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New member
Oct 2, 2005
has anyone else seen this movie?


its two hrs long but i couldnt stop watching it. it goes from judao christianity to 9/11, covers all other wars and why they were started and explains what the federal reserve is.

if even 1/4 of this is true, which its hard not to believe all of its true, we been lied to for along time.
Saw it on another site for the first time a few days ago... very interesting is all I will say about it.
I saw it and thought it was interesting.

I don't believe any of it. Conspiracy theories like this are a dime a dozen.
Some people don't have anything better to do than over analyze, exaggerate, and fabricate lies based on speculation and half-truths.

The US governments has a lot of problems, yes, but be real.
I saw half of it....fell asleep through it. It was pretty interesting but I'm skeptical about it.
Maybe you dont believe any of it because the truth may be worse than fiction.
We have been lied to for so long

that the truth can become a conspiracy theory. Funny how we go to the source of the possible conspiracies to ask them if they are true (the government or the government controlled media). We all know our government is full of corupt politicians that say one thing do another and are bribed by corporate money to get into office. But we hear of any wrong doing by the government and then we ask the government if it is true? Come on now people use your head.
Paul Wolfowitz doctrine stated how the government needed a "new pearl harbor" to get the people behind his american imperialism campaign 9-11 was it.
Dont believe me,,watch the hijacking catastrophe
Theres 2 sides to everything. Here is a one sided EXTREME version. The US government is extremely crooked, yes, and the American public is extremely guiliable, yes. Forget eveything U ever learned in school about the USA and realize this: IT ALL boils down to money. Period, end of discussion.

But enslaving is a harsh term. Why are we slaves? because some rich guy living the American dream gave me a job, so I can live life and support my family? Doesnt make U a slave. People making a quarter of a million a year are severly in debt and people pulling $15 per hour can save money? Hmmmm Im one of them ( making $15 per hour that is lol, but I am actually able to save money and Im barley in debt, just a mortgage, thats it)

And they can jack the prices up all they want.... what YOU, the CONSUMER need to realize is your money is your strength, your voice and your power. U think Gas is expensive? Then ride a bike. OH..... you WILL have to alter your lifestyle somewhat; Like U may have to wake up an hour early to get to work on time and take an hour longer to get home. Oh, no heat or AC, no radio.... Hmmm when you think about it, a car is rather luxurious. We dont mind paying 15% interest on credit cards but bitch about a 50cent per gallon increase in gas? Do the math, the interest is a stick in the you know where.

But, we would rather play than pay; get into debt, live a life we can barley afford, play now, pay later. Yeah, youre going to fit into the " Slave " category.... if U dont control IT, then IT will control U.
Theres 2 sides to everything. Here is a one sided EXTREME version. The US government is extremely crooked, yes, and the American public is extremely guiliable, yes. Forget eveything U ever learned in school about the USA and realize this: IT ALL boils down to money. Period, end of discussion.

But enslaving is a harsh term. Why are we slaves? because some rich guy living the American dream gave me a job, so I can live life and support my family? Doesnt make U a slave. People making a quarter of a million a year are severly in debt and people pulling $15 per hour can save money? Hmmmm Im one of them ( making $15 per hour that is lol, but I am actually able to save money and Im barley in debt, just a mortgage, thats it)

And they can jack the prices up all they want.... what YOU, the CONSUMER need to realize is your money is your strength, your voice and your power. U think Gas is expensive? Then ride a bike. OH..... you WILL have to alter your lifestyle somewhat; Like U may have to wake up an hour early to get to work on time and take an hour longer to get home. Oh, no heat or AC, no radio.... Hmmm when you think about it, a car is rather luxurious. We dont mind paying 15% interest on credit cards but bitch about a 50cent per gallon increase in gas? Do the math, the interest is a stick in the you know where.

But, we would rather play than pay; get into debt, live a life we can barley afford, play now, pay later. Yeah, youre going to fit into the " Slave " category.... if U dont control IT, then IT will control U.
damn good post! bravo!
I just saw the part about Jesus and I totally agree with it.

Jesus was a great way to manipulate the masses as any religion wants to do...
saw it a couple months back, interesting stuff, I believe a lot of it.
Theres 2 sides to everything. Here is a one sided EXTREME version. The US government is extremely crooked, yes, and the American public is extremely guiliable, yes. Forget eveything U ever learned in school about the USA and realize this: IT ALL boils down to money. Period, end of discussion.

