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the URGE to cut PCT short


New member
Oct 10, 2010
The Urge To Cut PCT Short
its strong isnt it?

im bout 10 days into my PCT...

running nolva 20mg ED...

had no signs of gyno during short cycle (4 week d-bol 50mg ED)

had no signs of bloating at all during cycle

i know i 'should' finish PCT and I will but in all honesty im wondering if i really NEED to... advisable yes but needed?

ive read some opinions that if you havent any signs of sides requiring PCT then its not vital... from the point of view that some people just tolerate certain compounds better than others...

anyone here give into the urge to cut PCT short and get back on it?

10 days of nolva at 20mg
is HARDLY pct

more like wasting nolva

10 days of nolva at 20mg
is HARDLY pct

more like wasting nolva


I second that, but i also dont agree too much with a dbol cycle. But seriously keep going with the PCT anytime you use hormones you need to send signals to the HPTA afterwards
The Urge To Cut PCT Short
its strong isnt it?

im bout 10 days into my PCT...

running nolva 20mg ED...

had no signs of gyno during short cycle (4 week d-bol 50mg ED)

had no signs of bloating at all during cycle

i know i 'should' finish PCT and I will but in all honesty im wondering if i really NEED to... advisable yes but needed?

ive read some opinions that if you havent any signs of sides requiring PCT then its not vital... from the point of view that some people just tolerate certain compounds better than others...

anyone here give into the urge to cut PCT short and get back on it?


Just curious, why only dbol??? why not test?
not saying i recommend it but food for thought:

when i finally decided to get off everything, and i had been on for a few years straight, i tapered and went cold turkey.
had 6 weeks of low sex drive but could still perform when needed to. a bit lethargic for 4-6 weeks but now after about 8-9 weeks mojo is back and i feel pretty good. am going to wait another month or two then check hormone levels etc but i am just impressed my mojo came back and i did ZERO pct and i had been on straight for years.
very interested to see my test levels in a month or so will post results to give people hope lol
a 4 week cycle of d bol sounds liek a baby cycle i think you will be fine no matter what you do but that is ONLY my opinion.
You should have used clomid and maybe an AI.
Clomid for 2 weeks and you'd be done for that cycle. It's half life is about a week so it'll keep going for a couple weeks after you stop and taper off.
when i finally decided to get off everything, and i had been on for a few years straight, i tapered and went cold turkey.
had 6 weeks of low sex drive but could still perform when needed to. a bit lethargic for 4-6 weeks but now after about 8-9 weeks mojo is back and i feel pretty good. am going to wait another month or two then check hormone levels etc but i am just impressed my mojo came back and i did ZERO pct and i had been on straight for years.
very interested to see my test levels in a month or so will post results to give people hope lol
a 4 week cycle of d bol sounds liek a baby cycle i think you will be fine no matter what you do but that is ONLY my opinion.

def interested in ur test results

can i ask ur age?....pretty sure you've already posted that somewhere

for some reason, the number 43 is coming to mind?
One of the main purposes for doing PCT is to restart your natural test production in order to maintain as much of your gains as possible. In order to do that, you need to run your pct for about 6 weeks. Cutting it short would set your test levels back to a very low output due to the use of aas. Really the only way to know if your test levels are back to normal (unassisted) is to have it tested. Just to be sure, I would continue your pct.

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