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Something like 20 weeks out...


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Nov 26, 2007
I want to post this up now so I can't back out later. I'll call you guys my accountability partners... lol I've always wanted to compete but I'm lacking in the size department... I just need to get this first one out of the way to move forward in the future.

I'm really hoping I can grow into the show but I have no idea at all because I've never done any sort of prep. Anyway, heres my starting point...


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kill it man

you got the plan????.....right???;)

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I think you look good. Are you tall, or does it just look that way in the pic? May I ask if you have done any cycles?
I can see some potential and you just need more size and you will kick arse!
Nice conditioning in early stages. Good luck!
Here is the deal. You are lean and you have a good structure. When you are competing at the local level, size is the least important attribute (unless someone is REALLY small or REALLY BIG). What you notice is shape and conditioning. Sure, you could use some more size (who couldn't).. but don't get hung up on that. Focus on what you have - a lot of people can get big, but not everyone has a good structure.

Now, as you move up a level to the bigger shows, the playing field changes and in order to do well, you can't skate by on conditioning and structure - you need all three - shape, size and conditioning.. But, all that comes with time.
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jay dub...very impressive conditioning this far out. looks like your prep should be fairly easy (well if you can consider a prep easy in anyway hah). good luck brother.
kill it man

you got the plan????.....right???;)

alex will put you in top shape for sure


The plan is about to be in full effect bro. :headbang: I'll definitely be staying in touch. I owe you man.

I think you look good. Are you tall, or does it just look that way in the pic? May I ask if you have done any cycles?

You guessed right, I'm 6'2. And LOL at the cycle question. I only wish I could honestly say I havent touched AAS...

I can see some potential and you just need more size and you will kick arse!
Nice conditioning in early stages. Good luck!

Thanks BC! My skinny fat genes kill me... My body hates muscle and loves to store fat. I have to diet pretty hard just to keep my current condition...

Here is the deal. You are lean and you have a good structure. Alex will get you shredded (unless you fuck it up). When you are competing at the local level, size is the least important attribute (unless someone is REALLY small or REALLY BIG). What you notice is shape and conditioning. Sure, you could use some more size (who couldn't).. but don't get hung up on that. Focus on what you have - a lot of people can get big, but not everyone has a good structure.

Now, as you move up a level to the bigger shows, the playing field changes and in order to do well, you can't skate by on conditioning and structure - you need all three - shape, size and conditioning.. But, all that comes with time.

Hey tazzie, thanks for taking the time to write this out bro. I really appreciate it. I'm still young (turning 24 in a couple weeks) so time is on my side. That part gives me some hope.

jay dub...very impressive conditioning this far out. looks like your prep should be fairly easy (well if you can consider a prep easy in anyway hah). good luck brother.

Thanks VT, you just did your first show recently didnt you? Got any tips for me or anything to remember that I might overlook the first go around?
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lookin swole dude - nice size on the wheels - what's your weight at now? you looking to gain in the next few months, then cut?
You look great

I think you look good enough to do okay right now. My advice forget about growing into a show, putting on more size, or any of the other things prospective body builders profess to doing. This being your first show and with 20 weeks you don't want to put to many things on your plate.

My advice, get as lean as possible in the 20 weeks. Rather then worry about size focus only on following your plan and polishing your posing. 20 weeks from now the combination of being a slow steady 20 weeks lean (especially considering the fact that you are lean to start) and spending a lot of time in not only your posing but your transitions from one pose to the next will pay off big time. You will not only be lean you will also have done it without killing you and your muscle. The posing will make you look like you have been there before and I think you will be pleased with the end result.
Jay .. you look great man.. right now.. and come time.. it will all come together.... but honestly bro.. you look really good right now and i agree with a lot of what people are sayin.. im looking forward to this dude!
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Jay .. you look great man.. right now.. and come time.. it will all come together.. I cant say too much or the thread could get deleted... but honestly bro.. you look really good right now and i agree with a lot of what people are sayin.. im looking forward to this dude!

Jay, the biggest thing I wish I would have done was asked more questions about how the day of the show would go. I went to the competitors meeting just thinking that we'd talk then I'd go back to my room and get ready. Well no, the show started and I had none of my shit with me. I got everything but was still unprepared. Make sure you bring a change of clothes, a dirty towl or two, pump up gear, your food, and an IPOD or something to listen to.

I also wish I would have shaved earlier than the night before bc I had razor burn. Also get your color down...definitely need a good game plan for that.
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you are in the same boat i was. i just did my first show and was lacking size. It dosent matter, you have to start somewhere. If you look back through some of the progress threads I started I was bashed, told to just quit, spend more time growing, made fun of etc. at the end of the day i just used it as fuel. I took 2nd in novice heavyweight (no light heavys) and I fealt extremely accomplished because most guys start and cant follow through with how tough it really is. You look great for 20 wks out. Keep your eye on the prize. Next show after this one make it your goal to come in bigger, bring up your weak points etc. Most of all, have fun and good luck.
take it from someone who has been chasing size for 9 years and it ended up screwing him up for all his contests... fuck size... that's why there are weight classes. get as fucking ripped as you can and compete.
you look big enough for most people... now get shredded, win some medals, and turn into a pussy wrecking machine! LOL
I think you look good enough to do okay right now. My advice forget about growing into a show, putting on more size, or any of the other things prospective body builders profess to doing. This being your first show and with 20 weeks you don't want to put to many things on your plate.

