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that's an atypical antipsychotic

That's an antipsychotic used for schizophrenia. It can cause Extra pyramidal problems and permanently change brain chemistry. I would not use this med casually

Dr. Glock
Just send Hungry Girl a PM and she will tell you more than you ever even wanted to know about it or any other drug you can think of.
She is one smart little cookie let me tell you! ;)
**broken link removed**

Here's the insert and more. This drug should be monitored very carefully by a qualified physician and yourself.
I've tried it for treatment for depression / bpd and could not tolerate the sides. It gave me horrible restless leg syndrome and would make me soo tired I would actually nod off while driving. Terrible stuff in my opinion. Also cannot take with dostinex / caborgoline. Make sure you are aware of that if your are taking seroquel. Most people don't tell their DR's about the gear and anscillaries they may be taking. Effexor I also tried and it didn't have the negative effects of seroquel. However I did feel pretty mangled for the first few days until I got used to it. Inorgasmia is an interesting and frustrating side effect of effexor.
Just take Olanzapine.....j/k,seriously for sleep anxiety issues-just take some low dose valium or xenex(very low dose).my mom is schyzo and is on medication for,so i kind of know what that shit is.
Hey gang, lets try to keep the psychotropic drug advice to a minimum. Some of the meds you're describing require a very thorough diagnosis and shouldn't be advised here. Mixed with certain other drugs they can be harmful or even fatal.

Not being a jerk or anything. Just a liability issue is all.

We don't know what these people are into on here. Best left between them and their doctors.

Friendly advice and support only.


Hey gang, lets try to keep the psychotropic drug advice to a minimum. Some of the meds you're describing require a very thorough diagnosis and shouldn't be advised here. Mixed with certain other drugs they can be harmful or even fatal.

Not being a jerk or anything. Just a liability issue is all.

We don't know what these people are into on here. Best left between them and their doctors.

Friendly advice and support only.


People go to school and are educated thoroughly on these medications. Then they are tested on that knowledge to make sure no one is out in the field prescribing chemicals in a random manner. Why? Because these pharmaceuticals have the potential to permanently alter thought processes. They can also harm your health. The therapeutic dosage is often very close to the toxic level. Many of these meds build up slowly and it takes weeks of constant monitoring to evaluate the dangers to that individual.

Only a fool starts dosing himself at random only to then suddenly discontinue taking these drugs on a whim.

The problem with bodybuilders is the mentality that taking drugs is no big deal. Just look at all the test I inject! Well, test isn't going to screw you up or kill you in the same manner that psychotropic drugs will.

Zits or gyno will be a minor consequence in comparison. Think of making a mistake with insulin and the ramifications and you come away with a clearer image of what we are attempting to warn you about.
...isn't going to screw you up or kill you in the same manner that psychotropic drugs will.
Just wanted to underscore this point... yes, that's right. KILL YOU. And not a rare freak occurrence. A simple drug or food interaction.

Any of you guys use this stuff? it puts my ass out at night I love it. its for mood enhancement but I feel kinda groggy the next day. any thoughts?

I have been taking the stuff as perscribed for 3 years now and I hate it!! Why?? Its sleep properties for me are addictive. Without it I cannot sleep. I was first perscribed 200mgs and they worked my dosage up to 800mgs!! Now I have stepped the dosage back to 300-400 at night. Mood enhancer..? no, it was given to me to slow me up during the day and help control my rage and impulsive behavior. it really only makes me feel groogy and i am grumpier when i awake. now i am in the process of trying to come off the shit.
best of luck....
Hey gang, lets try to keep the psychotropic drug advice to a minimum. Some of the meds you're describing require a very thorough diagnosis and shouldn't be advised here. Mixed with certain other drugs they can be harmful or even fatal.

Not being a jerk or anything. Just a liability issue is all.

We don't know what these people are into on here. Best left between them and their doctors.

Friendly advice and support only.


I should have been more clear. My experiences with anti-depressants were through my Dr. I would not take these types of subtances without being monitored by a Doc. I would not advise taking anything like this on your own. I was assuming anyone taking these things were doing so through their Dr and simply brought up another type of drug as an alternative to discuss with their care provider.

Interactions with these types of drugs are commonly fatal. Sometimes directly and sometimes misuse or improper use of an anti-depresssant can cause you to become even more depressed and possibly suicidal.

I in no way give medical advice only give my personal experiences with medicine provided through the appropriate care.

With that being said if you are just looking to sleep I get ambien prescribed by my doctor and it works wonders for my insomnia with no sides or hangover effect in the AM. If you are having trouble sleeping then ask your doctor about this. I don't think anti -d's should be used for sleep aids. :cool:
I should have been more clear. My experiences with anti-depressants were through my Dr. I would not take these types of subtances without being monitored by a Doc. I would not advise taking anything like this on your own. I was assuming anyone taking these things were doing so through their Dr and simply brought up another type of drug as an alternative to discuss with their care provider.

Interactions with these types of drugs are commonly fatal. Sometimes directly and sometimes misuse or improper use of an anti-depresssant can cause you to become even more depressed and possibly suicidal.

I in no way give medical advice only give my personal experiences with medicine provided through the appropriate care.

With that being said if you are just looking to sleep I get ambien prescribed by my doctor and it works wonders for my insomnia with no sides or hangover effect in the AM. If you are having trouble sleeping then ask your doctor about this. I don't think anti -d's should be used for sleep aids. :cool:
Hey, no harm, no foul. I just think some of these medication threads solicit too much amateur advice and I'm just trying to look out for peoples' safety. Thanks for clarifying.
Check out klonopin. Good stuff for reducing stress and getting back to neutral. Hell of a nights sleep with the junk too. Its an anti-physcotic.
Check out klonopin. Good stuff for reducing stress and getting back to neutral. Hell of a nights sleep with the junk too. Its an anti-physcotic.
Powitaninia TestPolska! maja nadzieje wy byc dobrze! Klonopin is actually an anxiolytic (not antipsychotic). Klonopin (clonazapam) is in a family of drugs called benzodiazepines. Chemically, it is very similiar to Valium and Xanax. It will put you out too, but the feelings of drowsiness should diminish over time. This is a drug that should be handled with particular care as dosage is normally tapered up initially and then down as a person discontinues use.

Definitely want to discuss thoroughly with your doctor but I believe it to be very effective option for mild to moderate anxiety or panic disorder. There are arguably better longer term options, but few provide the such immediate relief as benzodiazepines.
so I got down to taking about 12.5 mg everynight but im also dieting and read that it causes weight gain by raising blood sugars :confused: any ideas on what to take to help sleep? ive tried tp's sleep aid, melatonin/valerian root. nothing is seeming to help shut my mind off which is what seroquel does, at least for a little while. am I SOL? :(
Against forum rules. See your doctor.
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