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TRT Protocol


Apr 2, 2024
What is your TRT protocol? I keep it simple at 200 mg test per week with 4iu HGH daily. I've heard some people throwing in low dose mast or proviron with their TRT. Not sure if I want to try that but I am curious to see if it has worked well for others.
125mg a week Sust or test E for about 6 months then switch to 50mg EOD prop

add little mast or proviron here and there.
My baseline trt protocol is 250mg test-u every 14 days. Any blast I add on top of that with cyp and the others. Personally I love being able to go on a vacation and not pack anything if I’m cruising. You have to know your dose and be dialed in since it takes about 12 weeks to stabilize on that ester but it’s perfect for me.
Strict TRT is 200mg test e/c. I dose 1x per week and serum peaks at 1100-1200 (top of range) and obviously troughs lower, well within range.

That said, I generally cruise on more esp if longer term. 200/200 test/deca is the most common. Tons of bloods and no impact vs TRT dose whatsoever. This includes tons of ~20 week cruises and a period of ~2 years at one point. Has produced my best bloods since my 20s while running it.
My baseline trt protocol is 250mg test-u every 14 days. Any blast I add on top of that with cyp and the others. Personally I love being able to go on a vacation and not pack anything if I’m cruising. You have to know your dose and be dialed in since it takes about 12 weeks to stabilize on that ester but it’s perfect for me.
Please bump more dead threads. Your contributions are extraordinary.

And by the way - a 14 day TRT protocol is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve heard in a while.
200mg Test Cyp per week and 1.5iu HGH, 365. :)

Please bump more dead threads. Your contributions are extraordinary.

And by the way - a 14 day TRT protocol is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve heard in a while.
Look where he said Test U (Undecanoate). That was made to take 1 time a month. It is much longer acting then Ethanate or Cypinate. Taking every 2 weeks could be optimal, but I still would take in smaller doses every week.
I would say 125mg test c or e dosed E5D keeps me at the high normal range. I can also go with sus250 pharma grade when I can get it and only need to dose that at 1ml/250mg E10D which will also keep me in the high normal range.

If I want to mix it up I will at time mix either primo or mast e with my test. I will dose those compounds at 100mg/wk and run thatfor about 12 weeks.

When I want to add some muscle I will up the test to 250mg/wk along with 500mg of primo for 16 week cycle and the last 6 weeks will use oral winny to harden up before going back to trt. Also with this cycle 25mg Aromasin once per week.

HGH as low as 2iu ed to as high as 6iu
I get good results with just 100mg, once a week, and it puts me in the 1200’s. What are some numbers for the 200mg guys-from pharmacy that is, not a ugl that claims pharm grade. I’ve seen underground results where they think 1200’s at UGL 200 is good. I reckon I has to do with baseline as well.
I've done it a dozen different ways. Most basic hrt for me is Test P 50 mg MWF, GH 1iu/d, hCG 500 iu once a week. It actually puts me a little high like 1200 ng/dL so if that happens I drop down to 33 mg TP MWF. Then I'm ~800 ng/dL. The idea is to be in normal range with HRT. IGF-1 ~220 ng/mL with this scheme.
I get good results with just 100mg, once a week, and it puts me in the 1200’s. What are some numbers for the 200mg guys-from pharmacy that is, not a ugl that claims pharm grade. I’ve seen underground results where they think 1200’s at UGL 200 is good. I reckon I has to do with baseline as well.

200mg pharma is 11-1200 serum for me. Ugl is same if dosed right. I brew my own test since 2018 - running same batch since then! - so I dose it right on 250mg/ml and 200mg injection (0.8ml) is same. I have a bunch of prescribed pharma left so if I travel Intl for a length of time I'd bring that.
I’ve been seeing more ppl running 200mg and seems like a lot for legit(not ug)trt. That’s why was wondering.
I’ve been seeing more ppl running 200mg and seems like a lot for legit(not ug)trt. That’s why was wondering.
It's really about individual effect on serum and free t levels. Very different for individuals. Lots of guys get my 11-1200 from 150 or even 100mg. It's really finding what works for you. Lots of guys just inject what others do and don't care. Some guys are opposite end and inject 250mg just to touch 900 serum at the high point.

All that said, I generally cruise higher than my try but I know what I need to dial it in and peak at top of range and drift lower between injections but not too low.

Imo you want to "know" and then deviate intelligently as you see fit/choose.
I've done it a dozen different ways. Most basic hrt for me is Test P 50 mg MWF, GH 1iu/d, hCG 500 iu once a week. It actually puts me a little high like 1200 ng/dL so if that happens I drop down to 33 mg TP MWF. Then I'm ~800 ng/dL. The idea is to be in normal range with HRT. IGF-1 ~220 ng/mL with this scheme.
Agree. You need to be in normal range for true trt or hrt that way all your other health markers will be good.
200mg per week scripted for like the last 10 years . Bloods 5 day after my shot put me at 650.
200mg per week scripted for like the last 10 years . Bloods 5 day after my shot put me at 650.
When I was cursing on 250mg of test e wk it put me at 1600. That was way to high for trt. Hence why I worked out over time 125mg wk geting me round 900 5 days post injection. Which is in the high end of normal. No AI needed.
When I was cursing on 250mg of test e wk it put me at 1600. That was way to high for trt. Hence why I worked out over time 125mg wk geting me round 900 5 days post injection. Which is in the high end of normal. No AI needed.
I think that's a good spot.

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