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What is going on with my Hemo blood levels!!! bloodtest inside.

BUMP for a very HELPFUL thread, loaded with essential health info.

Anyone worried about his/her heart should read it in detail.


Had a HEALTH SECTION existed (not a bad idea, hey...;)), this would have made a good sticky. :)
BUMP for a very HELPFUL thread, loaded with essential health info.

Anyone worried about his/her heart should read it in detail.


Had a HEALTH SECTION existed (not a bad idea, hey...;)), this would have made a good sticky. :)

Thank you Green_Fjord :)
Honestly I'm just another face in the crowd willing to offer a helping hand. For me, helping a total stranger is like helping a family member. I've had help from both, family and strangers.

In the big picture we're a family of strangers here.
R u diabetic or have u had a total blood count panel lately with glucose reading?
Sugar, potassium, and Insulin all work together or they don't work effectively at all together because one is missing, mainly insulin!

On three of his labs show a glucose of low 80's. And his trig's are good.
Stewie, from my take, I know Depakote is a beast on labs, an absolute beast as well as antipsychotics such as Seroquel, and trileptol.... Push fluids, get the probiotis with enzymes, that's trypsin, I spelled it wrong up top... certain BP meds can cause it also, particularly ACE inhibitors. All I can say at this point as well as getting a glucose tolerance test or an HA1C... If your labs don't drop in a couple to weeks to 30 days or if they rise more than that on a follow up, the doc will probably ask you if you have felt any shortness of breath, chest pain or arrhythmic activity of any sort that you could tell. EKG may be ordered and he will give you sodium Kayexalate, this brings down K+......

Now, the last part of this I wrote just in case it is more to it than you just consuming too much..... AAS can cause K+ to rise but not very high and not often, and I am pretty sure your not experiencing and addisons/ addisonian crisis because you would know it....

But your Kidneys are working great, so not renal failure which would be the all out encompassing diagnosis for retained K+, but it would still be higher than your indicated.

Just follow up with your MD, so He can determine if there are any other significant changes.... Anything else we need to do bro? The more info the better.... I believe it is Depakote myself, but as long as it isn't sky high from a disease process or a poly-pharmacy (lots of medications), it isn't panic time, but I believe that High K+ with no changes over time requires and EKG to ensure your heart goes back to its resting phase properly as it fires electronically..... High K+ or low K+ can cause unstable and high excitability of the Heart, we don't want that.

If you review his lab's (3 in total in this thread) his K+ was only elevated one time, even then it was one tenth above at 5.3. The other lab's have been fine with his K+. As was pointed out in the beginning of this thread there's a load of causes that influence K+ , as aforementioned this could be related to either the procedure of the draw ie; fist clinching, to tight of the touniquet, collection tube sat too long before analysis as well as the ACE inhibitor.

Not sure if you read the whole thread, as it seems you are stuck on one assay? No sarcasm, not sure if you read the whole thing?

It's what nurses do :) should say nursing student.
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Sorry guys havent been on in a while. So I got some more labs done. I was able to get my liver down but the liver is weird. On 2/3 my ast was 42 and my alt was 70. thats the best my #'s have been in a long time. Then literally 8days later I had a diff blood test done and added liver to it and ast was 83 and alt was 81. Nothing in my routine changed so who knows. LDH was 226 on this test as well range 0-225 and in the past LDH has always been 196 even when I had worse ast and alt levels. Doc doesnt seem concerned about liver at all though since GGT and Bilirubin have always been good.

As for hemo and other stuff I ended up giving blood again after I got my iron levels back up to normal but only gave it one time and a month later got my bloodwork. RBC is still high at 5.99 but the month before it was 6.18 so a slight improvement. hemo was actually in range this time at 17.7 where the last time was 18.1. Hematocrit was still high at 52.2 but improved from last time at 53.2 and RDW is still high at 16.4 but improved from last time at 17.5.

So looks like as long as just do one phlebotomy per month I should be able to maintain healthy values without iron getting too low. After this last phlebotomy iron serum was good(127 range 40-15X) a month later. I am going in this week for an overnight sleep study to get a more accurate result if my mouth device is working properly to eliminate if its apena related or not.

Also something else that may be the cause of my elevated blood is B12. I had a b12 test done last time and the levels were very high. I take 1000mcg b12 inject a few times per week as I always thought I may have been deficent but quite the opposite. The range for B12is 211-946 and my result was >1999 so who knows how high it was. I also didnt take any b12 for a few days before the test so looks like i dont need any b12 inject. maybe that had something to do with my high hemo and rbc's.
Hello bigone :)

Let's see if we can make some sense of a few possibilites that may be correlated to your elevated B12. Outside of supplemental B12. We touched on B12 earlier in this thread in post#14.  

