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Test Gel


Jun 6, 2008
What are your thoughts on female low dose test gel for both increase in libido and overall quality of life?

My g/f has dealt with NO sex drive her entire life. It's really starting to get to her as she realizes the strain it causes on our relationship and also when compared to others (her friends etc). She literally never thinks about sex, has never approached me for it in 3 years (outside of the first month), can live without it completely...kissing and making out and any intimate way included. She never masturbates even after we have spent hundreds of dollars on toys and lotions etc. I know that this isn't something that she hides from me as we have lived together and are more open with each other with our daily lives than any of you would care to know.

She has been on birth control for 4-5 years now but even prior her libido was non existent. Another problem for her is that in no way can she have an orgasm off of penetration. I say this not bc of my abilities but because of the toys etc. If some of those guys don't work to stimulate her insides with rotating vibrating gyro balls etc, i haven't a chance in hell haha.

I have exhausted every other natural option and we both have worked together to fix this, but it just seems another step forward needs to be taken. I in no way however want to put her health in jeoprady as she is literally my everything. We have on hand some of the test gel however but before we try it I wanted to get a females opinion.

Do you feel the gel will help increase drive? What other benefits or problems would or could arise? The gel we have is 5 gram or 25 grams of test total per package. I thought about starting off with half EOD? Your thoughts there?

Thank you all so much for your help and I apologize for the amount of personal information involved here. We just really want to bring ourselves closer together as we are very close in everyway except for our intimacy...and that's just hard to live without....
Has she consulted her Gynecologist about this? There are test preparations dosed specifically for women for this. I think that even at 1/2 dose EOD, a test gel dosed for a man would be overkill if you are just looking for an increase in her sex drive. Might put her at risk for unwanted sides.
Has she consulted her Gynecologist about this? There are test preparations dosed specifically for women for this. I think that even at 1/2 dose EOD, a test gel dosed for a man would be overkill if you are just looking for an increase in her sex drive. Might put her at risk for unwanted sides.

She has consulted her gyno, said "it's just your hormones" and that even changing birth control types wouldn't help. That was her only opinion, we are having another appt soon.

You think that 12.5mg of test would be too much EOD?
Yes, Test Cream / gel is a great option for women with low libido. The problem is that the OTC test is a pro-hormone that may or may not work for all women. I'm not saying it's not worth a try, because it does help some women. It's a start. The other problem is that the FDA hasn't approved of the treatment of Test for women.

If it doesn't work, then she can get a prescription from her doctor. I know women that are on it and it works for them.

If you do a search for "Testosterone for women", I have post a lot of information in the female forum. You can also check out this link to the Low sex drive in women
Thanks Sassy!

I actually did read that article earlier today when looking for information on it....actually got it from one of your posts.

What would a doc prescribe that would be different than the gel? Would that be an actual injectible?

What doses would you say to start off with regarding the gel? The gel that I have is not OTC but presciption testim gel, I'm actually on TRT and the doc gave me those first but I wanted inject test e so we made the change.

I have also heard that test prop would be a good option at low dose like 10-20mg EOD but I was more skeptical with that. Do you have thoughts here?
The doc will only prescribe a cream or gel. I'm not sure what the dose is on it. I tried to google it, but because the FDA hasn't approved it as a treatment. I couldn't find any thing on dosages. This is something her dr will have to monitor. Women that I know who are on it go in from time to time and have blood test run to make sure their hormone levels are ok.

I am on HRT for both estrogen and test. My dr gave me EstraTest®. It contains 2.5 mg of Test which I think is too low, but that is probably all the FDA will approve. You'll have to check your label on the gel that you have, but I think common dosages are 1.25 g, 2.5 g & 5 g this was off Androgel's product information and would be for a man.

Because of the sides and that women's libido varies, I would say start at a lower dose such as the 10 mg like you mentioned. That's why I always recommend the creams first, because she can get them legally and you don't have to do shots. Keep in mind that that a Rx will still not be covered by insurance. The EstraTest isn't on my insurance preferred Rx drug list. :mad:
Phoenix, thanks for posting your experience with prop. I think that is good for women to know. There is such limited info about it. Its been recommended to me too.

