Well, at the moment, I'm a bit more into the powerlifting end than bodybuilding. If I didn't take the summer off, I'd be sitting a good 20-30lbs heavier than I am. Ibadman is right... 20-30lbs more would have me right around where I want to be. Gimme a few months and I'll be a bit closer.
As far as history, been interested in bodybuilding for about 4-5 years. I have never competed... and don't know if I will. I hate cardio and looove to eat. lol. I have to thank my parents for the great genetics in the bodyfat department. I have a pretty crazy metabolism... which is frustrating when I'm tryin to put on weight, but at least I don't need to do too much cardio. lol. I'm only 5'7, so I'm a short little bastard. It makes lookin thick alot easier than for you tall guys... alot cheaper too. I don't have to eat quite as much. Hopefully I'll be somewhere just short of 200 by the summer, and maybe break 200lbs by this fall.
At the moment, hammies need some work for sure... but my pecs are really lagging. Those fuckers just don't like to grow. My old man and brother have the same problem. I think I got screwed in that dept genetically. Ya win some, ya lose some.