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What am I dealing with?

Well I never said “high” fat but you’ve never heard of carnivore or keto? I don’t do actual keto diet because it is high fat.
When I’m not eating a lot of carbs I still eat mostly lean meat but add in avocado, almonds or other healthy fats.
Keto is not "high fat". A P.S.M.F. is a keto diet as you are forcing your liver to produce ketones to fuel your body. A keto diet is a diet low enough in carbs to make your liver produce ketones enough to give you a blood ketone level of 0.5 - 3 millimoles.
I mean think of it this way...I usually eat a 10-14 ounce new york strip or ribeye everyday so right there it is 50-80 grams of fat depending on which steak and the size I get. A lot of days I'll have a nice 16 ouncer so with no other fat that puts me at 80+ grams, plus I usually eat an avocado a day, sardines and/or salmon, etc.

Damn, I used to buy 1/2 cows, but beef in Canada (Alberta) has increased almost 40% over the last 3 years.

It is almost cost prohibitive now, and I make decent coin.
Keto is not "high fat". A P.S.M.F. is a keto diet as you are forcing your liver to produce ketones to fuel your body. A keto diet is a diet low enough in carbs to make your liver produce ketones enough to give you a blood ketone level of 0.5 - 3 millimoles.
I agree there’s different “takes” on it but this is what I’ve seen with regards to the actual keto diet and what I see a lot of people who don’t even bother to work out use. So to me I consider 70-80% of calories from fat high.
Definitely not what I’d do

I agree there’s different “takes” on it but this is what I’ve seen with regards to the actual keto diet and what I see a lot of people who don’t even bother to work out use. So to me I consider 70-80% of calories from fat high.
Definitely not what I’d do

View attachment 199182
The definition of nutritional ketosis is having a blood ketone level of 0.5 to 3 millimoles.

That's all there is to it ^^^ this can be accomished with high fat, medium fat, or zero fat, it all has to do with carbohydrate intake. When the body doesn't have enough glucose to meet energy demands the liver will produce ketones, when it gets to the above level range that I listed then you are in nutritional ketosis thus a ketogenic diet.
The whole fat person/soccer mom high fat keto diet is to help them to transition easier into a ketogenic state, we bodybuilders don't need the easy route and can keep fat to a minimum while restricting carbohydrates and achieve ketosis.
Here is the problem.
Last few years i had a issue with my right knee. However I have notice few things
Every time i eat any sort of grains : rice cous cous , barley oat etc i cant even crouch without pain. Now i am at the stage where i hear loud clikcks in my knee and feel like almost bone goes agains the bone. Wife freaked out one night when it was quiet in a room. She tought we have something under the bed. Year by year it going worse. Now interesting thing- the moment i get rid of those type of carbs and goes on fruits only as carb all the pain is gone. Literally few days and i see huge improvement. I work as a manager in retail so crouching multiple times a day is a normal thing. Does anybody may have an idea what i am dealing with? Some allergic reaction ? Huge inflamation which damage my joint? I would love to hear your input as I need to make some major changes in my nutrition as i cant see it going worse - it is already very bad. Thanks guys.
Step 1. Go to the Dr.
Love the description!

Never seen the way they do keto with bacon and tons of saturated fats actually result in any appreciable
Weight loss
They don’t actually look into it other then far enough to think it gives them the green light to eat as much fat as they want lol.
They don’t actually look into it other then far enough to think it gives them the green light to eat as much fat as they want lol.
Oh that’s 100% what it is

I finally got a fat friend to try a diet a while ago, he heard keto and got suuuper happy…..until he heard all he was gonna be eating was protein powder and EVOO 🤣

Dropped a ton of weight but didn’t have the willpower to change his regular eating habits, and couldn’t keep going just on shakes so he relapsed. Still in a better spot than when he started tho🤷🏻‍♂️
Oh that’s 100% what it is

I finally got a fat friend to try a diet a while ago, he heard keto and got suuuper happy…..until he heard all he was gonna be eating was protein powder and EVOO 🤣

Dropped a ton of weight but didn’t have the willpower to change his regular eating habits, and couldn’t keep going just on shakes so he relapsed. Still in a better spot than when he started tho🤷🏻‍♂️
Yeah that sounds about right
I agree there’s different “takes” on it but this is what I’ve seen with regards to the actual keto diet and what I see a lot of people who don’t even bother to work out use. So to me I consider 70-80% of calories from fat high.
Definitely not what I’d do

View attachment 199182
Any bodybuilder that does keto would have at least 35%-40% protein. The 80% fat diet was for epilepsy mainly. Lots of old information. Basically drop carbs to force fat to be used as fuel, eat enough protein and use fats for rest of calorie needs.
Any bodybuilder that does keto would have at least 35%-40% protein. The 80% fat diet was for epilepsy mainly. Lots of old information. Basically drop carbs to force fat to be used as fuel, eat enough protein and use fats for rest of calorie needs.
Absolutely on the protein, I never said differently. But there’s a lot of keto diets out there that are like 70% fat and plenty of people that aren’t epileptic fall for it.
Thank you for response guys , also one thing is really makes me thinking- i am dealing with elbow injury since december. It is nearly 6 months- very long time….I wonder if my diet did not delayed this recovery. I am very suspicious as I never had ANY injury lasting THAT long.
How old are you?
The clicking in your knee is probably from patellar tendonitis or a torn meniscus. I’ve experienced both. The overall inflammation from tren always made my joints/tendons hurt more. Whereas deca gave me pain relief. I do believe diet plays a role in inflammation as well, but I think your problem is age related and caused by wear and tear. Just wait until you hit 60 years of age like me. My pain literally moves around throughout the day..lol.. You need to get an MRI on the knee to find out what’s actually causing the pain.
You likely have patellar arthritis. That only gets worse but inflammation associated can wax and wain. Anything you eat is either pro inflammatory or anti inflammatory. Not exactly sure how grain effects inflammation but sounds like it effects you. Look into anti inflammatory diets.
Interesting topic. Most strains of kratom will cause crazy inflammation in my right knee. Just a couple days use too. No kratom, no problem. But it definitely ramps up inflammation in me. Particular to that knee,
Update : almost 80-90% reduction of pain in elbow which bothered me from the end of December. All carbs from fruits plus sweet potatoes after workouts. It looks like that starches delayed recovery in my case.

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