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Thoughts Please--national level or not?


New member
Jan 13, 2006
back shot.jpg

full most muscular.jpg

full side chest.jpg

jr usa side tri.jpg

Looking to do national level shows---thoughts please
I have been bodybuilding for 5 years, 29 years old
I should mention I am looking at the lower level shows such as Jr. Usa, and perhaps Jr. Nationals, am I too skinny for my height?
I have posted in the photo forum as well if anyone else would like to comment

Yes, you are national level, but are ruining your femininity with what you are doing. This is a dead end sport (female bodybuilding), because when you retire, you have to reside with the side effects (permanent) that are pretty disgusting for a woman, in my opinion.
thank you for the input, I agree with you that female bb is a dying sport. I would like to change the face of womens bb, back to the way it was with Corey, and Rachel. I know there are lines. Ones I am not willing to cross. That was the reason for this post. If I can compete on a national level, with the look I have now, great,if not, I am hanging it up. The pics that are posted, I like that look, I feel I needed to be just a smidge tighter, couple of pounds maybe. I actually do get comments all the time, about being muscular and still "looking like a woman". Once again thank your for your time and input!
No offense

mucles_1976 said:
thank you for the input, I agree with you that female bb is a dying sport. I would like to change the face of womens bb, back to the way it was with Corey, and Rachel. I know there are lines. Ones I am not willing to cross. That was the reason for this post. If I can compete on a national level, with the look I have now, great,if not, I am hanging it up. The pics that are posted, I like that look, I feel I needed to be just a smidge tighter, couple of pounds maybe. I actually do get comments all the time, about being muscular and still "looking like a woman". Once again thank your for your time and input!

But why, if you get compliments all the time, post a pic on here that we can barely see, and ask us to tell you how you look? Can you find bigger pictures to post so we can be more sure of our critique?
bigger pics

no offense taken, can someone tell me how to post them bigger?
let me give you the link to where they are

**broken link removed**

you can click on the pics to enlarge them
most muscular link

Pics are below

most of those pics were taken during routine, cant find any from mandatories

how much harder do you think i need to be? if it helps any i weighed in at 180.5 for the show these pics are from, that was of course before dropping all water. I believe I may have added a few pounds of muscle this year, but I guess the diet will tell!!!
Last edited:
side chest


okay, i am figuring out this picture thing now......

this is one of my hubby's favorites
oh my gosh


wow pro potential?? what a nice thing to say! I really just want to win Jr. USA and place at Jr. Nationals:) see what happen from there--thoughts on mostmuscular?? sorry couldn't find a front relaxed still...
To be perfect

mucles_1976 said:

wow pro potential?? what a nice thing to say! I really just want to win Jr. USA and place at Jr. Nationals:) see what happen from there--thoughts on mostmuscular?? sorry couldn't find a front relaxed still...

If you can be perfect, I would tighten up your waist a tad, overall leaner, change the way you hit that most muscular pose. That pose is not mandatory is it? Get more back detail, quad detail, but I am being picky now. Do those things and you wil be one of the all time greats.
too sweet and I heard you were a jack-butt lol---really I appreciate your time and comments. Can you recommend anyone who does female contest prep??if you dont want to post it, maybe pm? thanks have a good weekend!
You do have the muscle size, quality and shape to go far.
But the sad reality is that you look 10lbs overweight on stage. Which means, for a woman to achieve that look (unfortunately necessary in the nationals and pros), you will have to do certain things that you might not be comfortable doing.

My opinion, is that you have plenty of muscle, maturity and shape. Getting leaner and drier would be all that is required. And improving posing, like the front lat spread - don't tense your traps.

Some of the Judges that will be judging you on the national scene are here on this Judge's forum, so they might give you some feedback on what they expect.
big a

thanks for the time and input, I know the front lat spread stinks, have a hard time hitting the front, and only so/so on the back, this is exactly the type of things I want to hear--much appreciated
I can be

mucles_1976 said:
too sweet and I heard you were a jack-butt lol---really I appreciate your time and comments. Can you recommend anyone who does female contest prep??if you dont want to post it, maybe pm? thanks have a good weekend!

To people that are dilusional or wanted to hear another response other that the truth, can be upset with me. They need to go to, not here.

Phil, you told me exactly what I needed and asked to hear, many thanks once again, this may not be the appropriate place to ask, but are you still competing? Your input has really encouraged me and fired me up for competing this year, most things I thought myself, but hearing from a pro/judge brings it home, on another level.

mucles_1976 said:
Phil, you told me exactly what I needed and asked to hear, many thanks once again, this may not be the appropriate place to ask, but are you still competing? Your input has really encouraged me and fired me up for competing this year, most things I thought myself, but hearing from a pro/judge brings it home, on another level.

I dont compete anymore. My wife and I own a gym in New York and she is going to school to be a nurse practitioner. I also have 2 girls in California and need to stay out of trouble, hahhahahaha. Competing gets me into trouble it seems.

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