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  1. T

    Test and eq and primo

    Hello guys I been running test and primo everything been running great I recently added eq and not going to lie I felt my sex drive got destroyed is that common ? Keep in mind I didn’t take any AI or I’m supposed to run AI because of eq ?
  2. G

    EQ Aromatization

    I keep seeing “EQ is an aromatase inhibitor” around every single AAS forum. Now to my understanding EQ converts to Estrone (E1). When you Combine Testosterone and EQ the E2 levels can drop because both compounds are competing for the aromatase enzyme. Now if someone was to use EQ only...
  3. AnfG

    Back Pumps - Sus/EQ

    Hi All, ok so I’m doing suss and eq atm 500 of each per week. Been getting stiff pain in the lower back and when I wake up the side I’m on it aches around the waste lines. Tbh I thought it might have been kidney pain. Came to the realization that it’s probably back pumps. Did some searching...
  4. Fitness 500

    Did you ever get Test flu from EQ?

    This is my first seriously long run with EQ and I'm at week 14 at 600mg/wk. Every time I open a new vial and pin that same day I come down with bad flu like symptoms that last for a few days. It's not as bad as any Test flu that I've had in the past but this last pin had me in bed for the past...
  5. Fitness 500

    Will mixing Tren A with Test C slow the absorption of the Tren A ?

    I'm currently running Test C and EQ and last week I added Tren A to the mix pinning 1ml/EOD of each in the same syringe. I've run Tren A before but never mixed in the same syringe with 2 longs esters. I've also noticed that I'm not getting any Tren sides except for heartburn and acid reflux. I...
  6. Fitness 500

    Your thoughts and experienced on Test E + Deca + EQ

    I've been running Test E at 900mg/wk and Deca at 600mg/wk for the past 2 weeks and I decided to add EQ at 600mg/wk. I've ran Test and Deca many times but I've never ran EQ. I decided to add it to my bulking cycle because I hear it increases your appetite and it makes you look vascular. I've...
  7. D

    This is my 2nd cycle...any advice or opions on this stack?

    36 years old 5'11" 210 lbs 15% BF wk 1-4 dbol 50 mg ED Wk 1-15 test E 600 mg/wk (two pins a week) Wk 1-14 EQ 400 mg/wk Wk 2-17 HCG 500 EOD Wk 1-21 Aromasin or Arimidex? (Which for how long and at what dose?)wk 17-21 nolva -- 40/40/20/20 wk 17-21 clomid -- 100/100/50/50 My diet is fairly...
  8. A

    Test + Eq, question about frontload and AI

    Hello all and thanks in advance for helping me:) I'm planning to start my second cycle, FIRST cycle was Test/Dbol: 1 – 10: 500mg test enthanate/E3D 1 – 4: 20mg Dianabol 1 – 12: 0.25mg arimdex ED PCT 13 – 100mg clomid/40 mg novla 14 –50mg clomid/ 20 mg novla 15 – 50mg clomid/20 mg novla...
  9. S

    EQ + winny?

    I have used both anavar and winstrol, typically keeping the dose of both to 10-15mg/day. I love the results, however I want to add more size. I was advised that EQ gives great gains and many other females have been pleased with their results. Anyone use EQ and winstrol together? Good/bad...
  10. Fitness 500

    Test + Tren + Eq + Mast - Any experience with this combination?

    I'm thinking of doing a cycle consisting of Week 1 - 16 Test Enanthate - 750mg weekly Week 1 - 10 Tren Enanthate - 200mg weekly Week 8 - 14 Mast Enanthate - 400mg weekly Week 1 - 14 Equipoise - 300mg weekly I haven't done all 4 together at the same time, but it sounds like a great stack...
  11. B

    Need advice on 2nd Cycle

    I am 6'1, 220lbs, 10% bf, and planning an upcoming cycle. I have test prop, EQ and nolvadex. Goal is to cut this time. Previous cycle was to add mass. All gear is on hand. Considering getting some HCG, as well. Not sure about the doses or how long to run each. Really seems like the doses...

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