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Your thoughts and experienced on Test E + Deca + EQ

Fitness 500

Sep 8, 2009
I've been running Test E at 900mg/wk and Deca at 600mg/wk for the past 2 weeks and I decided to add EQ at 600mg/wk.

I've ran Test and Deca many times but I've never ran EQ. I decided to add it to my bulking cycle because I hear it increases your appetite and it makes you look vascular. I've hear that it can mess with your anxiety but I have no idea what this mean as I have never suffered from anxiety nor do I even know what to look for.

Does anyone have any experience running Test, Deca, and EQ together? and what were your results.

What is anxiety? and what do I need to look out for? and is it possible that those who suffer from anxiety are predisposed?
anxiety for me is an uneasy feeling in your stomach. like somethinng bads gonna happen, almost like being nervous but u dont know why

i ran these before and looked good on them but i ran test prop and did higher eq than deca. ive heard if u want good results from eq u need at least 6 or 700 a week and i can tell u it is not strong compared to deca. so try it at that dosage and slowly increase to about a gram/week.

id run this again but i need to cut more than bulk right now
there's a bigger concern the anxiety. EQ - raises your RBC much more then test and deca.. high rbc's thick blood clot stroke thanks for coming as sitting druling in a chair after your stroke.... fuck EQ not worth it bro and the other is DNP straight poison!
Love it. Does me great. 250 test e 300 deca 600 eq. Good body recomp. Sex drive is great never had any problems though. Love the joint relief from the deca also.

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Hey Bro...

I've been running Test E at 900mg/wk and Deca at 600mg/wk for the past 2 weeks and I decided to add EQ at 600mg/wk.

I've ran Test and Deca many times but I've never ran EQ. I decided to add it to my bulking cycle because I hear it increases your appetite and it makes you look vascular. I've hear that it can mess with your anxiety but I have no idea what this mean as I have never suffered from anxiety nor do I even know what to look for.

Does anyone have any experience running Test, Deca, and EQ together? and what were your results.

What is anxiety? and what do I need to look out for? and is it possible that those who suffer from anxiety are predisposed?
if you dont suffer from or have never had anxiety to the point that you dont even know how it feels then you'll probly be ok, it does increase app and vascularity pretty well.. only one way to find out if you like it and your doing it now :headbang:
there's a bigger concern the anxiety. EQ - raises your RBC much more then test and deca.. high rbc's thick blood clot stroke thanks for coming as sitting druling in a chair after your stroke.... fuck EQ not worth it bro and the other is DNP straight poison!

You do realize there have been plenty of people that have gotten bloodwork while on EQ and did not have elevated RBC whatsoever. Various doses, various people, various time on.

Thats not to say it isnt possible but its going to be person dependent and I would venture to say that someone is more likely to make a post online about how EQ raised their RBC, not many people will bother to make a post saying " hey guys im all good my cycle is going great! ".

We post when we have problems and need help, for the most part. So your more likely to hear about EQ causing RBC issues then not because for the 90% ( number out of my ass ) people that EQ does not raise RBC to a dangerous level, they arent going to be bothered to make a thread and let you know.

EQ gives me an action figure look, makes my muscles pop in a way no other steroid does. Plastic action figure look to the muscle. Vascularity def increase, appetite up considerably.
I ran quite a few cycles of that combo and it was better for me than running just test and deca, even when the total milligrams was the same. Eventually though I liked EQ so much that I just stopped deca and did test and EQ. Then later on it was test, EQ, and tren. Then came the heart attack, booya!
Actually cut on that cycle.. One of the lowest bf% I've ever achieved. Deca kept me full when the carbs got low but the eq made me so damn hungry by weeks 13/14 that I dropped it and started mast
there's a bigger concern the anxiety. EQ - raises your RBC much more then test and deca.. high rbc's thick blood clot stroke thanks for coming as sitting druling in a chair after your stroke.... fuck EQ not worth it bro and the other is DNP straight poison!

I do plan on donating blood and getting blood work done every 60 days as I intend to run this 20 weeks.

