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How many mg's of test do you usually run?

How many mg's of test do you typically run for growing?

  • 250-500mg

    Votes: 541 30.4%
  • 500mg-1000mg

    Votes: 919 51.6%
  • 1000mg-1500mg

    Votes: 218 12.2%
  • 1500mg-2000mg

    Votes: 45 2.5%
  • 2000mg-3000mg

    Votes: 32 1.8%
  • 3000mg and above

    Votes: 25 1.4%

  • Total voters
Out of 10 or more cycles.

Highest:1.2g(cycle number 7 i think)
Lowest:250mg(keep in mind this was my mg for the first 3 cycles)

Now i stick to 800-1000mg along
Cruise at just 250-300

I think 3g is high for test.
I think min is 250mg
running 700 right now cant wait to add the tren a as of tommorrow!:headbang:
Yes, it will.

I was never going to argue that Proviron is of NO USE at all. Just that it doesnt necessarily mean - more gains.

How much will Proviron increase Free T, by reducing SHBG? I have no idea. I think thats overanalyzing and thinking there is a problem, when the data clearly states there isnt one.

Proviron will bind to SHBG, but your just adding to something thats already going to happen (decreased level of SHBG). I'm not sure if that worth it.

Free T get's so high on exogenous T, SHBG becomes of little concern again. Its not just that SHBG is reduced.

AI's will also lower SHBG again.

My opinion is, yes you can lower SHBG further, but I dont think it is applicable to those that do not suffer from elevated SHBG (most user's). It seems a waste to me.

Unless you get the other effects Proviron gives (strength, hardness, labido etc...) I pretty much a waste IMHO.

I agree. I have used proviron, and masteron during cycle and I cant really say it did anything.
I think sometimes people do overthink some of this stuff. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. When really, keeping to the right diet and training program for desired needs is what is more important.
I rin 600mg to 800mg each week with great results. Only problem with doing more is , I get too aggressive with other human beings.
I have ran up to 1200 of test e before a pling meet, and kicked in test prop the last 2 weeks at 100mgs eod and 100mgs of test susp the last 10 days. Do I recommend I do it again...Probably not.
I have ran up to 1.5 G a week before and loved it with min side effects.The more i ran the bigger and stronger i got.I was up to about 380 at 14%bf on Test E and others.Now i am down to 315 or so and been using Test prop.I prefer test e but only if bulking.
last cycle 1000 mg hg test e but in the future ill only use 500 mg max with anabolics cause im trying to keep my hair...
Wow, 250-500mg WTF!!!!!!

Giving PM a bad name....

Pussies :eek:

I myself am a Marine veteran. Hopefully your joking or just a little on the aggressive side...

Some of us don't need grams upon grams to grow. 500 is all the higher I would ever need to go theoretically speaking, of course.

I respond well to the big "T". Not everyone does respond the same way. Throwing more and more compounds in is crazy.

I see guys on here with years of training and doing high dose cycles that weigh almost 75 pounds less than me and lift half the weight I do. I am not bragging I'm just saying we are all different genetically. If I respond at a smaller dose I don't consider myself a "pussy", in fact, it keeps me from having more estrogen than someone with that bodypart.

It's not about how much, how many, etc. It's about what works for you! Doesn't make you less of a man to run less, just means maybe your body responds much better and maybe you have more androgen receptor sites.
in the past i have gone as high as 1G/wk, but looking back i don't remember it ever giving me results that were worth the sides.

i now keep it at 500/wk and run a moderate androgen or a pure anabolic compound. i will also add an oral from time to time.

proviron i will never go without; it's great just as a sex drug IMO.

there is definitely a risk vs reward factor, and i like my prostate at it's current size. i also like to SLEEP, so i set my "get up to piss" limit at 1 per night :D

oh yeah and it's cheaper this way
I myself am a Marine veteran. Hopefully your joking or just a little on the aggressive side...

Some of us don't need grams upon grams to grow. 500 is all the higher I would ever need to go theoretically speaking, of course.

I respond well to the big "T". Not everyone does respond the same way. Throwing more and more compounds in is crazy.

I see guys on here with years of training and doing high dose cycles that weigh almost 75 pounds less than me and lift half the weight I do. I am not bragging I'm just saying we are all different genetically. If I respond at a smaller dose I don't consider myself a "pussy", in fact, it keeps me from having more estrogen than someone with that bodypart.

It's not about how much, how many, etc. It's about what works for you! Doesn't make you less of a man to run less, just means maybe your body responds much better and maybe you have more androgen receptor sites.

Well said Emery!
Not to nitpick but there is no such thing as a pure anabolic


what have i been thinking all this time???!!!111

of course you are right.

i should have said- i run test/deca in the cold months and test/primo in the warm ones. either way, test never goes above 500
Last edited:

what have i been thinking all this time???!!!111

of course you are right.

i should have said- i run test/deca in the cold months and test/primo in the warm ones. either way, test never goes above 500

I actually had no clue which compounds u I do...I probably could have worded it differently...
Usually no more than 200-250mg/wk test e and when running tren I will run half that amount of test.
in the past i have gone as high as 1G/wk, but looking back i don't remember it ever giving me results that were worth the sides.

i now keep it at 500/wk and run a moderate androgen or a pure anabolic compound. i will also add an oral from time to time.

proviron i will never go without; it's great just as a sex drug IMO.

there is definitely a risk vs reward factor, and i like my prostate at it's current size. i also like to SLEEP, so i set my "get up to piss" limit at 1 per night :D

oh yeah and it's cheaper this way

LOL!!!!!! so true "get up to piss limit" 1 per...
I'm still pretty new to the AAS game so I'm on my second cycle (blast actually) of 525mg test prop. I don't plan on raising it for a while. I'd rather try other compounds first to go with that dose
750mg is my highest with test-e. It was the strongest Ive been but I looked like watery fat shit and my blood pressure was way too high. Plus my body seems super estrogen sensitive lol, especially with test and dbol in the mix. Around 500mg I feel alot better and dont really hold any water or have much of a gyno problem even without anti-e's.

Seem to look and feel much better with adding something like tren or deca, although it destroys my sex drive. Im not really worried about the size game anymore though. So Im fairly happy with the "low" doses results.

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