You know nothing of money, of how much it is worth, if anything, and who controls it. Your strength is not money. Money is part of our cultural myth. It is necessary to survive and function with in a society but it is far from our power and strength.
Do You know the difference between power and and strength?
On Conteir mon' freire... ( spelling? lol)
I Do.
Money is power for 99.9999% of us. And I know the paper its printed on is worthless.But the .0001%... the masters of the world... no, they dont want money, they have all they need, then some. They want our labor and services. It makes them god-like
America is a Democracy.... power of the people. All 300,000,000 of us. 300,000,000 kings ruling one nation. And ya wonder why things are so fucked up? United... we are strength, divided, we are weak. But the bilboard say come and play come and play. Forget about the movement - Rage...
We sell our kingship to be taken cae of. Not enslaved.
So. Prince Shiek Mohammed of Dubai comes to America. And U DaRooster want to challenge him to a death match. There isnt one person in the world who would stand by your side. LE, military with the US Prez himself giving the order....... EVERYONES in the Princes corner. WHY?
Money is power. Money is strength. THAT is what AMERICA IS ABOUT. We sell our souls to the highest bidder. You may think its wrong, but I dont. No need for us to fight or hate over it. If U believe that strongly about it, as many others do, I know, believe me.... If America has become this monster, then why not assemble all your " Freedom Bros" and wage war? Revolt? Bring it? Wont be the first time Countrymen unite to declare war against a government.
Oh, " Corporations" is a very misleading term and used loosley. Because corporations are operated and controlled by people who have rights. If U feel the government should get involved and legislate or even restrict a corporation or indy's success, thats Communism.
U believe in all that constitutional crap we learned in school huh?
ITS GREED BRO!! Some feel its wrong. Maybe it is. But I live a good life. Im not a slave. Hell, I just pinned a fat rig of gear before I typed this. Its illegal? So? So the fuck what? I can still get it. Like I care about half of our twisted laws anyways.
Dont hate the player, hate the game. And Yes, I play dirty..... VERY dirty.