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Will mixing Tren A with Test C slow the absorption of the Tren A ?

Fitness 500

Sep 8, 2009
I'm currently running Test C and EQ and last week I added Tren A to the mix pinning 1ml/EOD of each in the same syringe.

I've run Tren A before but never mixed in the same syringe with 2 longs esters. I've also noticed that I'm not getting any Tren sides except for heartburn and acid reflux.

I was curious to know if mixing the short ester with 2 long esters in the same syringe could cause the short ester to take longer to be absorbed?

If I wanted a longer and slower acting Tren I would of added Tren E instead.


if you want to try to postpone your levels on tren ace for a handful of hours then go subQ other wise E or hex is what you need
Unless they are 2 different carrier oils and or the volume of the injection bolus is large ...the half life should be the same...and as mentioned you could change the injection techniques from IM to sub - Q...

in the old days before the long esters of tren...a couple of people had some ideas on how to prolong the ester ....with a different carrier oil...soybean oil I think was one..one of the key components of Nebido other than the testosterone undecanoate ester is the castor oil that helps prolong the 12 week proposed half life of the injection....

In the case of other injectables formulated I would bet that grape seed oil and EO as carriers are quicker release than sesame and cotton seed oils....
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Unless they are 2 different carrier oils and or the volume of the injection bolus is large ...the half life should be the same...and as mentioned you could change the injection techniques from IM to sub - Q...

in the old days before the long esters of tren...a couple of people had some ideas on how to prolong the ester ....with a different carrier oil...soybean oil I think was one..one of the key components of Nebido other than the testosterone undecanoate ester is the castor oil that helps prolong the 12 week proposed half life of the injection....

In the case of other injectables formulated I would bet that grape seed oil and EO as carriers are quicker release than sesame and cotton seed oils....

Interesting. I wonder how much the carrier could possibly effect it?
Hours? Days? I would not think it could be much?

To the OP, I have wondered this also for years.
some will say yes, some will say no...some will say I do not know.

All in all (imo) I just do not think any of the above could matter to much.
I think if you inject 200mg testosterone, your still getting 200mg testosterone.
I think the half life will still be pretty close to what the medical charts say.

if you want to try to postpone your levels on tren ace for a handful of hours then go subQ other wise E or hex is what you need

I guess I didn't explain it right.

I don't want to slow down the rate of release of the Tren A. I'm concerned that the rate of release is being slowed down when mixed with 2 long esters because I'm not getting the same Tren sides as if I would inject 1ml of Tren A EOD just by itself.
I guess I didn't explain it right.

I don't want to slow down the rate of release of the Tren A. I'm concerned that the rate of release is being slowed down when mixed with 2 long esters because I'm not getting the same Tren sides as if I would inject 1ml of Tren A EOD just by itself.

I Know exactly what you mean. We use to also wonder if Injecting
aas and synthol in the same syringe would effect the release of it.
I guess I didn't explain it right.

I don't want to slow down the rate of release of the Tren A. I'm concerned that the rate of release is being slowed down when mixed with 2 long esters because I'm not getting the same Tren sides as if I would inject 1ml of Tren A EOD just by itself.

well I've always presumed tren had more affinity to androgen receptors than test so may take a while for the shorter ester to work it magic since you've already had test running which has been binding to the receptors for a while, so could take an extra week for the ace to take over once the receptor is freed, I mean you only have so many AR so once their bound it not like the tren is going to just come in and boot the test, so the tren is just floating around your system chilling with nothing else to do until they can bind to the freed receptors also I know muscle cells/fibers only themselves have actual test only receptors since test is our nature parent hormone in men but that shouldnt affect the tren effect on the AR which is found all through out the entire body.

lastly same tren as you ran before right? same dose, same source.. I know you say 1ml but that volume has various strengths among volume by sources.. some have 75mg/ml or 100mg/ml all the way up to 150-200mg/ml for the crazy high dosed oils guys are kicking out now like test 400/500 in various sust like blends or test test/deca test/eq blends etc... either the EO or higher BA/BB used... eek no thanks... I'll just push more volume of lower dosed oil for less pip
Putting tren a in a larger volume of oil (1.5 vs .5)can increase transit time but only by a few hours...maybe enough not to get cough and such.
lastly same tren as you ran before right? same dose, same source.. I know you say 1ml but that volume has various strengths among volume by sources.. some have 75mg/ml or 100mg/ml all the way up to 150-200mg/ml for the crazy high dosed oils guys are kicking out now like test 400/500 in various sust like blends or test test/deca test/eq blends etc... either the EO or higher BA/BB used... eek no thanks... I'll just push more volume of lower dosed oil for less pip

This Tren A is from a different sponsor. I'm sure it's g2g from past reviews and It's dosed at 100mg/ml

Putting tren a in a larger volume of oil (1.5 vs .5)can increase transit time but only by a few hours...maybe enough not to get cough and such.

I'm not actually putting Tren in a larger volume of oil. It's 100mg/ml and I'm adding it to 1ml of Test and 1ml of EQ.

So my question is if 1ml of the Test oil is saturated with 300mg of Testosterone E, and another 1ml is saturated with EQ will adding all 3 oils together(same carrier) cause the adding of 1 more ml of Tren A to cause all 3 esters to combine?

No then, the esters wont change any....but a larger depot 1ml vs 3ml will slow the immediate release of some of the hormones...but not enough to do much more than prevent cough.
It shouldn't change at all because for them to effect each other they would have to chemically change some how and both products are already made an in oil. The oils might not even mix and by that I mean one oil could stay on bottom while the other one stays on top.

If you are worried about it you could also do a bit different. Draw back one oil then draw back some air (very little, don't need much) and then draw the second oil back. This should give it an oil, air, oil in the syringe and you would still be safe :)

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