The reason prop is recommended to women is because it is a very short ester that releases faster than say enanthate or cypionate. It also peaks and then tapers out of the system which makes it hard to keep level. Therefore you ahve to inject more frequently which IMO makes dosing harder for women. It's not very user-friendly either. The injections can be painful and because of the frequency you have to start looking for more site to inject.

Cyp has been recommend more often to me by females who are experienced in AAS. It is a single-ester, long-acting form that has a slower decline that stays more level. Only need to inject one a week. Enanthote is similar to Cyp.
Thank you girls SO MUCH. I appreciate all of the help and insight.

I owe you! haha
Test gel is a great option for females. if you do start you need to apply it daily. Just take what you have and divide that into four doses. Apply it ed. the test is simply testosterone in a transdermal cream. No ester on it so it has a short as hell half life of hours not days. This is why you will need a daily application. She will be like a new woman.
Just be careful and both of you need to watch out for any unwanted sides. At least if any come up you can cease the gel and it will be out of her system in a day or two. All the best bro!
Test gel is a great option for females. if you do start you need to apply it daily. Just take what you have and divide that into four doses. Apply it ed. the test is simply testosterone in a transdermal cream. No ester on it so it has a short as hell half life of hours not days. This is why you will need a daily application. She will be like a new woman.
Just be careful and both of you need to watch out for any unwanted sides. At least if any come up you can cease the gel and it will be out of her system in a day or two. All the best bro!

Thanks for your reply oldfella! I appreciate that. I'm looking forward to any progress with this and will certainly keep everyone informed (to a degree ;)).

Thank you all again for your help!
my girl has the same problem.. libido stuff at the supp store is 89$ way too much figuring my income right now...

test gel?? is this doc proscribed?
My wife uses a doctor prescribed testosterone cream
every day and a estrogen patch. It has made a world of
difference for her.

Find a doctor that is sensitive to her (and your) needs,
one that will prescribe for your wife's optimal levels,
whatever that turns out to be. Blood tests are important
to be sure no harm is being done. With my wife, she,
with the help of her doctor, can run her testosterone levels
at the very upper limits with zero problems.

When I asked her (to ask her doctor) why not just inject
a long lasting testosterone (I was thinking convenience)
the reply I got was that the amount that she would need
to inject would be so small as to not make it really worthwhile.

The cream works great as witnessed by how she feels and
how she performs. There is a direct correlation. We have
backed this up with multiple blood tests

Wow, thanks for the insight there, I appreciate your input. What type of doc would you reccomend? Since this is all hormonal I assume and endo? Thanks again!
We use a Osteopath that specializes
in hormone replacement therapy.

She is absolutely wonderful and is
more interested in how you actually feel
than what the numbers say. As long as
you are doing no harm verified via regular
blood tests (she feels that high testosterone
is not a problem), you can have as much
as you like.

I think what is important to stress with who
ever you go to, is that you want what is optimal
for you. And that may mean that some of your
numbers fall out of the normal range (I'm
referring to testosterone here as this is what
you are posting about).

Also, try to find a doctor that will treat couples
like ours does. This is very important because
as a couple, you don't want your other half ready
to go and all you want to do is sit on the couch
if you catch my drift. You are in this together
so perhaps you should be treated together, as

Hope this helps.

This helps me a lot, thank you for the time and knowledge you've shared with me. I feel the same way you do regarding this actually being a treatment for the couple so to speak. We both are very adament in getting this resolved and she is very open at this point in expanding our options as to treatment, thus the test treatment. I will certainly be looking into an Osteopath as we are moving to a new city together and are somewhat clueless as to whats available to us.

As you mentioned also, it has put a strain on us as my sex drive is fairly high (and when on cycle obviously through the roof) and she has little to no sex drive always.

Thank you again!
I read somewhere that rubbing some (injectable) testosterone on the clitoris will cause arousal within an hour.

I don't know if this info is correct, and I don't know if esters would complicate things either.

Anyone else heard of this?
Never heard of this either.
Knowing the properties of test in oily suspension and the life of the ester mentioned I would find it highly unlikely for this to occur. I think the act of simply rubbing in on would cause the arousal, not the test, it just would not absorb!

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