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Sust 300


Apr 22, 2010
I've been following along for about 8 months or so, and I figured I'd start a thread. Mods/Admins feel free to delete if I break any rules. Anyway, started sust300 with 1cc on Monday and then .75cc on Thursday. That was the plan anyway. Pinned on Monday = everything cool. Tuesday mid day, couldn't lift the arm. WTF?!?! pain, warm to the touch, and red. Switched to test e and every thing was fine. Anyone have any idea how to correct this? I was thinking 1/2cc EOD? I've used Sust250 same UG and it was fine?
In most cases, if you respond to gear like that, it's best to throw the gear away. It's probably going to happen everywhere you inject it, every time, to varying degrees. It's not worth it. You can try again and see if it was a one-time thing, but if it happens again I hope you do the smart thing and chuck it.

Find some oil that is painless and use that instead.
Not enough gear history ,but 250 test-e weekly has done wonders to most ppl .
250 twice a week its a good cycle as well.
I hit the thighs a day or so after leg day.
I always have some discomfort, but all-in-all still bearable.
Its a big muscle and can take it well .
used sust250 from same place, and it was like butter, that's the weird part about it, through my research i found some people saying that it was bc it was just too much (concentrate) at one time, that's why I was thinking smaller amount more often, I don't mind pinning eod.

4th cycle, usually stick to test e, and sust250.
Hey superman???

MSU stands for what?? Is it Spartans??

In my opinion somebody can do Sus eod, e3d, twice a Week. I've done all three even once a week on monday.

Prop- 1fastest
Dec-4 longer acting

So if your Sus is like this your ok.

I've had different blends also some ug guys call there test blends sus and they have CYP/PRO or ENAN/prop.

So it depends on what you have!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, do not toss out the gear! There are a few variables here that may have caused this! #1 @ 300mgs you have already elevated the mg per ml count and that alone can cause some swelling and redness. #2 to many people like sust250-300 but not realise it's an "OIL". Thus if you shoot it cold it very well may give you a huge lump at the injected site.

Most of the time folks hear about a product but DO NOT understand how it will affect you. (sides) understanding any product and knowing how to correctly inject it will make it that much more pleasent the follwing time.

Sust needs to be injected deep into the muscle. I always tell folks the glutes are best for SUST. You can also cut it with grapeseed oil or B12. Mix the two in a syringe. Cap it. Let it sit in a glass of hot water for about 3-4 mins. This will thin out the oil even more. After you inject and with a clean hand(palm) massge the area for a bout 2-3 mins. I gaurentee you will have a better experience the second time you do this. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't think I needed to throw it out, bc I love their products. To be honest I was being a pu$$y and since it hurt so bad, I didn't want to put in my glute (did that with a blend and couldn't even turn over in bed, and had to hover to $hit). I'm going to warm it up, and maybe cut it. What about the dosage? .50ml EOD?
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't think I needed to throw it out, bc I love their products. To be honest I was being a pu$$y and since it hurt so bad, I didn't want to put in my glute (did that with a blend and couldn't even turn over in bed, and had to hover to $hit). I'm going to warm it up, and maybe cut it. What about the dosage? .50ml EOD?[/QUOTE]

Here's where variations of this get tricky. Some wil tell you EOD in order to keep your blood levels even. while others have ran it for years at 1 pin once a week. This really depends on your over health and such. Keeping it the way you are already is fine. You have a 3cc syringe anyway so both times thin it out with 1cc of B12 or grapeseed oil. You're still getting your 1.75ml by the end of the week. Good luck. Let us know how it works out for you.
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't think I needed to throw it out, bc I love their products. To be honest I was being a pu$$y and since it hurt so bad, I didn't want to put in my glute (did that with a blend and couldn't even turn over in bed, and had to hover to $hit). I'm going to warm it up, and maybe cut it. What about the dosage? .50ml EOD?

You'll take huge swelling, extremely painful lumps that prevent you from doing daily tasks such as using the bathroom and sleeping? Just to save a few dollars?

You're not being a pussy. Only an idiot would put up with that. If the gear made your shoulder swell up to the point where you can't lift your arm, and it was red and hot, it really is best to toss the gear. Good gear won't hurt you at all. I did over a CC of trenA/mastP/testP in my right delt last night, and today I worked out chest/tri no problem. That's the way it should be. Not you having to hover over the toilet when you have to take a shit, rofl...

Or just try and cut up your crap gear to make the pain bearable. Running your syringe under hot water, massaging your ass for 3 minutes, baking your gear...You wanna do all that to save 40 bucks fine. I'm just trying to save you a lot of pain and hassle.

