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Your input please


Active member
May 12, 2009
"my best childhood memory is not feeling pain and having a lot of energy"

This quote resonated with me a lot and I need your help/input/opinion

For years I have had constant back issues (lumbar and thoracic spine constantly sore and/or tight) adn right shoulder as well.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with severe arthritis, had a double hip replacement and my recovery has been stellar: my physio was shocked how well I recovered 2 other healthcare professionals pretty much told me that they had nothing else to tell me about the hips.

However during this time I put 30 lbs on and can't drop it, the combination of pain and terrible sleep has created a lot of problems that go from extreme hunger, appetite for shitty stuff, no energy and the list goes on,

Needless to say that the hip issue made my back issues worse and despite of doing daily therapy things get better but never solved.

I am in pain, overweight, tired, sleepless, looking old and that creates other issues on the happiness side.

Semaglutide made me start reading about peptides and I saw that there are quite a few that are very interesting but after a few days of reading I just get more and more overwhelmed.

I have a feeling that if I take something to help me to shut down my appetite and help me to sleep I will have energy to put the work to deal with my back recover properly and solve my body image as default.

Growth hormone scares me a lot as my family has lot of cases of cancer

At this point I have the feeling that I just have too much similar information, no experience and too close to my pwn problems to make up my mind.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

PS. I am unhappy with my appearance and feeling tired all the time, but even close to depressed as I live a great life
How old are you? Family? Career ok? What lead to your back problems? What are u taking daily?
How old are you? Family? Career ok? What lead to your back problems? What are u taking daily?
52 years old, ex athlete (volleyball + Thay Boxing, a lot of high impact activities in my teen s, 20, and 30s), Low back I am not 100% sure but MRI showed 2 slightly bulging discs upper back injury caused by accident induced direct trauma; I am taking no meds but do ELDOA daily and YOGA or Pilates 3-5 days a week
It could be your disc or something else entirely causing your pain. My last MRI showed ever disc from my sacroiliac to my thoracic region is bulged, herniated except for 1 that is flat on one side. Yet there is no real pain to speak of. I find a new matters can help deal with some back issues if you have an old one. If you are hungry then fill up on veggies. Seeing a good sports ortho could be a good idea as well.
So, your afraid of HGH cause cancer runs in your family. Maybe you would like Fragment 176-191. Do some research on it and this could be the peptide for you. It does not increase cell proliferation.
"my best childhood memory is not feeling pain and having a lot of energy"

This quote resonated with me a lot and I need your help/input/opinion

For years I have had constant back issues (lumbar and thoracic spine constantly sore and/or tight) adn right shoulder as well.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with severe arthritis, had a double hip replacement and my recovery has been stellar: my physio was shocked how well I recovered 2 other healthcare professionals pretty much told me that they had nothing else to tell me about the hips.

However during this time I put 30 lbs on and can't drop it, the combination of pain and terrible sleep has created a lot of problems that go from extreme hunger, appetite for shitty stuff, no energy and the list goes on,

Needless to say that the hip issue made my back issues worse and despite of doing daily therapy things get better but never solved.

I am in pain, overweight, tired, sleepless, looking old and that creates other issues on the happiness side.

Semaglutide made me start reading about peptides and I saw that there are quite a few that are very interesting but after a few days of reading I just get more and more overwhelmed.

I have a feeling that if I take something to help me to shut down my appetite and help me to sleep I will have energy to put the work to deal with my back recover properly and solve my body image as default.

Growth hormone scares me a lot as my family has lot of cases of cancer

At this point I have the feeling that I just have too much similar information, no experience and too close to my pwn problems to make up my mind.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

PS. I am unhappy with my appearance and feeling tired all the time, but even close to depressed as I live a great life
there are more peptide that can help you, if you can't use hgh. The first thing is to be positive, than you will find your way to be happy and not tired at all.

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