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What am I dealing with?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 27, 2018
Here is the problem.
Last few years i had a issue with my right knee. However I have notice few things
Every time i eat any sort of grains : rice cous cous , barley oat etc i cant even crouch without pain. Now i am at the stage where i hear loud clikcks in my knee and feel like almost bone goes agains the bone. Wife freaked out one night when it was quiet in a room. She tought we have something under the bed. Year by year it going worse. Now interesting thing- the moment i get rid of those type of carbs and goes on fruits only as carb all the pain is gone. Literally few days and i see huge improvement. I work as a manager in retail so crouching multiple times a day is a normal thing. Does anybody may have an idea what i am dealing with? Some allergic reaction ? Huge inflamation which damage my joint? I would love to hear your input as I need to make some major changes in my nutrition as i cant see it going worse - it is already very bad. Thanks guys.
Hmmm, I'd definitely see a pt just to be sure even an MRI. Not sure about diet and how that affects it
Get an MRI done. But if you notice it's worse after eating something. Don't eat that anymore. You're causing unnecessary inflammation and aggravated areas you feel it more. If you suspect food intolerance as the culprit, try carnivore diet for a month. Then try reintroduce foods slowly to see which effect you.
Get an MRI done. But if you notice it's worse after eating something. Don't eat that anymore. You're causing unnecessary inflammation and aggravated areas you feel it more. If you suspect food intolerance as the culprit, try carnivore diet for a month. Then try reintroduce foods slowly to see which effect you.
It is always the same scenario: moderate to high starchy carbs - issues.
I will ask gp for MRI
Here is the problem.
Last few years i had a issue with my right knee. However I have notice few things
Every time i eat any sort of grains : rice cous cous , barley oat etc i cant even crouch without pain. Now i am at the stage where i hear loud clikcks in my knee and feel like almost bone goes agains the bone. Wife freaked out one night when it was quiet in a room. She tought we have something under the bed. Year by year it going worse. Now interesting thing- the moment i get rid of those type of carbs and goes on fruits only as carb all the pain is gone. Literally few days and i see huge improvement. I work as a manager in retail so crouching multiple times a day is a normal thing. Does anybody may have an idea what i am dealing with? Some allergic reaction ? Huge inflamation which damage my joint? I would love to hear your input as I need to make some major changes in my nutrition as i cant see it going worse - it is already very bad. Thanks guys.
I’m really not trying to tie this back to my Tren thread, but excess histamine can cause this. Much more common to hear this daily from the average person that to use DAO for Tren. 😂

Gluten intolerance can be a culprit as well as others have said.

Both of those are easy fixes. In either case it sounds like you can benefit from dropped starchy carb sources, adding enzymes and adding more omega-3’s.

But as others suggested I would see what’s going on in the joint with imaging.
It is always the same scenario: moderate to high starchy carbs - issues.
I will ask gp for MRI
I do better on keto with fruit personally. I can do starchy food once or twice a week.
I get the bone on bone in both my knees from years of sports, runs, and rucks.
I have chondromalacia in both my knees. I tried cortisone injections but it made it so much worse. That big as needle in between my kneecap…yeah never again.
Those particular carbs are likely causing inflammation that can aggravated arthritis, the clicking sounds like a torn meniscus. MRI would be best and don't continue pushing it hard.

I'm still recovering from a knee surgery with some of the same symptoms and putting it off can cause more damage rapidly.
Here is the problem.
Last few years i had a issue with my right knee. However I have notice few things
Every time i eat any sort of grains : rice cous cous , barley oat etc i cant even crouch without pain. Now i am at the stage where i hear loud clikcks in my knee and feel like almost bone goes agains the bone. Wife freaked out one night when it was quiet in a room. She tought we have something under the bed. Year by year it going worse. Now interesting thing- the moment i get rid of those type of carbs and goes on fruits only as carb all the pain is gone. Literally few days and i see huge improvement. I work as a manager in retail so crouching multiple times a day is a normal thing. Does anybody may have an idea what i am dealing with? Some allergic reaction ? Huge inflamation which damage my joint? I would love to hear your input as I need to make some major changes in my nutrition as i cant see it going worse - it is already very bad. Thanks guys.
This really got me thinking. I've done high protein, moderate fat and really low carb except for some post workout and some cheats for quite awhile. Like 2 weeks ago i went back to high protein and higher carbs with really low fats. I've been feeling like I've been run over by a truck here in the last couple weeks with my joints. Even my heels hurt when i walk. gonna switch back and see what happens
Thank you for response guys , also one thing is really makes me thinking- i am dealing with elbow injury since december. It is nearly 6 months- very long time….I wonder if my diet did not delayed this recovery. I am very suspicious as I never had ANY injury lasting THAT long.
This really got me thinking. I've done high protein, moderate fat and really low carb except for some post workout and some cheats for quite awhile. Like 2 weeks ago i went back to high protein and higher carbs with really low fats. I've been feeling like I've been run over by a truck here in the last couple weeks with my joints. Even my heels hurt when i walk. gonna switch back and see what happens
How do you guys manage to eat ‘high’ fat? Wtf are you eating then.
How do you guys manage to eat ‘high’ fat? Wtf are you eating then.
Well I never said “high” fat but you’ve never heard of carnivore or keto? I don’t do actual keto diet because it is high fat.
When I’m not eating a lot of carbs I still eat mostly lean meat but add in avocado, almonds or other healthy fats.
Here is the problem.
Last few years i had a issue with my right knee. However I have notice few things
Every time i eat any sort of grains : rice cous cous , barley oat etc i cant even crouch without pain. Now i am at the stage where i hear loud clikcks in my knee and feel like almost bone goes agains the bone. Wife freaked out one night when it was quiet in a room. She tought we have something under the bed. Year by year it going worse. Now interesting thing- the moment i get rid of those type of carbs and goes on fruits only as carb all the pain is gone. Literally few days and i see huge improvement. I work as a manager in retail so crouching multiple times a day is a normal thing. Does anybody may have an idea what i am dealing with? Some allergic reaction ? Huge inflamation which damage my joint? I would love to hear your input as I need to make some major changes in my nutrition as i cant see it going worse - it is already very bad. Thanks guys.
I have similar issues. I think it is related to inflammation from some part of the grains. Mine is more limited that your, mostly to wheat and barley. Cut those out and I am much better. Currently recovering from a stint with really tasty Italian home cooking. i have a good amount of osteoarthritis from all this lifting and sports. Right knee is bone on bone. Back is pretty worn. So I feel you brother. Best thing to do is eliminate all the foods that aggravate the issue. At least you have noticed some of the problematic ones.
An ex girlfriend of mine would get very achy/inflamed joints after eating certain carb foods. Breads, pasta, etc
How do you guys manage to eat ‘high’ fat? Wtf are you eating then.

I mean think of it this way...I usually eat a 10-14 ounce new york strip or ribeye everyday so right there it is 50-80 grams of fat depending on which steak and the size I get. A lot of days I'll have a nice 16 ouncer so with no other fat that puts me at 80+ grams, plus I usually eat an avocado a day, sardines and/or salmon, etc.
If i eat very much wheat for a few days i get more achy. Wheat has been shown to cause more inflammation in the body. I eat it only when i feel the food is worth it. My weight will go up at least a pound or 2 from eating wheat, so i know it causes more water retention as well. Many foods can cause inflammation. You knee sounds like my shoulder. I know mine is pretty arthritic. I am seeing an ortho this week to get a diagnosis. Sounds like you migh tneed to do the same.
Interesting thread.. I feel same sides in high starchy carb days...beginning to reduce these days for better quality of life

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