My advice, get as lean as possible in the 20 weeks. Rather then worry about size focus only on following your plan and polishing your posing. 20 weeks from now the combination of being a slow steady 20 weeks lean (especially considering the fact that you are lean to start) and spending a lot of time in not only your posing but your transitions from one pose to the next will pay off big time. You will not only be lean you will also have done it without killing you and your muscle. The posing will make you look like you have been there before and I think you will be pleased with the end result.

Thanks for the advice aeliop! Conditioning is definitely my top priority at this point... Size isn't something I'm going to have, so I will make sure to be more conditioned than the rest.

And you're definitely right about focusing on posing. I'm clueless for the most part when it comes to that... Do you have any videos or tips on where to learn to pose? Your posing has always been awesome and I know you take a lot from Zane.

Jay .. you look great man.. right now.. and come time.. it will all come together.... but honestly bro.. you look really good right now and i agree with a lot of what people are sayin.. im looking forward to this dude!

3 weeks Alex...

Jay, the biggest thing I wish I would have done was asked more questions about how the day of the show would go. I went to the competitors meeting just thinking that we'd talk then I'd go back to my room and get ready. Well no, the show started and I had none of my shit with me. I got everything but was still unprepared. Make sure you bring a change of clothes, a dirty towl or two, pump up gear, your food, and an IPOD or something to listen to.

I also wish I would have shaved earlier than the night before bc I had razor burn. Also get your color down...definitely need a good game plan for that.

Damn dude, razor burn is terrible. I got it bad enough the other day when I used a razor on my stomach and chest, I can't imagine having it on my entire body... How many times do you need to shave to stop getting the razor burn? Not looking forward to that at all. I'll definitely try and shave about a month in advance and make sure to take all my stuff with me to the show. Thanks for the tips man.

you are in the same boat i was. i just did my first show and was lacking size. It dosent matter, you have to start somewhere. If you look back through some of the progress threads I started I was bashed, told to just quit, spend more time growing, made fun of etc. at the end of the day i just used it as fuel. I took 2nd in novice heavyweight (no light heavys) and I fealt extremely accomplished because most guys start and cant follow through with how tough it really is. You look great for 20 wks out. Keep your eye on the prize. Next show after this one make it your goal to come in bigger, bring up your weak points etc. Most of all, have fun and good luck.

You looked great bro. Even though I didnt post I was keeping a close eye on your thread. You definitely showed all the haters, thats for sure. I appreciate the input Donzi.

take it from someone who has been chasing size for 9 years and it ended up screwing him up for all his contests... fuck size... that's why there are weight classes. get as fucking ripped as you can and compete.
you look big enough for most people... now get shredded, win some medals, and turn into a pussy wrecking machine! LOL

A pussy wrecking machine lol, that made me laugh.

I'm glad I got your guys' input. I'm not so worried about size now, conditioning it is....
you look great bro!!! im in your same boat next spring im gonna be doing my first show too. but your already a better base then me cuz your a lot leaner!! looks great man
You look great bro u should have know problem at all with the shape your already in
Ya look great and I hope you find the right cycle to keep your mass. We share something in common by promoting the same sponsor. I live in Berlin and have great respect for AHS. The guy is true to his word and really goes the extra mile when it comes to service. Gonna try his new line out this holiday. For all of you that haven`t tried AHS , you really should look them up and compare! Great all around guy with awsome prices !
P.S. Happy Birthday Jay and keep up the good work. Peace.:headbang:
you look great bro!!! im in your same boat next spring im gonna be doing my first show too. but your already a better base then me cuz your a lot leaner!! looks great man

Thanks gst, getting lean is something I can do pretty easily. What show are you doing and when is it?

You look great bro u should have know problem at all with the shape your already in

Thanks man, I'm hoping I can cruise into this show without too much trouble...

Ya look great and I hope you find the right cycle to keep your mass. We share something in common by promoting the same sponsor. I live in Berlin and have great respect for AHS. The guy is true to his word and really goes the extra mile when it comes to service. Gonna try his new line out this holiday. For all of you that haven`t tried AHS , you really should look them up and compare! Great all around guy with awsome prices !
P.S. Happy Birthday Jay and keep up the good work. Peace.:headbang:

Thanks Godzilla. AHS is definitely a good guy, I give him all the credit in the world and would recommend him to everyone.
my plan is too do the jay cutler classic may 2011 what about you?

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