I watched a couple of episodes....seems like an enormous pile of shit.
The guy strikes me as half a fag.....the entire show, including the "interviews" are heavily scripted and everyone apart fom himself sound like actors...bad actors.
The editing is annoying. Some of the "interviewees" (who are actually actors) reinforce shitty streotypes about steroid users, such as when they talk about "roid drage". One guy talks about how he headbutted a guy so hard once that he made his heart stop. Other "interviewees" (actors) keep saying that he needs to take more and more juice...one girl who has no clue as to what steroids are says he needs to "up the dosage hardcore". Quite obviously, she is an actress who has been told to say this.
The entire show is scripted and scripted very very badly...that skinny streak of piss had no business using juice in the first place...the gains he has made could have been achieved by just eating and training....and most annoyingly the show reinforces some of the worst stereotypes about steroid users. He is lazy and weak and chose to use steroids even before he had begun training or eating.
This show is a pile of shit and will do nothing to help the general public understand steroid use.