But enslaving is a harsh term. Why are we slaves? because some rich guy living the American dream gave me a job, so I can live life and support my family? Doesnt make U a slave. People making a quarter of a million a year are severly in debt and people pulling $15 per hour can save money? Hmmmm Im one of them ( making $15 per hour that is lol, but I am actually able to save money and Im barley in debt, just a mortgage, thats it)

And they can jack the prices up all they want.... what YOU, the CONSUMER need to realize is your money is your strength, your voice and your power. U think Gas is expensive? Then ride a bike. OH..... you WILL have to alter your lifestyle somewhat; Like U may have to wake up an hour early to get to work on time and take an hour longer to get home. Oh, no heat or AC, no radio.... Hmmm when you think about it, a car is rather luxurious. We dont mind paying 15% interest on credit cards but bitch about a 50cent per gallon increase in gas? Do the math, the interest is a stick in the you know where.

But, we would rather play than pay; get into debt, live a life we can barley afford, play now, pay later. Yeah, youre going to fit into the " Slave " category.... if U dont control IT, then IT will control U.


If your a slave its your own fault. Conspiracy theories like this are for people who need to be a victim so they don't have to be accountable for their own problems.
I thought there was alot of truth to the movie.
Hadn't even heard about this movie (will probably be released here in a few months), but the controversy it seems to arouse is enough to make me want to go to the theater... :p

BTW I agree with the others, great post, Metal!
I saw it and thought it was interesting.

I don't believe any of it. Conspiracy theories like this are a dime a dozen.
Some people don't have anything better to do than over analyze, exaggerate, and fabricate lies based on speculation and half-truths.

The US governments has a lot of problems, yes, but be real.

Your a model citizen and a good little sheep. Complacency is on your voice and conformity is your style....Very good, very good. My little sheep. You trust the government has your best interest at heart...very good, very good my little sheep. Don't believe any thing that isn't in the Bible , in the news paper or on tv...very good very very good.
Last edited:
Theres 2 sides to everything. Here is a one sided EXTREME version. The US government is extremely crooked, yes, and the American public is extremely guiliable, yes. Forget eveything U ever learned in school about the USA and realize this: IT ALL boils down to money. Period, end of discussion.

But enslaving is a harsh term. Why are we slaves? because some rich guy living the American dream gave me a job, so I can live life and support my family? Doesnt make U a slave. People making a quarter of a million a year are severly in debt and people pulling $15 per hour can save money? Hmmmm Im one of them ( making $15 per hour that is lol, but I am actually able to save money and Im barley in debt, just a mortgage, thats it)

And they can jack the prices up all they want.... what YOU, the CONSUMER need to realize is your money is your strength, your voice and your power. U think Gas is expensive? Then ride a bike. OH..... you WILL have to alter your lifestyle somewhat; Like U may have to wake up an hour early to get to work on time and take an hour longer to get home. Oh, no heat or AC, no radio.... Hmmm when you think about it, a car is rather luxurious. We dont mind paying 15% interest on credit cards but bitch about a 50cent per gallon increase in gas? Do the math, the interest is a stick in the you know where.

But, we would rather play than pay; get into debt, live a life we can barley afford, play now, pay later. Yeah, youre going to fit into the " Slave " category.... if U dont control IT, then IT will control U.

You know nothing of money, of how much it is worth, if anything, and who controls it. Your strength is not money. Money is part of our cultural myth. It is necessary to survive and function with in a society but it is far from our power and strength.
Do You know the difference between power and and strength?
I believe alot of it. If you think that conspiricies are BS then like homeboy said your a model sheep.

I was so speechless about the movie for the last three weeks I have been researching pagan religion and alot of the other stuff sad so I could form my own opinion on it and I can say there not telling us a bunch of shit.

as for the 9/11 thing, I believe that our govt did it. I mean we chased bin laden into a cave, never found him and were all cool with it, we havent been attacked since??? but yet our own govt runs operations and get through security all the time. I mean seriously, would any of us believe that we would have agreed to go over there if somin like this didnt happen.

