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Sus500 PCT...


Apr 2, 2007
Would anyone who used sus500 (pro hormone to avoid any confusion) possibly Tom comment on any pct if any at all was used on sus500 i was searching thru the threads but only really found info about while on and how long and what not....maybe im being a lil lazy but its late and getting close to graduation so im a lil sleepy...cut me a break :D

Thanks a bunch to anyone in advance who can help me out
My pct

I used a product by Alri called restore. 4 weeks or 1 bottle should do it but to be really sure I ran 2 bottles over 8 weeks. I am still holding most of my gains and lost only a few pounds. My strength has decreased only slightly and I will run SUS500 again in mid June. Libido seems to be normal for me.
I have been wondering the same thing. I'm going to be starting sus500 next week, and picked up anabolic innovation cycle post cycle support, should be good to go.
good luck....sus 500 is very suppressive.

Took me a while to recover.....had to eventually do a round of clomid/nolva
On the bottle it says use for no more then 8 weeks on, then take four weeks off.

You think you could recover consistantly running 8 on 4 off w\ pct?
Better to be safe than sorry. Just run some Clomid/Nolva or even better Toremifene.
how about liver support while on cycle? same recommendations if stacked with tren 250?
with those 'new' pro hormones, you still need to do a PCT (they say...) but you can use a few for recovery like the one from Gaspari, Novedex XT...I'm currently using it and will have my blood test in a week, so I can say if 4 weeks have done something to restore my normal test levels.
Also, I will see if it's liver toxic, normally it shldnt be...we'll see!!
how about liver support while on cycle? same recommendations if stacked with tren 250?

Would it even make sense to stack these two? Aren't they similar compounds?
I-force makes a good PCT product called reservitrol I believe. For sus500 though I would use clomiphene. It is just as suppressive as any other oral AAS
Reversitol is no question the best PCT on the market. Do a search on anabolicminds.com in case you think I'm just supporting my sponsor. This product is leaps and bounds above the rest.

Here is an explanation off of IForce's site

Scientifically Formulated REVERSITOL – was designed with Optimal Hormone Regulation in mind. All hardcore athletes have felt the side effects of hormonal stress, resulting in declined performance, loss of muscle gains, and weakened intensity. By controlling the production and levels of Testosterone, Estrogen and LH, an athlete will ensure PEAK Performance. REVERSITOL promotes the optimal Hormone Regulation for applying Maximum FORCE!

Testosterone and Luteinizing Hormone are both directly responsible for muscular growth as well as intense strength gains. You want both Testosterone and LH levels as
high as possible to guarantee maximum growth, and continued results. Reversitol’s unique blend of ingredients promotes the atmosphere in your body for optimal stimulation and production of TESTOSTERONE while ensuring the FREE TEST levels are pushed to the MAX!

Estrogen can have unwanted side effects such as fat gain, acne, loss of muscle and even anxiety. These are the effects of having the wrong levels of Estrogen in your body. By reducing the negative impact of estrone metabolites (bas Estrogen) while preserving the benefits of estradiol and the ‘good’ 2-hydroxyestrone, it is possible to capitalize on the many positives that Estrogen has to offer. REVERSITOL’s synchronized pathways of estrogen control not only eradicate the bad estrogen but also regulate the production and conversion of the good Estrogens. Get the best of both worlds!

How is Reversitol used?
REVERSITOL will work for all men to assist in Hormonal Regulation. As males age a steady decline in key hormones causes them to lose a large percentage of lean body mass, have a much weaker libido, and possibly experience emotional distress. REVERSITOL promotes the atmosphere in a male’s body to produce optimal gains both in the Gym and the Bedroom!

Stand Alone Cycle:
By regulating and optimizing the levels and production of key hormones in males, the body is able to ignite passion and vitality. Testosterone is the key Hormone for males. It is directly responsible for muscle growth and overall strength. On the other hand, Estrogen is still necessary for muscle gains in the gym because it has a direct effect on strength and joint mobility. By inhibiting the build up of Bad Estrogen and regulating the amounts of Good Estrogen, REVERSITOL promotes the healthy unadulterated male physique!

Post Cycle Therapy:
After bodybuilders come off any hormonal product (prohormones or steroids) they suffer from extremely low LH (Luteinizing hormone), low or zero levels of Testosterone, high levels of Estrogen in relation to Testosterone, high levels of the stress hormone Cortisol, and low levels of RBC (Red Blood Cell count) in almost all cases. Too much estrogen post cycle can lead to many unwanted side effects like water retention, and fat gain. This is the exact opposite of what one needs in order to build or even maintain muscle mass, the less time in this catabolic state the better!

REVERSITOL is designed to be your all in one, complete Post Cycle Therapy product. REVERSITOL addresses all aspects necessary to reverse the negative sides effects usually found when completing a Cycle. Through our patent pending S.E.R.M. Matrix, iFORCE is able to raise Testosterone and Luteinizing Hormone, while jumpstarting the HPTA axis. The Estrogen Modulation Matrix (patent pending) focuses on inhibiting the build up of bad Estrogen while regulating levels of the Good Estrogen.
PCT REVERSITOL consumers experience:
• Strength gains while cycled off prohormones or steroids
• Jump in libido
• increase in lean muscle mass
• increased energy and quicker recovery

Extremely effective AI (Aromatase-inhibitor) for safely controlling the amount of estrogen your body produces while indirectly increasing testosterone levels. 6-Bromoandrosenedione works by reducing Estrogen levels,which help to indirectly raise Testosterone levels due to what is called the negative-feedback-loop. 6-Bromolandrostenedione, unlike most AI’s has no negative impact on sexual health.

ATD 1,4,6-Androstatriene-3,17-Dione:
An extremely effective AI (Aromatase-inhibitor), ATD eliminates the production of estrogen in the body. This effect is felt quickly (with in 8 days) by a concomitant increase in testosterone production and overall feeling of well-being. ATD makes an excellent PCT to a heavy prohormones or synthetic cycles by minimizing estrogenic side effects. ATD raises endogenous levels of testosterone by controlling the Aromatase enzyme.

Trans Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes and is a constituent of red wine. Similar to Nolvadex, Trans Resveratrol works at the receptor level to block estrogen receptors. This means you will be eradicating estrogen while boosting the natural production of Testosterone. The key to Trans Resveratrol is its capability of modulating estrogenic receptors as well as controlling Aromatase. No other compound provides that One Two Punch against Estrogen.

A naturally occurring phytochemical found in vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Indole 3 Carbinol has the powerful effect of modulating estrogen metabolism. Estrogen metabolism is key to the progressive effect of relevant hormones. In general there are two metabolites that can be classed as “bad” which are known as estrone metabolites. There are also Good Estrogens, consisting of estradiol and 2-hydroxyestrone. Consumption of I3C has been shown on several occasions to increase Good Estrogens while effectively decreasing Bad Estrogen. This provides the atmosphere for strength building.

Eurycoma Long folia “Tongkat Ali”:
Long jack is an herb that not only stimulates the production of endogenous testosterone, but also works to ensure that the raised levels of Testosterone are usable. There are two forms of Testosterone in the body - Bound and Free. Bound testosterone is useless in muscle growth. Free Testosterone is the JACK POT!! Free testosterone drives sexual stimulation as well as muscle building. Long Jack is believed to achieve this feat through the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) pathway. Athletes which consume Long jack commonly report increased feelings of well-being, improved mental focus, and improved immune system function.

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