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Gym Etiquette


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Random guy on a bench has 245lbs sitting on his chest. Do you:

A: Walk on by. Guy should've known his limits an asked for a spotter.


B: Help the guy out and lecture him on knowing his limits and asking for a spotter
You walk by me and just look if I've got weight sitting on me; Im throwing a dumbbell at your face when I get up. End of story. Seriously though, you show you're lack of character just asking such a question.
Where are these new posters coming from :confused:

What a stupid question. I don't know whether I should even answer it... you help him out and don't look at him in any sort of bad way. Your 2 options and the fact you asked such a question show me you are missing some vital brain function.
Im with Gost, we would have big problems when I got up, seriously why would you even ask that
Just help them out, and when they say thanks say no problem. End of story
This guy has been saying some ridiculous things, I think he is trying to get a laugh. If you are bieng serious you need to think before you post man.
Where are these new posters coming from :confused:

What a stupid question. I don't know whether I should even answer it... you help him out and don't look at him in any sort of bad way. Your 2 options and the fact you asked such a question show me you are missing some vital brain function.

GB and bb.com .

Never thought I would say I miss Ross. Oh how I long for the days of telling him what a Joey bag of donuts jersey shore douche he is after reading the words golden era, viewing side by sides of him and Arnold the whole time wondering if he was a fetal alcohol syndrome child, and then laughing at the promises of new pics and leg shots.
You walk by me and just look if I've got weight sitting on me; Im throwing a dumbbell at your face when I get up. End of story. Seriously though, you show you're lack of character just asking such a question.

I asked the question because this happened to me a couple of years ago and some clowns on the bench next to me just looked at me as if I were crazy for attempting such a monumental feat and just left me there with 245 on my chest. I had to roll the bar down to my waist and climb out from under the bar while one side hit the floor with a loud clang. Probabbly my most embarrasing moment in the gym.
I asked the question because this happened to me a couple of years ago and some clowns on the bench next to me just looked at me as if I were crazy for attempting such a monumental feat and just left me there with 245 on my chest. I had to roll the bar down to my waist and climb out from under the bar while one side hit the floor with a loud clang. Probabbly my most embarrasing moment in the gym.

Well those guys are pieces of shit. You have to be the biggest jerk on the planet to act that way. That's not a lack of gym etiquette, it's a lack of respect for other people.
Random guy on a bench has 245lbs sitting on his chest. Do you:

A: Walk on by. Guy should've known his limits an asked for a spotter.


B: Help the guy out and lecture him on knowing his limits and asking for a spotter

News Flash, here in the USA you are legally required to help him, no joke.
I asked the question because this happened to me a couple of years ago and some clowns on the bench next to me just looked at me as if I were crazy for attempting such a monumental feat and just left me there with 245 on my chest. I had to roll the bar down to my waist and climb out from under the bar while one side hit the floor with a loud clang. Probabbly my most embarrasing moment in the gym.

Did you ask for help or too stubborn for that?
I asked the question because this happened to me a couple of years ago and some clowns on the bench next to me just looked at me as if I were crazy for attempting such a monumental feat and just left me there with 245 on my chest. I had to roll the bar down to my waist and climb out from under the bar while one side hit the floor with a loud clang. Probabbly my most embarrasing moment in the gym.

why didn't you ask for a little help, same thing happened to me awhile back with 385lbs on my chest, I tried to get one more but just couldn't push it back up and before I knew it 4 guys and a chick were right there to help, ya that was embarrassing, every body should look out for each other no matter how dumb they are
why didn't you ask for a little help, same thing happened to me awhile back with 385lbs on my chest, I tried to get one more but just couldn't push it back up and before I knew it 4 guys and a chick were right there to help, ya that was embarrassing, every body should look out for each other no matter how dumb they are

Agreed.. I'm always keeping an eye out when people are benching especially when I really don't think they can handle the weight they're doing.
wheres the other options? whenever I see someone lifting what looks heavy for them I head closer to where they are and get that shit off of them...
To Kalaydrn:

Yes I did ask for help and I did not know nor have I ever heard that I have a legal requirement to help someone in trouble in a gym. And before you ask I would help anyone in trouble in the gym.
Happened in my gym a few months back, a kid had about 185 on his chest. I actually was the closet person to him but failed to notice he was struggling with the weight. I felt bad that a few guys had to run over to him from across the gym just to help him out.
Well, it doesn't really surprise me that someone would ask something like this - the Dbag factor is pretty high in commercial gyms these days.

About two years ago I was training at one of those 24 hour places which you enter with a key card and which rarely have staff around. It is pretty dead and I am doing bent barbell rows at a rack which has a flat bench next to it.

Now, I am usually pretty inattentive to others during my workout - Ipod, hat pulled low, focused on my own shit. I rack my weights, clean my sweat off anything I use, give a spot if asked, but I am not there to make friends, hit on chicks, or do anything but grind out my reps and gtfo.

As I am finishing up my first heavy set of rows I notice this kid on the flat bench sitting up with the bar - loaded with 205lbs - sitting on his hips. He has clearly failed and had to roll it down his torso to get up. Well, once he gets his shit racked again I notice him going for another set. So, I break my normal protocol and offer him a spot. He refuses and acts as if he is insulted that I would dare imply he needed help.

Fuckstick got to roll 205lbs over his ribcage again and that is the last time I have said shit to anyone in a gym other than requesting a spot or "# of sets someone has left."

I spent my college years working as a personal trainer and most guys in a gym have such huge egos - despite shitty performance/physiques - that it isn't worth the effort. And chicks get hit on so often they just default to that assumption.

All that being said, yeah, I would pull a bar off someone. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they gave me the stinkeye for it instead of thanking me.
Help him out of his predicament and try to minimize his embarrasment. That is a perfect opportunity to make a new friend. You just never know how this new connection might have a very positive outcome in your life in the near or distant future.

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