does part of the cloud settle at the bottom? Just curious because my friend has some that has been sitting for about 6 weeks and it appears like there is a cloudy sediment (not a whole lot) sitting on bottom.
Yeah, sounds like it was made from pellets or from really crappy powder. Ive seen that many a time from pellets because the whatmans just dont seem to remove all of those binders and other crap from the pellets. If its made from some nice chineese powder it shouldnt have any of that crap in it.
Could also be suspended in ethyl oleate. The stuff shoots almost as easily as water, can hold obscene amounts of gear in suspension, and almost never leaves a lump or painful inj. sight. Alas, it is also much less stable than suspending in oil. Often times the suspended material will "fall out" especially at high concentrations after sitting around for a while.