From my own experience and everything that I have read and seen says that the half-life of Tren Acetate is three days so as long as you keep the injections within that range then your blood levels should stay fairly stable. Without knowing the timeframe of the bioavailability however its hard to say if the concentrations will drop the first day after injection. IMO I think that the only difference between ED and EOD is that ED will increase the concentration level. Even at EOD your levels should be fairly stable. This is just my opinion though.
This is what 75mg a day looks like compared to eod. You can see if you inject every day you are going to get a gradual increase in blood levels (this is what you want). Eod you can see the high fluctations from day to day (leads to less than optimal muscle growth). Hope this helps bro.
I appreciate the input, but I'm looking for bloodlevels of 100mg ED vs. 200mg EOD. You showed me the same dosage ED vs. EOD. Obviously that is going to result in fluctuation. Thanks.
the graph was to give you an idea. i'll figure out the 100ed vs 200mg eod. like the graph shows on the eod inj. the blood level will drop then go back up( not what you want) with the ed the levels increase and don't drop. this will be the same with 100mg ed or 200mg eod, it might be the same mg in aweek but 100mg ed will give you a steady increase. with 200mg eod it will drop on the days you dont inj.