31 yrs old been training since teens. Nutrition was never a strong point as i just always ate whatever whenever. Now I am trying to lose some fat that I gained while "bulking" and need to be more precise with my diet.
I am following Palumbo's diet. His basic outline calls for 1.5g Pro /lb and .5-.65g Fat / lb. No direct source of carbs. According to this outline I (187lbs) would need 280g protein and 121 g fat per day. OR 47 P and 20 F per meal. 2209 calories. (+ indirect carbs) I used the upper range for fat .65, though i am actually taking in more, in the form of nuts. Up to 30g per meal.
Ive been doing this and in 4 weeks I dropped 15 lbs. Most of my lifts have dropped a few reps. So I think i am losing muscle. From what I read most people experience increased energy and their lifts get stronger. Not so for me, so I am a bit puzzled. Should i increase my calorie intake. I have been hungrier while doing this diet, while I've read people feel full and not hungry
on this diet. It seems everything is opposite for me.
Did drop my waist from 34 to 31 inches and becoming more vascular.