An incredible individual. if you ever want to get really fired up in the gym, train with someone like this.
Afew years ago I had the privelege of being the strength andconditioning coach to an Athlete by the name of ASHLEY PARDON. he has CP down the entire right side of his body. He took all I threw at him, never complained onc3e, even while he was losing his inside in the red bucket doing squats. He would puke, wipe his mouth and come back and do another set!! This kid went on to be a world champion athlete in track and feild and then the world's best at Lawn bowls. He has held numerous Australian records in his classification. He asked me to coach him to be a powerlifter one year. I figured, what the hell you have done everything else so why not.
He became the first ever registered CP lifter in Australia and set a national record for his weight division and classification. I cannot give people like this enough credit for their determination and will to succeed!!! Anything is possible guys and gals, anything at all. We are only limited by our minds. Stevie and Ashley not only had dreams, they have lived their dreams!!
What will you do with yours??????
I have been blessed to have worked with some of the best in the world!!!