc about your sides and he gives you something ELSE to control your sides, rather then take you off of the drug to begin with! And yet people still take it! Makes you wonder huh?
But juice is no more harmful then many of the prescriptions your doctor will put you on. Think about every TV ad you see. They tell you the name, whats it's for. They build up the hype on the product wich takes all about 10 seconds to say. Then they take the rest of 50 seconds on that ad to tell you about the 15 side affects that go hand in hand with this "NEW" wonder drug! And so you complain to the doc about your sides and he gives you something ELSE to control your sides, rather then take you off of the drug to begin with! And yet people still take it! Makes you wonder huh?

Isn't that the damn truth! ...no more heartburn but it may cause spontaneous explosive diarrhea!!! :D

Seriously, any drug will have a downside, always.
I think anyone can have some form of health issues related to juicing. However you'll find the more serious of the problems were people that had health issues to begin with. ALso for the rest of them most of the time it was folks running something oral that messed with their liver or kidney by bumping up the MG's count.

But juice is no more harmful then many of the prescriptions your doctor will put you on. Think about every TV ad you see. They tell you the name, whats it's for. They build up the hype on the product wich takes all about 10 seconds to say. Then they take the rest of 50 seconds on that ad to tell you about the 15 side affects that go hand in hand with this "NEW" wonder drug! And so you complain to the doc about your sides and he gives you something ELSE to control your sides, rather then take you off of the drug to begin with! And yet people still take it! Makes you wonder huh?
Totally agree........
I was using an underground lab 60mg Winny cap (I hope that is what it was), at a dosage of 2 a day. Got my blood work done and my cholesterol was awefull. Total was llike 237, but the good was only 3. Plus my Blood pressure was terrible, so the doc told me that i was a major heart attack risk. I immediatally stopped the death pills and everything slowly returned to normal. that company has strangly disappeared pretty much overnight, they were domestic so i fugure the long arm of the law probably balled em up.

120 mg's of oral winny a day that's asking for trouble.i'm surprised you didn't crap out your liver:eek:


WARLORD_123 said:
I was using an underground lab 60mg Winny cap (I hope that is what it was), at a dosage of 2 a day. Got my blood work done and my cholesterol was awefull. Total was llike 237, but the good was only 3. Plus my Blood pressure was terrible, so the doc told me that i was a major heart attack risk. I immediatally stopped the death pills and everything slowly returned to normal. that company has strangly disappeared pretty much overnight, they were domestic so i fugure the long arm of the law probably balled em up.
Originally Posted by BOOMSHAKER
I think anyone can have some form of health issues related to juicing. However you'll find the more serious of the problems were people that had health issues to begin with. ALso for the rest of them most of the time it was folks running something oral that messed with their liver or kidney by bumping up the MG's count.

But juice is no more harmful then many of the prescriptions your doctor will put you on. Think about every TV ad you see. They tell you the name, whats it's for. They build up the hype on the product wich takes all about 10 seconds to say. Then they take the rest of 50 seconds on that ad to tell you about the 15 side affects that go hand in hand with this "NEW" wonder drug! And so you complain to the doc about your sides and he gives you something ELSE to control your sides, rather then take you off of the drug to begin with! And yet people still take it! Makes you wonder huh?

But don't we do the same? I'm taking 2g of test and my tits are growing-what can I take? I'm doing 100mg of Dbol and my lipid profile sucks-what can I take? My liver tests are bad, what can I take?
thebrick said:
Isn't that the damn truth! ...no more heartburn but it may cause spontaneous explosive diarrhea!!! :D

Seriously, any drug will have a downside, always.
Yeah, like that new wonder drug to clear up all your allergies...the only side affects are runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, watery and/or itchy eyes.
(got this from a comic in the paper today)
the only sides I have ever gotten has been ance. other than that, I have been very lucky
DOGMA said:
Scary high HDL's and very low LDL's from staying on Test too long at too high a dose while gorging on red meat day in day out. I even knew better... Live and learn.

