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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009

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Photos were showing a comparison of me at 150 (2 years ago) and 185 (last week) but decided to remove them.
Why so?

Photos were showing a comparison of me at 150 (2 years ago) and 185 (last week) but decided to remove them.

You've made great progression man... very encouraging...

Edit: In hindsight, I think my post might sound like I was being sarcastic as there are no photo's... I was referring to previous post's and seeing how you have progressed :)
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SmalltownIron we know nothing about you, your stats, penis size, training, pictures. why dont you post stuff about yourself? :D
SmalltownIron we know nothing about you, your stats, penis size, training, pictures. why dont you post stuff about yourself? :D

I know he has added a ton of size

and has a cute girlfriend :p
the dude is settled down, kicking ass in his training and diet and happy with the love of his life... who needs more?
I know he has added a ton of size

and has a cute girlfriend :p
She is now my fiance. Last Friday night, I proposed.

the dude is settled down, kicking ass in his training and diet and happy with the love of his life... who needs more?

Your right Alex. I use to get caught up in all other things besides the most important things in life. I may not be in the best shape, the biggest, the leanest or even the best looking guy here but I am happy right now.

She is now my fiance. Last Friday night, I proposed.

Your right Alex. I use to get caught up in all other things besides the most important things in life. I may not be in the best shape, the biggest, the leanest or even the best looking guy here but I am happy right now.

Important things in life are what is important to YOU......this seems EXTREMELY important to why hide it? It seems when you are not happy with your gains then you say that other things are more important.......yet I see you in mental turmoil quite often about your size, strength, looks, etc........I am just observing things......I see you putting so much effort into this......maybe you just need to accept yourself and love yourself a bit more........we are all different........embrace that..the notion that you are not " good enough " until you are a certain weight is nonsense.......enjoy the ride..........its getting close to being over and you will look back and regret the stress.
Important things in life are what is important to YOU......this seems EXTREMELY important to why hide it? It seems when you are not happy with your gains then you say that other things are more important.......yet I see you in mental turmoil quite often about your size, strength, looks, etc........I am just observing things......I see you putting so much effort into this......maybe you just need to accept yourself and love yourself a bit more........we are all different........embrace that..the notion that you are not " good enough " until you are a certain weight is nonsense.......enjoy the ride..........its getting close to being over and you will look back and regret the stress.

X2. Dead on again, Phil. You may not like it, but Phil tells it how it is. He might sound cold hearted or too blunt, but he cares more than anyone else on this board and hes one of very few here with the guts to lay it all out. Honest.
She is now my fiance. Last Friday night, I proposed.

Your 1000th post happens to be you saying you're engaged! You were just waiting for that exact post count to tell huh? LOL

Congratulations man! I can't imagine how you're feeling right now.
Important things in life are what is important to YOU......this seems EXTREMELY important to why hide it? It seems when you are not happy with your gains then you say that other things are more important.......yet I see you in mental turmoil quite often about your size, strength, looks, etc........I am just observing things......I see you putting so much effort into this......maybe you just need to accept yourself and love yourself a bit more........we are all different........embrace that..the notion that you are not " good enough " until you are a certain weight is nonsense.......enjoy the ride..........its getting close to being over and you will look back and regret the stress.
Being happy is extremely important to me. I am the happiest I ever have been in life but there is a big difference in being happy and satisified with somethings in life.

I am happy with my life and how it is turning out. But there will always be some things in life that people will not be satisisfied with. That does not mean they are happy though.

Never really in mental turmoil, just never "cocky" and always looking to learn from the best ( thats how I look at it).

And you are very much correct about looking back and regretting the stress. Stress in one of the major contributions that was associated with my health issues a few years ago. I have learned to not stress about some things in life but sometimes its impossible to not stress about somethings. However, I do need to continue to improve on life, stress, and etc.

Offense was not taken at all Phil. Thanks for posting.

X2. Dead on again, Phil. You may not like it, but Phil tells it how it is. He might sound cold hearted or too blunt, but he cares more than anyone else on this board and hes one of very few here with the guts to lay it all out. Honest.

I dont take anything Phil says offending. He is a great guy and I have learned a lot from his post here on PM.
Your 1000th post happens to be you saying you're engaged! You were just waiting for that exact post count to tell huh? LOL

Congratulations man! I can't imagine how you're feeling right now.

Lol never noticed. Quite odd!
I know

Being happy is extremely important to me. I am the happiest I ever have been in life but there is a big difference in being happy and satisified with somethings in life.

I am happy with my life and how it is turning out. But there will always be some things in life that people will not be satisisfied with. That does not mean they are happy though.

Never really in mental turmoil, just never "cocky" and always looking to learn from the best ( thats how I look at it).

And you are very much correct about looking back and regretting the stress. Stress in one of the major contributions that was associated with my health issues a few years ago. I have learned to not stress about some things in life but sometimes its impossible to not stress about somethings. However, I do need to continue to improve on life, stress, and etc.

Offense was not taken at all Phil. Thanks for posting.

I dont take anything Phil says offending. He is a great guy and I have learned a lot from his post here on PM.

I consider myself a " worrywart" ...I need to relax too........but its hard not to stress about stuff
Small, dont you loved me anymore? :confused:

That's GREAT STI, very happy for the both of you! It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and trying to "grow" in ALL area's of life.

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