If you watch the movie, there was building #7 which was the third trade center building to fall, it imploded like the rest but nothing hit it, its no even in the official report nor was it on the news, but I got family that live in NY and say it fell too. I also saw on the video them talk about it and heard willie nelson on a radio show talk about it falling. yet no one has heard about the third building to fall.

United flite 93 is a nice heroic story. it was most likely suppposed to hit the pentagon, yet the pentagon didnt get hit with shit it just magically exploded. My dad works for the USAF and goes to the pentagon frenquently and I talk to him about it and he said its a taboo subject with the people in the bulding and its not discussed.

I just truely think that we need to do some of the following

One we need to make sure we all have our own firearms, and especially un registered ones.

two keep an eye on what the politicians are doing about trying to make america canada and mexico one union and change our currency.

third take a min to understand what the "federal reserve" is, cause its about as federal as federal express

And research really what the IRS is.
I agree with the overall premise of "wake the f*** up everyone!", but much of the so called evidence in the movie is flat out wrong. It is smart to worry about global identification tied to currency and a one world government, however. Ironically the Bible (which the movie tries to discredit) is the source of this information...

The part on Christianity was nearly all fabricated. Check out Zeitgeist Refuted:
**broken link removed**

The part on the FED was half true on most counts.

The 9/11 part? That one has to make you wonder...
You know nothing of money, of how much it is worth, if anything, and who controls it. Your strength is not money. Money is part of our cultural myth. It is necessary to survive and function with in a society but it is far from our power and strength.
Do You know the difference between power and and strength?

On Conteir mon' freire... ( spelling? lol)
I Do.

Money is power for 99.9999% of us. And I know the paper its printed on is worthless.But the .0001%... the masters of the world... no, they dont want money, they have all they need, then some. They want our labor and services. It makes them god-like

America is a Democracy.... power of the people. All 300,000,000 of us. 300,000,000 kings ruling one nation. And ya wonder why things are so fucked up? United... we are strength, divided, we are weak. But the bilboard say come and play come and play. Forget about the movement - Rage...

We sell our kingship to be taken cae of. Not enslaved.

So. Prince Shiek Mohammed of Dubai comes to America. And U DaRooster want to challenge him to a death match. There isnt one person in the world who would stand by your side. LE, military with the US Prez himself giving the order....... EVERYONES in the Princes corner. WHY?
Money is power. Money is strength. THAT is what AMERICA IS ABOUT. We sell our souls to the highest bidder. You may think its wrong, but I dont. No need for us to fight or hate over it. If U believe that strongly about it, as many others do, I know, believe me.... If America has become this monster, then why not assemble all your " Freedom Bros" and wage war? Revolt? Bring it? Wont be the first time Countrymen unite to declare war against a government.

Oh, " Corporations" is a very misleading term and used loosley. Because corporations are operated and controlled by people who have rights. If U feel the government should get involved and legislate or even restrict a corporation or indy's success, thats Communism.
U believe in all that constitutional crap we learned in school huh?

ITS GREED BRO!! Some feel its wrong. Maybe it is. But I live a good life. Im not a slave. Hell, I just pinned a fat rig of gear before I typed this. Its illegal? So? So the fuck what? I can still get it. Like I care about half of our twisted laws anyways.

Dont hate the player, hate the game. And Yes, I play dirty..... VERY dirty.
I agree with the overall premise of "wake the f*** up everyone!", but much of the so called evidence in the movie is flat out wrong. It is smart to worry about global identification tied to currency and a one world government, however. Ironically the Bible (which the movie tries to discredit) is the source of this information...

The part on Christianity was nearly all fabricated. Check out Zeitgeist Refuted:
**broken link removed**

The part on the FED was half true on most counts.

The 9/11 part? That one has to make you wonder...

Dude, 9/11 was such an inside American fuck job, its rediculous. Totally staged. But, its not a new practice to " Red Flag" as its called.

Cause a catastrophe, blame it on someone then wage war on em for whatever reason, usually resources.... like .... IRAQ.

Saudis did it. Who belonged to an Afghani terrorist group, who had " ties" with the WMD possesing nation of Iraq.... As it turns out, had no WMDs ,and now, no ties with Al-quieda. Osama hasnt been caught, because hes related to the king/ oil tycoon of Saudi Arabia, same country the 9/11 terrorists came from and competed in oil sales with Iraq. Hmmmmm FISHY!!!!!!!:eek:

Its all buisness.

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