I have used a number of different HGH's, ranging from Pfizer's Genotropin(Pharmacia&Upjohn) to the older 192 Somatrem called protropin. The major pharma's like Genotropin and Humatrope by Eli-Lilly are superior to any other brands in purity and correct dosage. Jintropin and Hygetropin would be in the middle. Blue tops and other cheap brands would be at the bottom. I have read a number of posts that say it takes 3 times the IU's of bluetops to get the same results of a major pharma. I seriously doubt that there is anywhere near 100 IU's in a kit of blue tops and I would be willing to bet that they are the older 192 somatrem HGH's. 191 HGH is made by protein secretion technology which is more complicated and expensive than the 192 HGH which is made by inclusion body technology. After Genentech came out with their 192 HGH in 1985, it took them 9 more years of research before they could develop their 191 HGH called Nutropin. In 3 months of taking Protropin at 4 IU's a day, I got no noticeable results. After 4 months of taking Genotropin, 4 IU's a day, the fat just melted away from my waist.