I just dont get people sometimes. they can lie to you all they want but when they get caught they turn it around on the person that just wants to love and help them. Start lying to her and let her see how it feels. No, not really, A good person does not lower themselves to act like the ones around them.
I am very empathetic for your situation as I went through a divorce because of my addiction. You have my prayers. But these comments are such bullshit. I guarantee she didn't just decide one day "hey I'm going to be an addict" anyone who has been in the grip of this DISEASE can tell you just how horrible it is. I am not a "bad" person because I am different, because I am an addict. I did some bad things, some horrible things, during my addiction. It was how I survived. The lying and blaming are all part of it. I am not proud of any of that shit. But don't start getting into this "your a bad person" crap. An addict does enough of that on their own. That's one reason it is so hard to come forward and admit it.They KNOW there are many people out there who refuse to accept the disease concept and will treat them like they are lepers. She has a disease and she is in it. Somehow she needs to have that moment of clarity where she can see the truth of what she is doing to herself and those around her. I pray she does. Each addict that can come back is one more chance for another addict to come back.
Blessings to you all.
Whoa whoa whoa! I'm not putting myself on a pedistal, nor saying that addicts are bad people. I AM AN ADDICT. I AM A WONDERFUL TERRIFIC PERSON. I'm talking about liars. I have no use for them. yes, part of being an addict is lying to cover your back. I've done it, lots have done this. I'm just saying that yes, there are times when people lie and really they shouldnt because those around them truly know whats going on. The guy that started the thread has obviously noticed a large no of pills missing (he said this) and she's lying to him. He knows shes lying.
I am an addict (recovering) and the only way to get any kind of help at all is to realize the problem, get yourself away from it, and start moving on with your life. My friend got me this necklace thats a heart and says "new beginnings". whenever I'm having a bad day and am just sick and fed up with my life I look at the necklace. helps me focus and realize that I am changing my life regardless of those around me. I'm moving on towards my new beginnings.
Addicts are not bad people. Normally just get to be bad liars
No offense to anyone. I'm just hear to learn and love