Quote in my post:
This can happen as a result of insufficient stomach acid, lack of intrinsic factor, which is a hormone needed to absorb vitamin b12, although supplementing with b12 will also raise your RBC's, therefore raising your hemoglobin. Again, this is not what you're after. Unless you are b12deficient. 

I didn't see where we talked about supplemental (injectable B12), it was noted you was supplementing with enough in your multi and food sources. So, yes injectable Cyanocobalamin (B12) will raise your hemoglobin levels.

If by chance that your B12 levels are still elevated on your next set of labs. Considering the following and discuss with your primary care physician.

Let's take a look at a few other things that will cause a elevated B12. One being uncontrolled sleep apnea, therefore a cause of polycythemia. The rise of B12 is due in part of increased transcobalamin-III, in which is
a binding protein found in white blood cells. Which would result in unbound circulating cobalamin (B12), thus an elevated serum B12. This is something I briefly touched on about on with the "Intrinsic Factor".

And liver impairment will cause decreased cobalamin (B12) clearance in the liver. This is more of a concern in those with cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, different forms of leukemia as well as several other diseases. I would suspect that in your case, now that you have stopped taking injectable B12. This would be observed as a transient response from the Depakote. Which may cause a insignificant rise of your B12.

Your elevated RDW I would suspect that it's from the uncontrolled sleep apnea. As mentioned in post #39. Although, this is something that your primary care physician should make a diagnosis on.

Good to see that you are doing another sleep study :)
Well it looks like I FINALLY found the problem. Stewie was right all along. Turns out I had SEVERE sleep apnea. The mouthpiece I had worked for my apnea back in 2009 b/c I had a sleep study done and went from 60+ episodes to only 5 so I just figured it would always work. So recently from going through the problems in this thread I had a take home sleep study done and it showed I was fine yet I couldnt figure out why my hemo and rdw were high despite going off aas and giving blood. Turns out the take home test was flawed. The lady who was doing them made a computer error and it showed I was fine b/c I went to an actual overnight study again and it showed even with my mouthpiece I not only had 70episodes but I had 65% oxygen drop. I immediately went on a CPAP the next week. Its not that bad.I was expecting to wake up and feel fresh all day long with energy like when I was 17 but thats not the case lol I pretty much still feel the same except now when I wake up in the morning im not tired to get out of bed. I could wake up after only like 6hrs of sleep and feel ready to get up. Took about a week to get used to and I was retested with no apnea. I dont even snore anymore. So I figured i'd get bloodwork done. Now keep in mind i've only been using the cpap for a month but havent donated blood in over 6weeks. Normally all my levels would still be high but now hemoglobin is 17.3 Hematocrit is 49 and rdw is only 14.6. That is with me being on 40mg var and 275mg test and im due for my 8week phlebotomy next week which will bring #'s down even more. So to celebrate I added 50mg TrenAce EOD ;)
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Hi bigone.
Glad to see you had this further investigated. :) Sadly enough, a lot of times physician's overlook slightly elevated markers on a set of labs, and write them off as insignificant.
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Thank you Green_Fjord :)
Honestly I'm just another face in the crowd willing to offer a helping hand. For me, helping a total stranger is like helping a family member. I've had help from both, family and strangers.

In the big picture we're a family of strangers here.

Many thanks Stewie for all your troubeshooting advice /help with my mrs issues matey. :)
If you have trouble using CPAP try Provent®.

Its better than nothing and will make a differance.

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy is a disposable, nightly-use nasal device placed just inside the nostrils and held securely in place with hypoallergenic adhesive.

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy uses a proprietary MicroValve design that creates pressure when you exhale to keep your airway open. Provent is small and disposable, making it discreet and very convenient. If you’re looking for an alternative to CPAP, ask your doctor if Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy could help. Provent is:

Easy to Use
FDA Cleared
Clinically Proven
Effective for Mild, Moderate and Severe OSA
Portable and Ideal for Travel
Many thanks Stewie for all your troubeshooting advice /help with my mrs issues matey. :)

You're welcome. Not sure if I've been much help. With finals this week i didn't have time to respond to your email.


As per our email. The foods I mentioned are high in nickel, which can trigger or exacerbate her excama.

If you know someone who might have any nickel plated jewelry; rings, necklace, bracelet. Have her wear it for a half a day or so to see if this triggers her excama.

All these strategies can help isolate causation. If not, move on too a different area of focus.
You're welcome. Not sure if I've been much help. With finals this week i didn't have time to respond to your email.


As per our email. The foods I mentioned are high in nickel, which can trigger or exacerbate her excama.

If you know someone who might have any nickel plated jewelry; rings, necklace, bracelet. Have her wear it for a half a day or so to see if this triggers her excama.