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You'll take huge swelling, extremely painful lumps that prevent you from doing daily tasks such as using the bathroom and sleeping? Just to save a few dollars?

You're not being a pussy. Only an idiot would put up with that. If the gear made your shoulder swell up to the point where you can't lift your arm, and it was red and hot, it really is best to toss the gear. Good gear won't hurt you at all. I did over a CC of trenA/mastP/testP in my right delt last night, and today I worked out chest/tri no problem. That's the way it should be. Not you having to hover over the toilet when you have to take a shit, rofl...

Or just try and cut up your crap gear to make the pain bearable. Running your syringe under hot water, massaging your ass for 3 minutes, baking your gear...You wanna do all that to save 40 bucks fine. I'm just trying to save you a lot of pain and hassle.


I appreciate your candor, :yeahthat:, it was mild swelling, it was the the pain was just incredible. The reason I didn't wanna throw it out, was bc i've used them before, and had NO problems. The funny thing about your blend is that's a similar blend to what I used when I was like "OUCH." Different strokes for different folks? The worst that happens is I try it, it doesn't work (any of the suggestions) and I revert back to the sust250. :(
I appreciate your candor, :yeahthat:, it was mild swelling, it was the the pain was just incredible. The reason I didn't wanna throw it out, was bc i've used them before, and had NO problems. The funny thing about your blend is that's a similar blend to what I used when I was like "OUCH." Different strokes for different folks? The worst that happens is I try it, it doesn't work (any of the suggestions) and I revert back to the sust250. :(

Bro, I know, but you can't look at it like that. Something is wrong with that one, specific vial of oil if it's making you react that way. I ordered a couple vials of test one time in a country where it's legal, the first was PAINLESS, second made me PARALYZED. I tossed it. Thank GOD I did. That's why I told you to chuck it even though I read that you already used it with no problems. Good gear doesn't paralyze you. PERIOD!

Sorry if I came off super preachy and shit. I just can't stand watching a guy put up with that kind of pain just for the chance that he'll maybe put on a pound or two of muscle in a few months or something....It kills me. Just trying to help you bro. :eek:
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Bro, I know, but you can't look at it like that. Something is wrong with that one, specific vial of oil if it's making you react that way. I ordered a couple vials of test one time in a country where it's legal, the first was PAINLESS, second made me PARALYZED. I tossed it. Thank GOD I did. That's why I told you to chuck it even though I read that you already used it with no problems. Good gear doesn't paralyze you. PERIOD!

Sorry if I came off super preachy and shit. I just can't stand watching a guy put up with that kind of pain just for the chance that he'll maybe put on a pound or two of muscle in a few months or something....It kills me. Just trying to help you bro. :eek:

No harm no foul brother! I'm being stubborn, I'm a fricking cheap a$$. I'll admit it.
I appreciate your candor, :yeahthat:, it was mild swelling, it was the the pain was just incredible. The reason I didn't wanna throw it out, was bc i've used them before, and had NO problems. The funny thing about your blend is that's a similar blend to what I used when I was like "OUCH." Different strokes for different folks? The worst that happens is I try it, it doesn't work (any of the suggestions) and I revert back to the sust250. :(
I have some 400 test combo of cyp and enth and it just does me in. I have no problem with all the other products and hg from a popular sponsor but I cannot take that concentration of 400mg/ml. I was thinking of just adding some sterile oil to bring down the mgs to 250mg/ml. Maybe you can try to add oil to your Sus 300 because if you have an extra 50mg of pro in it, this could be why you cannot handle it. Dilute it. Just a thought bro.
so after some research and thinking about the whole thing at naseaum. I think I figured out what I did wrong. Let me know what you guys think.

I think I became complacent with my pins. What happened is I think I "didn't pull out fast enough" so I there was some oil left under my skin instead of in the muscle ergo causing the pain and slight swelling. So to prevent this I pin'd this morning using a quicker wrist flick and pulling up and out faster, there was no spillage, no nothing. So we'll seee..:confused:
so after some research and thinking about the whole thing at naseaum. I think I figured out what I did wrong. Let me know what you guys think.

I think I became complacent with my pins. What happened is I think I "didn't pull out fast enough" so I there was some oil left under my skin instead of in the muscle ergo causing the pain and slight swelling. So to prevent this I pin'd this morning using a quicker wrist flick and pulling up and out faster, there was no spillage, no nothing. So we'll seee..:confused:

That. Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. It.

If the gear is good it won't hurt you like that, regardless of how fast you inject it, how fast you stick the needle in, or how fast you take the needle out. This is my last post on the matter.
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