I'm much better now.

I think you mean high LDL and low HDL. That will usually always happen when "on" along with a rise in triglycerides. You should take high doses of omega 3's when on a cycle. It will help keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels close to normal.
the reason I ask is because I am still considering a cycle. I know the risks, but I was curious to see what people have actually experienced. It seems that the side effects can be controlled or prevented in most cases. I have the gear, just want to have all of my bases covered.
Please Share with us the following :

years Training
Planned Steroid Cycle

Im sure we can help you, Like others have said, Most of my close friends have had nothing but great things to say and or happen. Pimples, Large Muscle Gains, Random Erections, Fat Chicks all the sudden look cuter, holding water, and small health issues. IF you follow the advice about getting regular blood work done, you can really monitor yourself and take pre-cautions....
Otis T Holbrook said:
But don't we do the same? I'm taking 2g of test and my tits are growing-what can I take? I'm doing 100mg of Dbol and my lipid profile sucks-what can I take? My liver tests are bad, what can I take?

If your "tits" are growing it could either be a good thing, 1-chest is getting bigger. or 2-your starting on a case of gyno, of wich you should be on Nolv right now. I am assuming you have the nips a bit tender also? Me personally I would hit about 50mg's of nolva each day until your problem has susided a bit, then finish your cycle on a daily dose of 20mg's of Nolv. I have no clue for the love of me why anyone would run anything without some Nolv each day to head off things like this.(but thats just me and only my .02) You seem to be a candidate for gyno.

For the liver back off the mg's a bit to about 30mg's,(how many weeks are you doing so far?) I know most will say about 40 to 50mg's. But your liver tests are coming back bad. This way you can salvage "some" of the gains from the dbol.

Lipds---Total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dl
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) "bad cholesterol" less than 130 mg/dl
Triglycerides no greater than 190 mg/dl
Try to reduce the amount of fats your taking in for one, Increase use of monounsaturated oils such as olive and canola oils and omega-3 fatty acids from certain fish (salmon, tuna, halibut, rainbow trout, sardines, and anchovies) and flax seed oil.

Also grab some Coenzyme Q-10 (100-300 mg daily), it is a highly potent antioxidant.

To help strengthen your liver profiles and protect them head over to Synthetek.com and pick up some Synthergine and back it with some LIV52. Run it till the end of your cycle including your PCT. Then have another liver function test done and see where your levels are at that point. (best to always run it past your primary doc though) good luck!

P.S. what does your PCT look like???
joeshow5 said:
the reason I ask is because I am still considering a cycle. I know the risks, but I was curious to see what people have actually experienced. It seems that the side effects can be controlled or prevented in most cases. I have the gear, just want to have all of my bases covered.
I always tell people to worry about their BLOOD to stay healthy on AAS.
Blood Pressue
Liver Enzymes
Steroids can have very serious side effects and damage you for life. Dosing and duration of cycles are the key to all this.
Cycle smart and safe.
Iknow 100's of guys over the years that have screwed themselves up on AAS and there is no going back.
It doesn't matter if another drug is legal or more dangerous we need to keep our eye on the topic of AAS safety and not brush aside the risks when asked.
I'm not taking anything now. I was just attempting to make a point, that we as bodybuilders do similar to drug companies. We will take a med and if we develop side effects, rather than switching or stopping, we will take another med to counter the side effects. I don't know if it's right or wrong, just an opinion.
Otis, I thought you had those conditions up top, not knowing you were just throwing some statements out there, anyway, incase you do get what you wrote, your free advice is up there! :D :D :D
joeshow5 said:
Has anybody here suffered any serious health problems as a result of your aas use? If so what was it? What caused it? Just curious.:)

Joe, if anybody had serious sides it was most likely a result of serious use or abuse. Anything overdone can hurt you, thats why its called overdone. Everything in moderation and only break one law at a time are words to live by. Remember them.

Besides, if you die, you'll look better than the rest of the bodies.....NOFEAR

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