All these strategies can help isolate causation. If not, move on too a different area of focus.
I will do mate. No worries at all about email reply . I know u r super busy . Good luck & All the best with your finals ( not that u need it) :)

She haven't had a increase in flare up or anything . just waiting for 50 mg iron byglycinate and vit c 1 gm combo to kick in . shall I up the dose of iron or leave it at 50 mg. this is all on empty stomach btw

Sent from my ONE E1003 using Tapatalk
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not to hijack the thread or anything.

but ive been having some really nasty brain fog lately.. i can retain new information, and my memory is good, but it's hard as fuck for me to pay attention and focus. i feel kinda disconnected from reality.. like im dreaming while awake.

im also constantly sleepy throughout the day, and wake up feeling like ive been wrestling someone in my sleep...occasionally it seems like ive been holding my breath while sleeping. i also snore like a freight train (im told)

could these be caused by sleep apnea? i have a sleep study in a couple weeks.

additionally, im getting blood work done to check my RBC's and hematocrit levels. ive been using a lot of anadrol and testosterone lately.

im really concerned about the brain fog because im currently studying for exams

what other blood tests should i get? im getting cystatin-C and Lp-pLa2 and CBC with differential
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not to hijack the thread or anything.

but ive been having some really nasty brain fog lately.. i can retain new information, and my memory is good, but it's hard as fuck for me to pay attention and focus. i feel kinda disconnected from reality.. like im dreaming while awake.

im also constantly sleepy throughout the day, and wake up feeling like ive been wrestling someone in my sleep...occasionally it seems like ive been holding my breath while sleeping. i also snore like a freight train (im told)

could these be caused by sleep apnea? i have a sleep study in a couple weeks.

additionally, im getting blood work done to check my RBC's and hematocrit levels. ive been using a lot of anadrol and testosterone lately.

im really concerned about the brain fog because im currently studying for exams

what other blood tests should i get? im getting cystatin-C and Lp-pLa2 and CBC with differential

I am no expert slice but from what I have read and do exp this some symptoms in the past. it does sound like sleep apnea mate at least 2-3 symptoms u describe. if u r not getting restful deep sleep /REM sleep which happens in sleep apnea you are naturally going to feel metal fog , difficulty to concentrate and tired. sleep study is a very good idea

supp wise hefty dose of 5-htp defo helps . and Schiff metatonin ultra which has melatonin , gaba , l - theanine is a good supp. I take these two regularly . look into these 2 . all the best
not to hijack the thread or anything.

but ive been having some really nasty brain fog lately.. i can retain new information, and my memory is good, but it's hard as fuck for me to pay attention and focus. i feel kinda disconnected from reality.. like im dreaming while awake.

im also constantly sleepy throughout the day, and wake up feeling like ive been wrestling someone in my sleep...occasionally it seems like ive been holding my breath while sleeping. i also snore like a freight train (im told)

could these be caused by sleep apnea? i have a sleep study in a couple weeks.

additionally, im getting blood work done to check my RBC's and hematocrit levels. ive been using a lot of anadrol and testosterone lately.

im really concerned about the brain fog because im currently studying for exams

what other blood tests should i get? im getting cystatin-C and Lp-pLa2 and CBC with differential

Brain fog can certainly be from sleep apnea as well as eletrolyte and hormonal imbalances.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) from uncontrolled sleep apnea causes premature axon death. For lack of better definition, axons act as a signal messengers, in this case synaptic vesicles storage. Synapse vesicles store a wide variety of several neurotransmitters as well as estradiol. A major shift in these neurohormones can subsequently cause problems as you've described.

There's other causes of brain fog, such as
gastrointestinal issues. Iron deficiency can cause brain fog and comprehension issues. How many phlebotomies have you had in the last year?

For now, I would definitely recommend you follow through with a sleep study. This may be the cause or related to something else.

Good choice of lab's, especially the cystatin-C and Lp-pLa2.

If you're taking any GH or thyriod hormones this can skew the cystatin-C test. Unlike a creatinine assay, protein intake, hydration status, muscle mass or prior exercise won't throw-off a cystatin-C assay.
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i have never had a phlebotomy :/

FWIW, im definitely a mouth breather.. my nose was broken in a fight when i was 14 and i never got it fixed, so my septum is deviated according to the doctor..

and my adenoids are swollen...whatever that means :/
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i have never had a phlebotomy :/

FWIW, im definitely a mouth breather.. my nose was broken in a fight when i was 14 and i never got it fixed, so my septum is deviated according to the doctor..

and my adenoids are swollen...whatever that means :/

So you still have your tonsils then if you have your adenoids. Usually they're taken out together
That could be a problem also. Consider pulling a complete iron panel.

is that called a cbc with differential or is it literally called a 'complete iron panel'?

yes i still have my tonsils
is that called a cbc with differential or is it literally called a 'complete iron panel'?

yes i still have my tonsils

Tonsils can definitely be related to sleep apnea. A CBC can help be used as a differential diagnosis for different types of anemias or deficiencies but isn't specific. It helps tease out potential problems.

With an iron panel you would check serum iron, TIBC, ferritin, saturation % and transferrin.

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