Actually cut on that cycle.. One of the lowest bf% I've ever achieved. Deca kept me full when the carbs got low but the eq made me so damn hungry by weeks 13/14 that I dropped it and started mast

I hear that EQ doesn't start to shine until week 12 or so and it has to be run for a long time. I've done Mast E before and the only thing it did for me was make it hard for me to piss, drove my libido through the roof, and I couldn't last more than 10 minutes in bed.
You'll start to see the vascularity and such sooner than that.. Around week 8.. But ya the longer the better.. I guess that's why around 13 the hunger really kicked in from it... I actually run most of my cycles with mast. Didn't really like e but around 400 to 600 a week of mast p just overall has improved my blast.. Libido, water, what have you I feel and see the difference.. And I have all my hair ;-)
That was one of my go to cycles back in the day. It's a great cycle. ] don't get anxiety from eq. Moderate dose halo(30mg/day) and high dose tren(700mg wk) together are the worst I've had for anxiety, but fuck it! The body and mind will adapt if you don't obsess over things.
I dno

let us know how it works out, everyones different; trial and error

I wouldn't run them together but i'm interested to hear about your results.
I don't get elevated RBC on EQ. My blood pressure is fine as well. Around 115/65 with baby aspirin and hawthorn extract daily.

EQ is pretty lackluster if you expect much out of it other than some vascularity, endurance and hunger. It's anabolism is greatly overshadowed by test/deca and it's so mild, you kinda feel like it's doing nothing.

I've ran it as high as 2g and it really isn't all that great, or I just had expectations way too high (probably this). If I were taking it easy and just looking for slow steady LBM gains, I'd probably just use high eq and low test and be fine with it.
I've ran it as high as 2g and it really isn't all that great, or I just had expectations way too high (probably this). If I were taking it easy and just looking for slow steady LBM gains, I'd probably just use high eq and low test and be fine with it.

I think running low Test is a joke.

Earlier this year I ran low Test and high Deca and Tren and there were no gains. Yeah I did get a nice recomp but the scale didn't move much. I will always run Test higher from now on.
I wasn't impressed with eq when I ran it. I used it at a decent dose for a fair amount of time and really didn't get a lot out of it - 600-800mg/wk for 14-16 weeks. I would much rather use tren or deca. Eq just isn't my cup of tea.
I don't get elevated RBC on EQ. My blood pressure is fine as well. Around 115/65 with baby aspirin and hawthorn extract daily.

EQ is pretty lackluster if you expect much out of it other than some vascularity, endurance and hunger. It's anabolism is greatly overshadowed by test/deca and it's so mild, you kinda feel like it's doing nothing.

I've ran it as high as 2g and it really isn't all that great, or I just had expectations way too high (probably this). If I were taking it easy and just looking for slow steady LBM gains, I'd probably just use high eq and low test and be fine with it.

Sometimes I wonder about the purity and quality of the EQ these days. Back around 1996 or so I was using an EQ called Maxigan I think it was, it came from South America somewhere and was only 50 mg/ml. The stuff came in a big 50 ml vial. I was taking 3 ccs 3x per week, so that was only 450 mg per week and I was taking only that. No test with it, nothing else. I grew like a weed on it and was seeing results within the 2nd week. Never did get any EQ like that again later on.
I homebrewed the stuff myself from a very reputable powder source on this board and I could definitely see the results of the vascularity and fullness around week 6. I just don't think it's strong enough mg to mg of other compounds to compare.

I mean when you compare things to test, tren and anadrol, most things fall short. I too probably won't go on low test anymore either. Gains and fullness just seem better on higher test.

EQ also seems to make me more absent minded and my libido drops a bit. Never thought it would do that, but it's been very noticeable lately so im hesitant to use it any longer.

I have great response with low sides to drol and tren so eq is gonna fall short every time.
I think running low Test is a joke.

Earlier this year I ran low Test and high Deca and Tren and there were no gains. Yeah I did get a nice recomp but the scale didn't move much. I will always run Test higher from now on.

I feel the same way
I too think eq is pretty worthless and also dangerous. Nandrolone does much greater things to a physique and if you need another anabolic, add tren.
Test should also be dosed generously if trying to add size.

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