First ,
I would have your IT guys set permissions so that only an administrator can install or modify software installations.
Second ,
There are several disabling techniques but I suggest the method below as it's simple, easy to reverse and doesn't interfere with the operation of the Windows Update service.
Step 1. From IE select Tools/Internet Options/Connections/LAN Settings.
Step 2. Put a tick in the check box next to "Use a Proxy Server for your LAN ...”
Step 3. Type in "" in the address box and "80" in the Port box. Don't type in the quote marks of course, just what's inside them.
Step 4. Click OK.
What you've done is set up a dummy proxy server that goes nowhere. With these setting IE cannot make an HTML connection to the internet and vice versa. You have simply and effectively disabled IE.
There's no magic in the address, any dead proxy address would work just as well. I've used that particular address to keep things simple.
If you ever need to re-enable Internet Explorer start it up and select Tools/Internet Options/Connections/LAN Settings from the toolbar and un-check the box "Use a Proxy Server for your LAN ...”